Saturday, March 31, 2012

Who's Responsible?

From A Bear's perspective, another world is possible. However it will take the courage from the two-leggeds to be responsible for their actions and start cleaning up the messes they have made.
Some years back I set up an educational table with cloth bags for shopping. My posters showed pictures of the Northern Gyre, trash on our roadways, over bloated waste dumps and the effects the rubbish has on land, water, air and animals. A fine young man from New Mexico was reading the information with an ice cooled drink in a plastic cup in hand.

He said to me, "Wow I guess the white guys really have a lot of cleaning up to do."
I said, "And you are drinking out of a plastic cup."
He said, "Well I didn't make it, so therefore I am not responsible."
I said, "You buy it, you use it, you discard it, you line the pockets of the oil boy manufacturers that make this rubbish. Until you stop supporting polluting industries with your dollars and carry around non deposable utensils, you are responsible."

Therefore, until this nation gets to freeing ourselves from oil, coal, and nuclear energy, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE! Imagine, if the Peoples were trading among themselves with those that have the know-how to get everyone off the grid. Starting this process locally, home by home. Imagine greenhouses built in rural neighborhoods, and front or back yard lawns turned into gardens? Imagine getting rid of cement in urban areas to plant more trees...Imagine if everyone just stopped paying the banks.


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