Friday, December 18, 2015

What's Love Got to Do With It? Predator Prey Dynamics

El Ojo de la Galaxia found on

daughters, granddaughters ~ look within your self
love and be honest with yourself
receive what you need, and leave the rest

Sting ~ If you love sombody - Set them free 

Long ago, a man showed up at Ceremony and asked the Elder, why he would teach and mentor "that woman" saying that he knew she used to drink, and she is "damaged goods". The Elder replied:
"She is woman, she is lifegiver of the future generations, who better to teach than one who has been to hell, and beyond the realm of heaven."  

One of the safe places family and village need is in ceremony, because this is the space we have created for healing. Another place is within our hearts and minds. 
Yet over the years, and due to the impact and trauma from the boarding school era, that brought with it the ideologies of seeing and behaving through the worldview of the colonial patriarchal religious lens, more and more abuse was internalized by everyone in the earth village.

Men became aggressive, fearful, and both verbally and physically violent in and out of ceremony toward the women and children. As time went on, the women were not being supported by the men, and struggled to feed and care for their children. The women who went along with the violent control and dominance were given better clothes, more food, and "status" as long as they turned a blind eye to what was happening.

One year a woman left her Tipi to go to the community ceremonial camp kitchen to cook the village stew for dinner. She walked down the trail gathering twigs and branches for starting the cooking fire. It was a beautiful warm day. One of the men, saw her and followed slowly behind her. He wasn't thinking about helping her in the kitchen, nor had brought any food to contribute. The woman came to the kitchen, placed the fire starting twigs and branches next to fire pit and began to chop the wood rounds from the wood pile.

The man comes to the kitchen, she greeted him with a good afternoon greeting and the man began to berate her. Over and over he bullied and abused her, until she began to cry out for him to leave the kitchen, and reminded him that disrespect around the food, can make the whole village sick.
He didn't leave with out a last and final comment of disgust toward her.

The woman went to her bag and got her medicines to smudge and pray and sing throughout the kitchen, and then prepared and cooked the evening stew for the whole village. She was also mindful to add prayer and a bit of another medicine to the stew, for bringing protection, good health, and stamina to the people for both the coming days of work to ready for the ceremonial dance and the dance. After everyone had eaten, and the kitchen cleaned up, the woman went back to the Tipi where her Grandmother and other sisters were in good cheer.

She began to cry. Unci said, "what troubles you granddaughter? what has happened to bring pain to your heart?, please share what troubles you with me and your sisters."

The woman told Unci what had happened. They all prayed about what to do. 
Unci decided she would go to talk to the Chief and tell him that there is a predator in the village camp, and for the men to take care of the man appropriately.

The Chief told Unci that it was not his problem, rather it was the women side's problem and if they didn't like what happened, that they would just have to walk around camp in pairs to watch after each other. Unci went back to her tipi and told her daughters what the Chief had said, and then called the rest of the camp women to Unci's Tipi for council.

The women did do everything in pairs. Long ago, all tasks were learned in pairs and this was a good thing to remember why youngers were taught and learned in pairs. But this is another story about why youngers learn in pairs....

However, the women doing everything in pairs did not change the predator's behavior. 
The predator became more emboldened, and abused his brothers in ceremony, abused his wife, and others. This went on for a few years even after Unci had talked with the Chief about the predator's behavior and what happened to the woman during ceremonial days. Finally the woman decided to talk to her brothers about what had happened. 

Her brother, the Chief's right hand man, told her it was her problem. 
She went to another brother, a little further down the pecking order, and he said, "yes, i understand.  The predator has been abusive, arrogant and disrespectful to some of the men as well, sorry to hear about what happened. If he goes out after my woman and children or my sister, or if i see him do anything to you, i'll take care of him."

This gave little hope to the woman, because machismo does nothing but enrage a predator's thinking that the predator is justified in fighting might with might. 

 ... so, in hearing that the eldest of the grandfathers and the Chief were
meeting, she asks to have some time to visit with them. 
The woman gets word back, that the Tunkasila and Chief would be happy to have a visit.

The woman goes to visit the eldest Tunkasila and Chief. 
Respects are given and received, and the Chief asks what has brought her to them, to talk about.    She begins, 
Tunkasilas you have called me your relative, and your daughter. 
They said yes.
Tunkasilas, you have prayed and said Mitakuye Oyas'in.
They said yes.
Tunkasilas, if a man were to berate, and be verbally and-or physically violent to your grandmother would you do something about it?
They said yes.
Tunkasilas if a man were to berate, and be verbally and-or physically violent to your mother would you do something about it?
They said yes.
She went on like this asking the same question, for aunt, wife, sister, niece, daughter, son, grandaughter, grandson and finally for the unborn daughters and sons to come. 
Each time the Tunkasilas said yes, and they sat with prideful duty for they knew that it was good to protect the women who are the lifegivers and first teachers of the children.

