Monday, August 26, 2013

Dreaming, Past, Present and Creationing

The "Dreaming" is the awareness and witness, the dialogue with, the inner and inter-connection with the Sentience of All Life. The Dreaming is one of the human senses. The Dreaming is living consciousness -past and future, and creativity/imagining of Creationing in the present -Now. The Dreaming is not limited by time/space. The Dreaming is the ability to Listen and dialogue with any life form, animate or in-animate. The Dreaming is an ability to dialogue without technology. The Dreaming is not linear, or static and is between duality and fluid. The Dreaming has nothing to do with religion. Dreaming is inherently natural within the female of the human species because they are Life-givers. The Dreaming has no gender and dances with creationing in the balance and harmony of All That Is. The Dreaming is the Sentience of Creationing. ALL of the cycles of Creationing are embodied in the Dreaming. The Dreaming is the Alchemy of Creationing, Prana - Life Source.

In the beginning of the last cycle or "world" of which we currently call the Fourth World or the last 5125 years, all People's were inner and interconnected with the Sentience of All Life through the Dreaming. Along with the increase of masculine energies came changes within the cultures of All Peoples, called "the sleep or forgetting". The natural sense of Dreaming, began to decrease, for it is inherently natural in the Life-givers, feminine potentiality. As the masculine principle increased, the feminine Dreaming ability to be embodied decreased. Colonial culture became material and thought directed, and did not listen to the Dreaming Prana and heart. 

Over time Tribes or Peoples of particular regions maintained the Dreaming within their cultures, and even today whole villages or Peoples are still this Way. What was more common is the development of "specialized" abilities within Tribes as their cultures became more complex and diversified. Dreamers were "identified" at early ages and raised in particular manners that would nourish this Way of Being.
The Dreaming People chose to be born within All Peoples, Red, Black, Yellow, White, and were the "receivers and communicators" in service to their People,  to maintain communication and awareness with the People Nation and all other Nations, be they Four Legged, Winged Ones, Swimmers, Crawlers, Standing Ones, Stone, Seen - Unseen, Ancestral, Celestial and so on. 

Over time in the continued increase of masculine resonance came the increase in patriarchal culture or ideologies. As the patriarch increased, the ability to Dream Creation became "coveted" and the "desire" to control the nourishment of dreaming ability began; because it is non-conforming, non-linear, holistically creative and life giving. Ideas that the masculine is the source of creation emerged and began to imprint within the consciousness of the human species and a great war has been waged by logic, reason, knowledge and intellect of the masculine against the inherently feminine realm of the Dreaming, and religions were formed as intercessors between people and Creation's Dreaming. This caused the "separation" or decrease of the communication interceptors of the human being's brain as they became less developed, like under exercised muscles. (I will talk about the human being's brain at another time.) Creationing's Dreaming is the first form of tangible reality.

Because females are made like the Cosmos of Creationing and are naturally interconnected to the Dreaming as Life-givers, so too has there been a war against all females and matrilineal cultures. Within matrilineal cultures there are "rites" for masculine People to develop a healthy relationship with the Dreaming. The Dreaming is now associated with ability to be "healers". Healing is only one aspect of the Dreaming. Today there are matrilineal cultures that maintain these "rites" for both females and males. 
In recent time/space within the Red, Black, Yellow, White, Blue, Brown, and Honey Peoples we still see the domination of masculine or men in the world that maintain "position" because they have participated in some of the "rites" maintained by matrilineal cultures. 

"Positions of patriarch" are maintained by men who do not know the respects and the necessity of their female counterparts as Dreamers, and the "position of patriarch" is maintained by females who continue to give the "position" of the Birth-gift of the Dreaming to men, by believing men's Dreaming is somehow still more important or more valid or that they have more knowing and have better understanding of the Dreaming. It is important that a balanced relationship with men and women be restored, for healthy individuals, families, Tribes and Nations to be realized. The balance is being restored by healthy inner-connections being nourished by men and women Dreamers in the Dreaming. This is also happening as the inner-dialogue and relationship with the feminine and masculine consciousness, culture, past-present-future, is healing and coming into balance. 

The extreme masculine resonance has brought us to the life conditions we are now living. Men are now beginning to ask women, their female counter-parts, the feminine Dreaming, "what are the possibilities? where do we go from here?, how do we heal our relationship with each other ( men and women) and Mother Earth?, what are your 'visions' and how may we support you"? They are also re-membering the Sacred aspect of the masculine as Protector vs Creator. (Please re-member Creation is genderless, "Great Mystery") Sorry, i have not yet met a man that can birth a child, with the exception of men born into female bodies. The masculine principal can birth ideas and build empires outside of any consultation or dialogue with the feminine Dreaming of Creationing, and this in part is why we have a world that is in the condition it is in. Currently there is a gentle rise of feminine awareness within the consciousness of men. They are allowing Her knowing and relationship with the Dreaming to have equal discernment in the navigation in the creationing of tangible reality. Some experience this as awakening to the Divine Father Light nature in a dance of Life with Her, while other's experience it as "competition" between the masculine and feminine principles of creation for fear of loosing their positions of dominance and control.

