Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What ya gonna do? Wake Up time.

From a Bear's perspective I find it interesting. I got banned over the word "respect" when I used it in the sense of language being the foundation of every culture, and should the two-leggeds choose to re-learn a culture of Peace, then the language of Peace is one of Beauty. I used the word in the context that the power of language can be used to incite violence at the worst, or bring awareness. I used it in the context that when you speak it is an act of creation, and that when misusing this power, since there is the Law of Cause and Effect, there is a responsibility that comes with it. I also used it in the context of "trolls" who are "protected" and in positions of "power" who bully and harass because someone is speaking truth, and they are threatened by it.

So this evening the word "sheeple" was used, in reference to the two leggeds that continue to hold the fabric - of the failed and lethal western civilization's monetary, political, military, environmental culture and worldview together - by continued participation in it without - at the very least-, making efforts to disengage with it. "Sheeple" was also used in reference to people who continue to rely on mainstream TV and news sources, many of which are considered "liberal" at best, and right wing at worst, to inform themselves. And it was brought to our attention, that we would "turn people off" if we used that word, and they would not listen to us, it was "disrespectful". I ask if we are to candy coat the current CRISIS of destructive behavior toward our Mother Earth and All life. I ask if we are to call the dog poo on the side of the road by any other name, than what it is? I ask if we are to tell someone, "oh yeah you're really intelligent" when they are clearly asleep. Is it respecting All Life, the Mother Earth, the water, the air, all living beings, to lie about the destruction that is taking place right in front of your eyes, and there are those that still can not see? Is it really respecting someone to lie to them? I have always found that my best friends and family are ones who will tell me the truth, as painful as it may be for me to hear. I also know that when the word "sheeple" was used it was not with the intent to disrespect because too many people were laughing...and NO ONE was bullying anyone...they were talking, about issues at hand and waking up the masses. And by the way, I have been bullied and harassed.

And every First Nation's camp I have ever been too is full to the brim with jokes and laughter...laughter helps us get through the pain and grief and sorrows...and it is said that, you know when you are loved, when you are teased and joked with...it's an ego thing too, kinda like get over your self importance already, get off of your pity pot, and stand up, take responsibility for your life, relationships and inter-relationship with All Life...we are all in this crazy world together, and there are some bigger issues we need to be focusing our prayers and actions on. 

There are 350 million people in the USA alone. 8.1 % are unemployed, that is 28, 350, 000 people, and you want to tell me that they don;t know what to do with themselves? Well as a Bear I can give you all sorts of jobs, and so can the First Nations and the Occupy movement. Food lines? Start planting food. Join Food not Bombs. Homeless? Start a homeless collective...there are millions of houses and buildings that are second, third and fourth homes standing vacant that are owned by the 1%. Need alternative energy, start a collective, learn how to build it and start transitioning homes. In fact read this: http://www.lewrockwell.com/spl/50-things-to-do-now.html Start bartering your skills. Don't have any, seek out an Elder. And most importantly everybody, and I mean everybody needs to stop paying their "debts", and it has to be an "all together now" event for more than a day, it needs to be for months. Do a Montreal and stop paying student debt. Then replace all the government agencies with organizations who actually ARE educated to protect our food, our health care, our earth. And then learn what your birthrights are.

A culture, a village, a community, a nation is as strong as its "weakest" link. Yet when you think in different terms and gather all the perceived "weak"... because that is what the 1% want you to believe...that you are powerless over your own destiny, your own choices, your own Way of Life, well you have a lot of people all together. Question your thinking, question what you have been taught about the American Dream....question what I say, question everything. Learn how to educate yourself, because we would not be in this predicament if the educational system in the USA didn't become the Ivory Tower of curriculum propaganda supplied by the elite. Learn your history. Learn what Natural Law is. It is Wake up Time.

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