Monday, July 2, 2012

Conversations between a Hawk and a Bear

Hawk scried with Vision 
something greater than television
Heart-Mind connection and reflections
Ancestor Stones showing the way Home
Like Moths to Flame, 
They came

Contemplating from Tree's roots and reach
The Dance of Peace and Harmony
Love, Compassion, Discernment, Clarity
Truth by it's nature, rises to the surface
The Kachina's Stone, Staff, Cup and Obsidian Blade
Chrysalis sang, revealing how each are made.

From a Bear's perspective, the two leggeds practicing infinite compassion, want to bring as many along as they can into the New Sun. There will be many wanting to come that helped build and maintain the old world, having the capacity to do so may be a different matter. Some will come still dragging the skull and cross bones and their gods with them. The Science God, the Economic God, the War God, the Addiction God, only to name a few. They will tell you that all that needs to happen is to re-tool the gods a bit to fit your Vision. They will come like missionaries having seen the light, and do their best to "teach you" their culture. Remember that language is the foundation of every culture. They know that their old world is crumbling, and they fear, because they know not yet, from whence they came, nor how to get home. Some may not even know that there will come a time when their world will no longer be a reality. Mother Earth, the Cosmos and Wakan Tanka will take care. The time is short, and the dimensional doorway is open. The ones that are 1/2 way across the Rainbow bridge will be able to cross with what Wakan Tanka and Wakan Ina Maka provide. Those that have not done their homework for the last 4 decades will be moths, not Butterflies.

This old Bear, has a bit of concern over how you have been "taxed", as of late. So a prayer for you has been made. It is in Ceremony at the moment. It may come via an epiphany , or the tuff luv of compassion, we shall have to see.

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