Monday, March 16, 2015

Taos New Mexico War Update ~ March 2015

When are the Americans of Taos going to face the truth?
There has been a war and genocide here since before 
the Treaty of Guadalupe de Hildalgo ~ 523 years of war
and now they are waging war against everyone ~

Who is "they" ~ they is the capitalist, corporate, industrialized, military system that has been destroying Mother Earth for generations ~ 
with a total dis-regard for how to live in harmony with earth....
and is causing pollution and destruction ~
isn't that why you all came here? 
to get out of the rat-race? get back to the land?
yet you fail to see that the beautiful life you now have is based on
the land and water acquired by 
the very system that you moved away from ~

Sure in 2014 the Mayor signed the
agreement with Reverend Yamato 
designating Taos a Peace Zone ~ 
a Peace for who ? we can not have peace when there is a war
to take over land, water and air 
we can not live without Mother Earth 
even our children know this ~ 
it's not rocket science ~
and some of our children commit 
suicide because of this
system of destruction 

without a healthy Earth, there is no life ~
All the lands of Taos Valley are Sacred ~ 
always were and always will be ~

there is a war here against Mother Earth and the People ~
and everyone is supposed to be to polite and well behaved ~
we're not to say it is what it is ~
for fear of retaliation and ostracization ~ 
on and off the illusionary borders of the reservation ~
cuz indians as they call us live all over Turtle Island
an this Sacred beautiful Taos Valley 
this is our home, Mother Earth is our home ~
this we have not forgotten ~

it's a paper war, fought in their courts and agencies
rigged with their judges and employees ~
who only want to listen to their out dated models of
science and economics ~

it's called a water war, based on old agreements
on an ecosystem that no longer exists ~ 
we're in a drought and everybody knows this ~
the aquifer is not replenishing at 24 afy ~
but they want to take 554 afy
what kind of "leaders" make decisions like this ?

it's an immanent domain war, that just takes over

it's a mining airspace war ~ no different than mining uranium, 

there are no boarders on air ~ poisoning air, poisons land and water
and that noise and fuel pollution will effect Blue Lake 
birth place waters of the People ~

this has been proven by modern science too ~
what you do to our Earth Water Mother you do to yourself
we are made of her, and she is us ~

why do they knowingly put families and children 
in the path of harm?
because we let them, we believe that 
if we just focus on the solutions and stay positive 
that everything will be ok ~ 
yet the system is rigged so they can control, limit and silence
the voices and knowledge of the People ~ 
cuz they want to take and take and take
without responsibility to Mother Earth and all living beings ~

so we sing dance and pray and pray and pray
staying true to our ancestral life ways ~
that peace with Mother Earth will come today
cuz our Ancestors told us, 
this is what our Ancestors told us, 
Mother Earth is going to change, 
do you remember the ancestral knowledge they gave us?
are you going to re-member who Mother Earth is ? ~
are you a human being ? that can think and feel rationally?
to make healthy decisions for all of our children
and the next seven generations?

we don't have to look at the truth about what is happening ~
don't want to have to look at what is happening to the
"village that raises our children"
there are no illusionary borders on this war ~
it is time to change ~ the progress as usual game ~
and this won't happen ~ unless we stop participating
and allowing ourselves to give power to 
their illusionary authority, that has dictated by
lawyers, guns and money ~

The truth is ~
Mother Earth will have the final say ~
and when all is destroyed ~ you can't eat money ~

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