The woman then reminded them of what had happened to her in ceremony and asked them if they would leave any of their women and children and grandchildren alone with the predator. 
The Tunkasilas both said no, they would not allow that man to be around their women, and definitely not leave him alone with their children and grandchildren.
The woman then said, if you call me your daughter and say we are all related, then how is she any different than the women and children in their families?
The Tunkasilas said that she was not any different.

She then said, that when every woman can walk anywhere in the world unafraid, and unharmed, there will be peace in the world. To have this peace in the world, the men need to change, remember and relearn what being a man means in relationship with women.

A few months later, the woman noticed that the predator was not in the village anymore. She went to her brother and asked her brother what happened to him. Her brother told her that the Tunkasilas finally called a council together about the predator within the hearts and minds of the village. They decided to send the man for healing council and training, and told him when he completed the four years of healing council and training, that he could come back to the village and live. 

To this day, one predator has still refused to go for four years, to the healing council and training. He lives in another village where he abuses another wife of that village. 

Another predator roams from village to village, in and out of relationships, wrecking havoc on "virgin" Prey.

Another predator who did go for the healing council and training, became a man in service to his village, and has many healthy daughters and sons, and a healthy happy relationship with his wife.

~ *~
Meanwhile ~ the women of this village have been shattered apart because they too have refused to go into healing training and council to heal from Abuse, Violence and War.
Many of the women did not, have not, or will not come back to being in circle, and learn in pairs. There are so many ways that keep a woman off balance. The predator within is as sneeky and slippery as the one outside lookin back at us. 

I find it interesting that physical battering, murder, and war is spoken of in terms of violence toward women... and verbal abuse is not thought of as Violence. ...The word "abuse" is like, softening the blows and cuts, and helps normalize verbal violence. Like being told, "oh this is just the way the world is "... who's world? Or "Just get over it" ~ over what? the "it" that hasn't stopped or been fully healed? 500yrs of abuse and violence may need a few generations to "just get over it". Getting "over it" will mean that women's behavior will need to heal and change.

Women have the Crab in the Bucket syndrome. As soon as a woman starts to stand up, her old friends attack in the form of her own wounds to drag her back into the bucket. If she makes it outta the cage ~ deep beautiful relationships replace the old dysfunctional ones.

Verbal "Abuse" is Verbal Violence,  it is about harming another mentally,  emotionally and spiritually ~ and is just as life threatening as physical violence. These wounds that do not show up as physical bruises and cuts, that someone can see with the physical eyes, rather they are seen as cuts to the spirit from the behaviors of the predator-prey dynamic. 
( prey or "victim")

Women have internalized the lies of the predator, that have been told to us over and over again, until we believed them. They teach this to their children, and those children bully and abuse other children. 

Women still invite predators into the village or have relationships or marriages with them which continues generational trauma, because they have been taught that love hurts. Being taught that Love hurts, means that people choose what is familiar, and have unhealthy boundaries.

Women compete and are jealous of each other, this was created by the breakdown of family and village. Women learned they had to compete to make sure their children were fed and cared for.

Women hide their wounds behind masks of sounding pretty and spiritual, we can learn the map, this does not necessarily mean we know the territory, or have navigation skills.

Women exhibit the behavior of battered women, that think that if they love the predator enough, the predator will change. There is often "benefits", tangible or perceived, in this Predator-prey dynamic.

A healthy person does not choose to harm others, love has nothing to do with the predator or the predator-prey relationship.

The predator is about control and domination. A flip side of the predator charisma, yes charismatic predators, is to be full grown and still be sucking on the mother's teets, demanding for her to cater to every need, yet nothing is enough enough a bottomless pit asking for the woman to do someone else's personal inner work. While this fills the woman need to feel needed, it leads to abuse because, no matter how or what you do, that person will hold you responsible for their happiness. She then looks for the knight in shining armor to protect her.

Family Predator Prey dynamics ~ We all need a sense of belonging, that who we are , our purpose has a place in our family, village, and cosmovision ~ When the Prey speaks up to reveal abuse in the family, most of the time, the family will ostracize, deny, and victim blame the Prey ~ other members of the family will not stand with the Prey, because they certainly do not want the "family" to be "destroyed"...they have reasons for depending on the family to fill some need, no matter how dysfunctional it is. 

The other members of the family go along with the perceived authority or right of might, of the Predator to abuse the prey, better the prey than us, better the prey being ostracized, withheld from, than This is being complicit with the predator. The family afraid to loose the "love that hurts" because this hurt is what is providing what ever perks they get from it ~ maybe even keeping someone from being homeless, or provides the feeling that you are special in the eyes of the predator, and treated better, and well groomed. The predator grooms, both the prey and those that will be complicit in the acts of violence. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, therefore the violence doesn't exist, right?

