Great Mystery is far more omnipresent than "he or she" , and resides in the temple of form's expression to experience Life given to us. May the Life Ways we nourish in our walk in life be the resonance and tonality of Great Mystery's Love and Truth.
I am really liking the astrology reports coming in from our Mayan daykeepers and gregorian astrologers. With gratitude for your insights and knowledge in how our solar tribe family and cosmos inner-relate to our individual and collective unfolding.
So this is a sharing, may only be my shadow, pain and grief coming out of old wounds. If this be the case so be it, and let healing bring clarity and beauty to where this resides within me. I have often said that every dis-ease's roots that we have are found in our inner and inter relationship with Mother Earth. Mother Earth's Love for her children is profound. She is also our relationship with feminine and every wumyn we are. So, in this sharing i am speaking of Love as Mother Earth and "man" as all humanity, because within us all are predators of willingly adopted and unwilling imposed beliefs that keep us from truly loving and caring for one another…
During the coming nows, may all of us caregive the compassion to be able to hear the truth, educate others, enter into meaningful circles of dialogue and ceremony for healing, for solutions, for the greater good of all life. May we remember that each of us brings a perspective and part to Life's Hoop of Wisdom from the Love and Truth of All that Is that makes us as we are.
Love met a man once
who asked her for a stone,
She gave it to him freely.
Finding stone's beauty profound
he returned desiring more
and asked her for her soul.
He asked for her soul
because he did not know his own
and had become a predator
always on the roam,
so he offered her all the riches
he had stolen
in the hope to bargain and win
a soul that might fill his hunger within
Love refused his riches and trinkets
words of empty promises
so he told Love that she was his muse
and invited her into his lair
in the hope that she would fill his fantasies
and become a soul that would be his pair
when she refused to be a fantasy
an object, a muse
or to become half of her whole
his rage at her refusal became confused
by Love's ever and infinite
dance mate the
Obsidian Blade of Truth
So he waged a war against love
by poverty, thievery and betrayal
destruction to earth air water
and mis-use of fire
by endless addiction
to property and prestige as booty
and the objectification of feminine,
to feed egoic warrior tales
of muses and fantasy lovers
yet still could not fill the soullessness
of his empty shell
He tried to go within himself
refashion from his fantasy
a voice in Love's image,
yet it fell hollow
within the coffins of all
that he had plundered
and could not reach the depths
of her Beauty and Presence
that is only found by walking
in balance and harmony
with and not upon Her
Love is beholden to no religions
nor is limited by willingly adopted
and unwillingly imposed beliefs
and resides infinitely within
the sacred altar of every wumyn
and man
for Love and Truth in sacred union
are the seeds and trees
of which all life is made
from Great Mystery's infinite
and eternal dance of Creationing
What would Love do? Be the Prayer in Motion.
Thank you Mandisa for this great song that speaks for all the challenges we are all overcoming, be it cancer, rape, aids, diabetes, addictions, stolen lands, loss of culture, colonialism, destruction to the Waters of Life, etc.............
~ ama
December 30th 2013