What is the role of "Protector"? 
We have lived through Four Worlds, we are now entering the Fifth, or 8th Fire. The divine feminine principal of Creation is pregnant, the female human species is pregnant, Mother Earth is pregnant. Each prior World has had a different cosmology and birth. When the feminine is pregnant, when the female is pregnant, the masculine resonance/man "protects" the sacred place, space, cocoon/womb of Creationing, to insure a healthy birth and life of the child/World. Healthy children are born when the female has peaceful, loving, joyful, creative, environments that are nourished and protected. When the feminine/female can devote her Sacred time, to energizing and nourishing the child/world, without "worry or concern" about predators, the birthing process is healthy. This is not to say, that women are not Protectors and Warriors, they are actually the ultimate which are called Mid-wives, for if they were not - the masculine/men species would not be born and carried over to Creationing at forms end. In the same way our Elder Nations have had to become educated in the Colonial paradigm to both survive, and protect their cultures from genocide…. so too have women needed to become colonially educated to survive in a patriarchal world and protect their Dreamseed of Creationing. At this time, more balance and harmony will be experienced when our men step up to support and protect the women, youngers and children - locally and globally - that are directly and tangibly transforming the Colonial construct rather than supporting the predatory lifestyles, ideologies, and behaviors of the colonial construct.

As women and caregivers of Life, over time they have taken on certain patriarchal traits such as competition due to survival mode in a patriarchal world. Feeling the pregnancy of Life and to instinctually want to protect Mother Earth and their own dreams, visions, the child/world from predators is natural. They have learned that "position and hierarchy" is power in a colonial world. If women continue to give their power to colonial patriarchal structures, ideologies, lifestyles of consumerism, education, and "business as usual"…instead of returning the Natural Law, education and governing, we are doomed. The power of the collaboration among women is more powerful than any colonial patriarch, because it is our Birthright as Lifegivers to have the final say in war and peace. Feminine wisdom, love and compassion for all children will transform the world. 

As per the wisdom teachings of the 8th Fire, Eagle Condor, Shambala, Hopi, Mayan, and many others from around the world, we have been and ARE IN THE TIME OF PURIFICATION. At this time we are beginning to see the rise of the feminine Dreaming and with this, the visions and guidance needed at this time to fully birth the Fifth World. We must give gratitude to the many ancestors, women and men who have given their Sacred Time for many decades to insure that these teachings were/are shared with People's outside their cultures and the influence this has had in beginning to change colonial culture.  I can only hope that we are able to pass and awaken enough living memory to those children that have awakened to the fact they are children made of Mother Earth and Father Sky or that they are our re-incarnated ancestors that have chosen at this time to love, protect, and live harmoniously with Mother Earth. Our children want our support, love and hope for a Good Life !

If we look at mainstream culture's idea of "co-creation"…this does not mean that men are still in control and domination.  Within the " awakening oneness" there is diversity, the Dreaming is not homogenized, it is the beauty of the living tapestry of Creation.

Many Elders are "crossing over", it almost feels like a mass exit from Mother Earth. Why? My Dad always told me, "remember who you are and never forget where home is". 
You may have seen this place during the Ceremony on August 25th 2013.
Stay true to Mother Earth, she loves you, you are her children, protect Her and the Lifegivers (women). Do not be afraid to die. Show-up and do all you can to live a simple and good life in harmonious relationship with Mother Earth and All Life. Take care and be generous with one another. There are still olders that are still here, many have opened their doors to welcome any and all youngers who choose to learn the Life Ways of harmony with Creation. 

There are beautiful and vital skills within the Dreaming Life Ways of our Elder Nations that have nourished the foundation of bridge language for western colonial culture to re-member the Dreaming. Within these Elder Nations, there are still some Elder's alive who can recognize who another is and introduce them to Spirit, Prana. They do not "see" you as being simply defined by color, gender, social position, or genetic embodiment. There are also many People all over Mother Earth who are remembering  who they are beyond linear time-space, the Dreaming is "awakening" within them…they are becoming "free", living without boarders within the consciousness of reality.  Many are young people, who are hungry for traditional knowledge and Life Ways of our Elder Nations, and are willing to put the time and energy into creating and living with each other outside the colonial paradigm. They tell me, that they want the old movie of the colonial beast to CHANGE to one of beauty, love, peace, harmony and joy. 

Mi Abuela Rosa Marguerita showed me that the Dreaming is living, and embodied within the Life Ways of the Dreamseed Traditions.  
~ Alis-Itlatol   
which means: 

"All Life Is Sacred ~ It's Voice, It's Song, It's Wisdom Story

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