"Not taking anything personal", is helpful, however, can be used by the predator when the predator "acts out" to diminish the impact their behavior has on another person. "oh, don't take my behavior personally" along with shallow "sorries". ~ Lets be clear here, Violence toward another IS personal ---and is not going to fully heal, until people get out of denial, and change the internalized mental-emotional-spiritual and behavioral predator-prey dynamics.  

Understand the Predator-prey dynamics.  Colonization is complete when it is so internalized, is taught unconsciously from one generation to the next, that the People oppress them selves ~ no need for the military, because the way the people self abuse, and abuse each other keeps them weak and sick.

Everyone on planet earth has PTSD. 
Bombs are dropped on other people in other countries ~ while the mental-emotional psycho-social bombs are being dropped, to get people to comply and go along with the violence of the predator-prey dynamic. Gaslighting and Gang banging is where one or more persons, media, etc.,  are assaulting you with a barrage of their resentments or issues, all at once, crazy making, and not allowing any response from you - some types of conglomerate media in many ways is about a one sided conversation, brainwashing's like a machine gun, when it's happening. 

When male or female, country or no country, human or non-human communicates a healthy boundary, they do not have to justify to the predator  ~ WHY... so, ladies, when you gaslight and diminish, ostracize, name call, use put downs, publicly shame, bully the victim, ask for apologies from someone you, yes you, have harmed, because  the abuse that you deny has been called out... you have become the predator yourself and are participating in supporting the predator. The Predator is genderless, it is a psycho-social dynamic and relationship with whomever is the Prey. 

We are the only beings that ask us to qualify and quantify and Prove, WHY to stop the violence to us, them, animals, the water, earth, air and fire ... if we can no longer tell the difference of being respectful and disrespectful to All Life ~ we need a whole lotta more healing going on ~ If we can not See the cuts and wounds inflicted on others by the thought police and verbal violence ~ you ain't no "shaman" ~

Ignoring and Avoidance~ which is passive aggressive, comes from blind ignorance, or because no one else can do someone else's inner healing nor make someone choose the pathways to heal. We can show the pathway to water, but can't make the person choose to drink.

Women are intelligent, be responsible for your education. Women see right through, the false feminine of love light and clueless. 
With-holding or blocking energy flow is Passive Aggressive as well ~ is another form of control and dominance. This can be seen in family, work or collaborative efforts, where decisions needing to be made together can not move forward because members of the family or group, with- hold in a variety of ways - time, energy, participation, tangible actions. And the re-action is to feel frustrated about allowing yourself to be carrying to much of the load, for the group ~ thus, resentment. A lot of people walk away, a lot of goodness is left un realized because of the lack of cooperation skills and commitments to do, to get the party going.

We are in denial or actively participating in change through healing ourselves. 
Do No Harm, Respect all Life ~All Life is Sacred ~
This does not mean we have no discernment about what violence IS...verbal, physical, environmental, economic, greenwashing, etc....If we as women can not stand with Truth, if Violence is accepted right along with the new ager "no judgement - everything is good" crowd's a free ticket to ride for the predator to continue to use and abuse women, children, men, families and Mother Earth. 

While we can provide opportunities for healing and change, 1/2 the process of healing is the response ability to show up, do the inner work, learn to Love ourselves, and Receive that which creation heals with. However lets get honest here, about "opening up and sharing about being abused" ~ be that violence from boarding school, domestic abuse, rape, murder, bullying, genocide...what find that, this information, this vulnerability, standing naked, allowing one's self to be heard and washed clean ~ is then used against you ~ this is one aspect of victim blaming.

For example, you're told "you're a slut, damaged goods",  for being raped.  Or within your talking circle or lodge, the Principle of "what happens in circle stays in circle", is broken. And let us not forget about the responses of "thank you for sharing", along with something like "you'll find the rainbow unicorn, in the silver lining of the cloud" - which to some may sound like grating nails on a black board, rather than, really feeling fully heard because the listening skills just aren't there, from the other people you are with. 

One of the hardest senses for a woman to recover is her sense of safety and trust with herself ~ this is the trigger that shames, blames and guilts, with the shoulda couldas on one of her most powerful senses ~ intuition.  Without healthy intuition, she is navigating the shadows of her dreaming. Without her inner safety and trust in her Knowing what is and is not healthy loving behavior, she cycles in her own perpetuation of the predator-prey dynamic. Trust that the Predator will behave accordingly, especially when it smells, walks, talks and thinks like a predator.

When women heal, they heal the past, and future generations in the present moment because women are Lifegivers. 
A woman will fully access the infinite potentiality of the dreaming with Creation, when she is healthy.

Women have been wounded by seeing and behaving through the colonial patriarchal matrix as much as men ~ the difference here is that from the colonial perspective of the Doctrines and Bulls, women are not fully human beings. So we have a large population of humans on the planet that actually don't know how this lie has been running rampant in the under pinnings of the unconscious minds and systems of government, education, economics, etc...and feeds the acceptability of inequality and violence toward women, children and each other in general.

When Love and Truth walk together they have a magic protection. 
Truth is not always "pretty".

There are many ways we, justify the abuse and violence of the predator-prey dynamic, by telling ourselves that we would not KNOW the difference between heaven, without hell ~ 
or that life would be boring if we did not have "lessons" to learn.

Heaven and Hell are only constructs, man made and meticulously developed by the language and systems of domination ( see Doctrines and Papal Bulls).
The only "lesson" about abuse, war, violence and harming each other and Mother Earth, is to heal and put on another movie ~ 
Isn't 5000 years of the Age of the Predator and it's re-runs enough?
Good and bad is a very 2 dimensional reality…
what else is possible, when there is no ideological war between heaven and hell?

A Woman who Knows and is healing the Predator-Prey dynamic is returning to her natural way of Being,  to the Wilding Nature of Who she IS ~

Love is Energy in motion (pulsing heart beat) with the consciousness ( aware intelligence) of the dreaming dreaming of creationing ~ electro magnetic multi-dimentional metamorphosing imagining of creationing ~

John Trudell- Out of the Cage
John Trudell - Power is in your Heartbeat
Tina Turner - What's Love got to do with it?

thank you for listening ~ feels good to get rid of this ~

Alis Itlatol

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Recall to Basic Responsibility

An invitation for a Recall to Basic Responsibility

image: earth and sky balance, ~ April Mondragon

The time is Now, for human beings to live Responsibly and harmoniously with Mother Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. 

In the 1990's Hopi Elder Thomas Banyacya, issued a Recall to Basic Consciousness to provide indigenous knowledge,  to avoid the consequences of living out of harmony with Mother Earth.

Unfortunately little brother's governments have not listened since 1492. Am not expecting little brother to listen, as he has given little toward real and tangible logical and healthy solutions.

However, The Peoples are organizing and mobilizing, and finding ways to fund solutions, because we can, just go out and do it, and because waiting for "permission" from little brother's governments is like waiting for their belief in heaven after death. 

The Recall to Basic Responsibility is about Living the Solutions, simultaneously while the People are rising to protect Mother Earth, and slowing the gears of the military-industrial-corporate-machine …much gratitude for all those who have stood together for the veto of KXL. While we do not want to see a resurrection of the oily boyz snakes, there are other snakes that can, and are, causing just as much devastation and pollution to our Water of Life -  Sewer lines carrying Human waste, nuclear, mining and industrial pollution into our rivers, and oceans. From Fukushima to coastal sewage drainage to the Great Lakes and beyond...all around the world humans are polluting

A basic responsibility is for our own poo-poo. I know that talking about poo-poo is not customary in the victorian book of etiquette, but someone has to talk reality or the non-reality about poo and what to do with 8 Billion people’s poo and all the nuclear radiation waste.  

Yes we know the power of prayer to heal our water of life ~ yet at the same time we are still pooing in water, which is contrary to basic conservation of water. In addition to this, little brother continues to offer solutions like the diversion and damming of earth’s rivers and streams. This is like intensionally plugging up the human body’s arteries and veins. Doing this to our own body is suicidal, so this act of damming and diverting water from our rivers and streams is suicide on a larger scale. Please sign this petition and watch the video about the Gila River:

Potential Solutions
While the plastic islands are going to begin to be cleaned up

and we can all stop buying plastic junk..... we can also

Retrofit all homes and businesses with Compostable potties and plant urban-rural-and coast line mushroom-hemp forests. As my older sister ( a traditional healer, artist, and marine biologist) says " am cheering for the Fungi, Shawenella and Hemp People, if the Whales make it, maybe, maybe, human beings will….” ~

Why Fungi, Shawenella, and Hemp ?
All 3 eat shit, radiation, oil, plastic and other pollutions. 
Why compostable potties? If people are pooing toxic waste because of
 eating western medical drugs, con-ag foods, etc ...they can make mounds and trails with the compost and plant mushrooms and hemp in it....
they can then turn the hemp into rope .... 
to pull themselves up and out of drowning in the sewage.

Now is the time to stop using our Ocean, Rivers and Streams as a human toilet.
Plant a garden, trees and flowers for the bees. 

What other solutions can we do together ~ 
thanks for listening ~
Yours truly, paz y amor
Alis Itlatol

my grandmother is the moon 
my grand-dad is the sun
my mom is the earth
my dad is the fire
my sisters are the waters
my brothers are the winds

earth and sky children
come dance and sing 
around the tree of peace

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hungry Ghosts

one day earth will rest 
between heart beats breath
wrapped in cosmos shawl 
giving voice to lightning
wilding our spirits 
in the blessing of storms
and gentling honey of birth 
weaving ancestral regenerations 
into living form 
from the dreaming dreaming of 

ownerships and owners ships
sail in the refinement of defining
divinations definitions 
engineering every being
in some sort of 
spiritual industrial sea
of panaceas 

of how to's howling
how to sing and pray
live and wail
how to speak and listen 
preserve and protect
protest and arrest
how to politically and socially correct
love and die
dream and think
how to buy and sell
feel and peace
birth and kill

how not to become ghosts 
of our wilding nature
living ancestars regenerations 

is a good idea ~

there is something about 
the making of hungry ghosts
that come to inhabit the living
and feed off future generations

hearthoughts energy in motion
turned into hungry ghosts
by numb justifications too numb
to fully grieve griefs 
ostracizing grief's love 
into many forms
of addictions haunting the living

there is something about 
the freeing of hungry ghosts
pulse sing through flesh and bone
like molten obsidian jade
thunder and rain
within the sea of being

there is something about 
the making of hungry ghosts
hunting for the living's 
longing to pierce
the veils of beliefs between 
life and death

there is something freeing hungry ghosts
that isn’t about making illusions out of what hurts 
doesn't really cut and doesn't really bleed
the life 
of water, earth, breath, sunstars, moon
ancestral remembering

re~membering all that is 
the elements of creationing
unfurling seeds of regenerations
living dance of all relations inter relationing 

there is something about 
the making of hungry ghosts
where forgetting is like
gaslighting and pretense
is going to stop the re-runs  repeating 
old new age movies
of religions spiritual 
industrial materialism
 making shadow walkers in day and night
feeding on the energy of future generations
like hungry ghosts

there is something about 
the freeing of hungry ghosts

giving for living for giving
skyclad resilience 
crying rivers and oceans 
into existence 
wilding our togetherings
in the wake of waves awakening
embryonic oceanstars 
inner and interconnections 

one day earth will rest 
between heart beats breath
wrapped in cosmos shawl 
giving voice to lightning
wilding our spirits 
in the blessing of storms
and gentling honey of birth 
weaving ancestral regenerations 
into living form 
from the dreaming dreaming of 

There is a reason for seasons ~

hungry ghosts: a) grief imprisoned in scars, b) created by the inability to grieve, c) belief's habituations inhabiting a physical form and or symptomatology, d) one of the realms/aspects of existence as defined by buddhism's Kalachakra ~ Wheel of Time, e) the belief that the experience of, or creation of armageddon (hell) will create salvation or peace (heaven), f) a concept associated with repentance, created by religions to justify or normalize abhorrent human behavior, not necessarily leading to responsibility for grievous behavior

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

No Labels Necessary

No Labels Necessary

Sand Dunes ~ Egypt 
image from pinterest

 inside out , outside in
something else is unfurling
with pulse sing heart breaths
in these moments of now

Long ago the sound and idea of "no, stop" …was created...
Human beings remembering where and why ~
a dam cuts life's living riversong off ~
makes us cry ~ in the confusion of no means yes means no

roots of knowing
deep within earth and sky's cosmic loam ~
going through a metamorphosis
while "modern civilization" is dying
there are those that remember and trust
in the primordial birthing
where living energy lives
life and death and life and
what comes next

clarity baby, clarity
if you love her, love all of her
trust her birthing power
dance with her dance
dancing within her
loving being loving

truth baby, truth
about Equality Women's Day,
Cherry Popsicle Day and
National Dog Day
all rolled into one
August 26th, 2015

cherry popsicles on a dog day afternoon
sounds kinda fun
along with some
cacau and blue sunshine

as for equality
not here for regime change
a need every spirit needs
is being a free human being


fuku-west coast nuclear blaze
and tech no logic haze
turning our turquoise skies grey 
with an un natural death and dying
falling from deaf lies lying

mother earth's tears
creating rivers 
that come when earth and sunsky 
are lovers
grieving and loving
all life is sacred

passing through ranchitos 
in her little tin can on wheels
came to the curve, and took off surfing 

moments of flash from a big tree staff 
sparkled tingling 
wilding spirit dancing

traveling hearthought's song
giving receiving 
with metamorphic motion
energizing evolution

of whatever awareness chooses
can be harmonic frequencies
with lovers 
and innerconnections
with all our relations 
is all in the knowing
what awareness listens with
that opens or limits perception
with living awareness

dance with me baby
the way your timbre
 spirit songs within me
like a salsa of togetherings
from our head to our toes
and beyond

like the way sunsets spark night
she metamorphed so many times
now fruit's sweetest  ripe
honied in life's water, earth and flame
the way wilding dreaming 
dreams beauty ways 

timeless deep an vast
outside limitations of 
old paradigms 
ballast and balderdash
to living in the fire of 
life's togethering blessings

there are so many
definitions and analyzations
of how the ill-logical war got started
for her it simply came from
controls and dom-i-nations
on her
metamorphic birthing nature

feeling the timbre of breath songs 
within clarity's hearthought dances
and the way patience long silky touches
weave creationing's romances 

love's knowing 
in so many forms
giving and living
with sun, sky and earth
of first kisses

love's passioning
truth song
awakening metamorphic

love's creationings
way of birthing
All Life is Sacred
and beauty way's

somewhere in the mists
of Coyote and Pacquache tales
she flew from the abyss of labels fables
into the wondering

wilding is her nature 
like the way day
sparks night
she metamorphed 
so many times
now fruit's sweetest  ripe
honied in life's
water and flame
wilding  dreaming dreams
beauty ways 

 ~* ~

she sent him a gift
made of gratitude's blessings
of lifesongs living
loving him

all our relations
dreaming magi-imaginations,
return address
butterfly muses,
dreaming dreaming dreams
in the moments of now

the 5th sun is here
now earth is birthing
herself and her children

he sent her a gift
made of gratitudes blessings
of lifesongs living
loving her

there are so many ways
"no" is contrary
to eternal living
metamorphic nature
no sometimes does us a favor
and makes one think
do we really want that
no way of being

no to life
created control and dominance
no created violence
there is natural lore
and there is life no more

when she says
"no more" violence
to my flesh and bones
earth, water, cosmic home
and the beauty ways
of all life is sacred

a confusion
ripples out into the cosmos
"no more"

papa said, question everything
this is not our original language

sing dance pray
creates beauty ways everyday
when a doorway is closed
or living life has been violated
polluted or harmed
remember little one
nothing and no one
can destroy the beauty
of how you are naturally made

blessings and beauty
opening ways
for infinite living possibilities
dreaming dreams with creationing
into reality

realities of inner senses 
disqualified from the mind 
of modern civilization
like a veil between worlds
veiling the seeing of beings 
with the written word 
parading as facts
with a need
to be validated 
with it's ideas of proof


the way our hot 
cloud nations
trusting inner senses
speaking love's truth 
touching deep within
spiriting communications

seen every kind
of nickel and dimers
to bullion aires glorifiers
blamers blaming 
the non-compliers  
holding fat takers
fat in the fire


the way our hot 
cloud nations
trusting inner senses
speaking love's truth 
touching deep within
the music of 
spiriting communications

some see her like
she's a been there done that
an old and tattered hat
that don't lay with the lines that lie
won't buy new old tricks trying
to pull the wool
over the eyes of magic


the way our hot 
cloud nations
trusting inner senses
speaking love's truth 
touching deep within
the music of 
spiriting communications

there are not too many left in this world
that know how to love a butterfly
and this is why she loves him

her pulse sing
prayer waves
with earth and sky 
birthing, loving 
dreaming dreaming of creationing


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Whale People

~ Whale People ~
spoken in the feminine voice

Blue Whales courtesy of Pacific Environment

She lived in each prior world
before the Great Flood
her language is older than old
her memory timelessly simultaneous
for she lives and is made with 
Earth Mother's flesh
ocean consciousness, 
and Great Cosmic Starseed 
Waters, Fire and Breathsong

She traverses the depths of perception
and the infinite seen and unseen worlds
Her Peaceful Peoples have never created a war ~ 
for they live by Natural Lore

She is Sistar to Moon, 
Daughter to Sky, Sun and Earth,
she is midwife for Creationings 
birthing of All Living Beings.

She thrives with micro organismic life sources
the tiniest of shawanella who 
naturally create 
electro-magnetic energy 
with earth and sun

She is both Skyclad and Earthclad
receiving and giving with companions
weaving garden tapestries within 
the Birthing Oceans  
of the Dreaming Dreaming of Creationing


Butterfly Girl and Eagle Boy
the marriage you call
Eagle and Condor
 flew with harmonic togethering 
your time 1963
it has been 52 yrs since their Union
as First Woman and First Man
as union of earth and sky worlds
~ four cycles of 13 yrs have passed
during their earth walk
which now grows short with you
for they live where 
present past and future are
one and the same ~

no this time reference
 doesn't line up with the 2012
the harmonic convergence 
or any other time and place
in the matrixes of religions
or prophecies of perception
because their Union
was created in the 5th World
of past present and future

for they are the parents
of the next Creation story
Natural Lore and Original Instructions

Along their journey with you
sometimes you have seen them
sometimes not
because earth walk's circumstances
split them apart
and created a great
desire for togetherings 
and remembering
what remember forgot

they wait for you to 
call for their togethering flight
of truth and love

transcribed by A.M. Alis Itlatol

Restoration to the Response Ability of the Birthgift of Lifegivers for the Return of the One Great Peace

The following are my thoughts, feelings and am inviting contributions and edits from all Women and our Youth regardless of gender ~

Women Worldwide image found on pinterest

Women Worldwide
Declaration of Cultural-Spiritual Sovranty and Independence
from the Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny and the Papal Bulls
and the 
Restoration of the Response Ability
of the Birthgift of Lifegivers
for the Return of the One Great Peace

This Declaration's intention is to give clarity, context and meaning to his-torical trauma,  where we are today, where we are going, and the inner understanding
of the Prophecy:
" The change will be lead by women and protected by men" ~ TOM

Many Indigenous Cultures, individual People, and Women still know what Cultural Spiritual Sovranty is, personally and within their respective families, tribes, and nations. So why a Declaration of sovranty and independence? The idea that women were less than equal to man started thousands of years ago, with the idea that man birthed woman from his rib. In more recent His-story, Genocide of the women across the EU were the first to be subjugated under the auspices of being less than human being. This ideology of the Doctrines and Bulls then came to Turtle Island ....where genocide continues today to both women and all indigenous peoples, through the domination and control, quantification and qualification, of Her eggs, which led to the classifications of all inequalities. 

50% of the human population are women,  they birth the future generations, they are the caregivers of culture. No women, no man. When all women are able to walk anywhere, without fear of or actual harm, there will be Peace with Earth. 

With the Birth of each New World, the Dreaming of Creationing created First Woman and First Man. We are now moving from the 4th World to the 5th World known by the human family. The last world ended with the Great Flood. Many Indigenous Peoples, still have the Living Memory, Lore and Original Instructions given to the human family for living in balance and harmony with earth, sky, and all life, through every prior world, and into the future worlds. This knowedge is known to us today as our collective "creation stories". Now is the Time that Women, who's Response Ability with the Dreaming of Creationing to awaken and give Voice, Song and Birth to the Creation Story of the 5th World. ~

More and more people worldwide recognize "earth changes", "climate change" as being the destruction mankind has brought upon Mother Earth and All Life ~
yet few Remember that this is a time of Movement of the Ollin Energy, the return of the Dance of the Butterfly and with each world there is a metamorphic evolution of All Life. The great "mystery" of the Egg- Seed of Women have the metamorphic imaginal cells.
 The Ollin Movement from the 4th World to the 5th, is Birthing energy and women are intrinsically interconnected with the real and tangible Birth Cycle of Mother Earth, Moon, Solar Tribe, Galaxy and the Womb of the Cosmos. This is Why, Indigenous Elders have called upon All Women and supporters/allies to become actively involved in the Birth of the 5th World of Peace. 

The realization of the One Great Peace will come through the healing and restoration of the dance of harmony between the First 2 Tribes of humanity: with Women and Men Dismantling the imprint of Colonization from mind, emotion, worldview, body, and spirit. With the dismantling of colonization we will heal the many ways that the ideo ill logical violence and oppression that the Doctrines and Bulls have contaminated mind, emotion, body, spirit and relationships within our Cultures and life ways of harmony with All Life.

Women and Men are conscious living energy ~ not as perceived as "opposites of attraction", rather like the harmonious dance of marriage between earth, moon, sun and sky who have loved each other unconditionally for billions of years ~ we are All made of Earth and Sky. We are all made of this beauty of electromagnetic living conscious energy we can say is feminine and masculine, yin and yang, heart and mind, inner and outer, etc. We are not separate from All that Is Creationing ~

Water is the only element that has all other Elements of Creation within.
When we pollute Water, we are polluting the Embryonic Ocean of body, mind, spirit, energy in motion  (emotion-heart) and the Dreaming Dreaming of Creationing that gives Birth to form from the unseen to the seen. 

There are Response Abilities of Lifegivers as there are for mankind.

The Colonial Patriarch does not exist without the Matriarch that supports it.
The results of the Best thinking, education, sciences, economics, religions, etc. the Colonial Patriarch via the Doctrines and Bulls, and the collusion of capitalism and conquest, has to offer, has gotten us to the brink of total pollution and extinction to land, water, air, mis-use of fire and omnicide to the web of life.

The Ill -logic and beliefs created by the Doctrines and Bulls are the foundation and cornerstones of the destruction to Mother Earth, and the creation of governmental laws, regulations, oppression to Peoples worldwide, and the military industrial complex that supports and defends the ideo ill logic beliefs that are contrary to the timeless Lore of Nature and the Original Instructions of living in harmony and peace. 

Women as Lifegivers, are the daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers
that birth and give life to the present and future generations and cultural-spiritual sovereignty with Creationing. 

“Since the time that human beings offered thanks for the first sunrise, sovereignty has been an integral part of indigenous peoples’ daily existence.
With the original instructions from the Creator, we realize our responsibilities. Those are the laws that lay the foundation of our society. These responsibilities manifest through our ceremonies... Sovereignty is that wafting thread securing the components of a society. Sovereignty runs through the vertical strands and secures the entire pattern. That is the fabric of Native Society”
Ingrid Washinawatok El-Issa born Menominee, WI July 31, 1957 (d. 1999). UN indigenous rights leader murdered in Colombia civil war.  ~ Thank you papa, John Trudell for sharing this with us.

Violence to Mother Earth who is lifegiver of All Life, is violence toward Women. Violence toward Women is violence toward Man ( himself).

Women are the ancestral caregivers of culture, language, knowledge and healing sciences that are passed from generation to generation for living in harmony and peace with earth and sky, all life and human family relationships.

Now is the time to return to living in harmony with Mother Earth. To do this will mean that the human family heals their wounds, and become spiritually awakened to living in peace with all life. Be these relationships with human beings and non human forms, be these relationships of any "gendered configuration", for truth and love walk together and does not discriminate.
All Life is Sacred ~ everything is Alive ~

We stand in unity for the rescinding of the 
Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny and the Papal Bulls ~ 
And with the Rescinding we declare 
the Restoration of the Response Ability of 
the Birthgift (right) of Lifegivers Worldwide
1. Women having the final say about Peace and War.
~ These Women are those that have nourished, lived and caregiven the Wise Ways and Life Ways of Feminine knowledge and sciences resiliently despite all that has happened through Colonization.
~ They see and know All children as whole and beautiful Beings of the human family  giving love and nourishment equally.  
~ They call on All military, police, and armed forces to lay their weapons down, and go home to care for and create sacred place and relationship with family, land and life. Men to walk side by side with women to defend and protect the health of water, earth, air and right relationship with fire (energy).
~ They call for the ceasing of building and manufacturing of all weapons, and environmental technologies that harm earth, water, air and abuse to the element of fire ~ and nourish the living activities that bring harmony with Earth, create Beauty Joy and healthy families, culture, language and life ways.
~ They are supporting or teaching Restorative Justice and Peacemaker practices as a Way of Life.
~ They are calling for the availability to all Peoples ~ healing modalities for trauma, generational trauma, and injuries to the human being's mind, body, emotion and spirit.

2. No woman who supports the continuation of colonization via economic, class, race, gender, political, and environmental resource wars will have this authority.
 ~ The colonial patriarch does not exist without the matriarch that supports it
~ Women will circle together to identify and heal from colonial imprints that foster competition, lateral violence rather than collaboration and cooperation.

3. No man can participate in the Circle of decision making process regarding War because he can not give birth, with the exception of 2-spirit men who have the ancestral knowledge of the 2 spirit, and Peacemaker Grandfathers. All Peoples regardless of age, or gender can participate in Peacemaking.

4. Regardless of the age of woman, child or childless, or relationship preference, She has this authority as lifegiver.

5. We stand in unity for complete Debt Forgiveness for every woman, man and child, and the implementation of barter, trade, and gifting economies that restore the ancestral trade routes of Turtle Island and the World.
~ these 'environmental-cultural' exchanges will include but are not limited to:
* the creation of earth sanctuaries
* cultural preservation and exchange of education with those new and old peoples, tribes and nations whom have lost Natural Lore due to colonization

6. We stand for All forms of time and expertise, to be of equal value to the health and well being of family, clan, tribe and nation or any initiative that nourishes Peace.
Time ~ this includes the restoration of living with moon, mayan, astrological and other calendars that are in harmony with the cultural-spiritual life ways interconnected to the nature of earth and sky.

7. Men will live with the Response Ability for Sacred Protection of Sacred Place and Sacred Service to Mother Earth, and her women-daughters with the understanding of how we care and provide for Women who are Receiving, Pregnant With and Giving Life (birthing) from Creationing, 
and uphold and live by All Life is Sacred.
~ The designation of "sacred sites" is a colonial construct
All Life is Sacred
Mother Earth is Sacred 
the designation of 'sacred sites' 
puts sacred in a box
and tries to lock her up
put her in a trap
like saying that some part of me
is not part of every
breath, stone, sunrise, river, mountain, tree
and earth and sky that made you an me
We are Earth and She is We

8. Women worldwide stand to live by and teach the respects and harmonious life ways of UNDRIP, and the Rights of Mother Earth.

9. All women have the express right and dignity of say and definition about feminine culture, education, knowledge, healing and life way arts, sciences, ceremonies, language, body, womb, eggs, mind, emotion and spirit.

10. The return of lands taken by colonial wars, bought and sold with the exclusion of women, and hindered their ability to nourish, provide for and care for their children, cultures and life ways will be returned to the care and protection of their families, tribes and nations. 

11. Where harm has been done, or is in continuation, will stop.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. 
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”   ~Arundhati Roy

"We are Mother Earth's heartbeat, the life-givers, it is our responsibility to bring peace, harmony and balance back to the world. This will not happen if we continue to find fault with ourselves and perpetuate it on our sisters. Remember sisters, as the Cheyenne say , when the hearts of the women are on the ground, all the weaponry in the world will not save the earth. Wilwilaaysk, All my Relations"
(Shannon Thunderbird, Coast Tsimshian Elder)

"Before the men could go to war, it was customary for the women to make the moccasins. If the women did not want war, they did not make moccasins. "