Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Voice and Sound of our Dreamseeds and Visions

There is a vision...
that keeps coming to me in my dreams ... 
There are 2 parts of it that are being dreamed,
one is Ceremonial and the other is about
the right use of media - 
Our airwaves and bandwidths
by which all of us are inner-connected without technology,
are so polluted by mass media.
We understand that our prayers with water, being the most powerful energizer and conduit, is also being polluted on a massive scale and we as drops of water in this great ocean of sentient resonance, with clarity of mind-heart-womb
can do something very powerfully to heal water, air, earth, fire and spirit. 
Here is the dreamseed vision:

This dream is being energized, 
by our our sing, dance, pray
in every way and in every action 
we are Being
the Prayer in Motion, 
living Ceremony,
love we share in every moment
of every day,
with water, air, earth, fire and spirit
for All Life, each other 
and future generations

In the dream I keep seeing
circles of women all over Mother Earth 
gathering gathering gathering
day after day
month after month
year after year
something like we have been doing for decades
but there is something different here 
in this personal, planetary and cosmic dream

The women are very wise
from all nations
in midwifery and birthing
in the ways
of Ceremony's inner and inter 
relation with Creation 
some might call these
"Birthing Ceremonies"
and all the Peoples gathered in these
circles of Ceremony
children and mothers in the center
grandmothers around them
young and old wise men
in the outer circle 
providing love nourishment
and protection
they are energizing and magnetizing
via the ancient inner-connected
hywaves of dialogue
with the Source of All Life 

 in the dream I see
big stadiums filled for "concerts"
gatherings in parks and nature areas
gatherings in sanctuary camps
with People who are drawn there
because of some "famous artist or musician"
but they come being drawn
away from the commercialized din
of fabrications
to listen and re-member how to
sing dance pray
in a sacred way
they are spoon fed by the Truthsayers
the artists, musicians and Elders
environmental, Treaty Rights Leaders 
and Visionaries 
Truth and Love is being broadcast and filmed
technologically .... 

wave upon wave of love prayers
wave upon wave
energizing healing clarity
clears the air waves
heals the waters
the resonance rises and rises
breaking the mirrors of illusion
and in the end of the dream

every harmful machine
comes to a screeching halt
and every person with harm in their intent
can no longer use tools for harm
because our love is that strong
the din of commercialization
domestication, oppression, and genocide
every colonial government stops
mass-media is silenced
and we no longer need to broadcast anything
because there is a stillness 
a love
and all over the world
humans can hear again
listen to the resonance of Creation
the first form of form
re-member who we are
we go home to our families
communities and tribes

Mother Earth sighs
and we let her rest and birth again
rejuvenation begins
we all understand...there is no more resistance
to Being Love and Truth
and walk gently upon her
with no fear of the movements of her skin
necessary to heal the wounds humans made
we have no fear of each other
and build from the old, 
our tribal village sanctuaries
living in the 
One Great Peace

So that is a dream that is recurring for me. 
Does the part about the media
ask us
What else is possible?
on these media platforms?
We are all taking to ourselves ... 
am laughing and smiling about this
you Being another me
and we all agree
it is time to put on a different movie.
yet, are we reaching those that are unawares?
is this important for them to hear our voices?
feel the love and wake them from the numbing?
or is it better to let the sleeping masses sleep?
do we need their participation?
i do not know, however war and Mother Earth
and her children's destruction 
is way beyond, beyond boring
and some women are saying
we have waited for 5,125 years for this today's day, 
to put on a different movie, 
will you come 
and live Love with us?

for me,  i want to give every minute of every day in 
creating and living Beauty Way with you.
...all each one of us has, is Now
to do something that will be so magnetizing and energizing
to every heart and spirit, that they will not want to watch TV
they will not even want to discuss the insanity
rather only be aware of it's 
dis-mantling and decolonization
they will want to be a part of Creations Beauty 
and live the original instructions
in how we are made naturally 
on the inner and interconnected hywaves
living breathing loving in all ways, always.

I am only one Being that has traveled far to ask technological media savvy communities or people if they can build a network to connect all the individual grassroots networks out there
big enough to clean the airwaves, bandwidths...
with our sing dance pray, artists, musicians,  Truthsayers, Elders and Peoples.
We know the power of thoughts that are inner connected to the heart ...
am wondering about how this dream might raise this up to another level
with inner-connections to  "Birthing Ceremonies"

A few months ago, my sister and I were in Ceremony together
and saw the same vision -
a breeze came
the Ancestors in the breeze's breath of life
surrounded us and showed us the
Mariposa Dance
it was a dance of eternal life
it was as if past present and future
blended together
and all nations were there
this dance may be called a "Birthing Ceremony"
all of our most powerful ceremonies
Life Birth

I will write more about this Mariposa vision ...
and maybe women will want to start these ceremonies 
all over the world
different days, different ways ...
yet the importance
of creating the waves with the same intention
day after day
month after month

if we remember... 
Wovoka stepped out of the matrix 
and did something different...
this time, 
this is coming from ALL the Women ...
in ALL ways they dreamseed visions ...
and everyone is coming in answer to their call
Idle No More, Be the Prayer in Motion
Frontline caregiving and protection of our Water
Planting community garden's
Healing and Teaching ...
Creating Camps and Earth Sanctuaries
there are so many Ways .... 
Dream, vision, what else is possible, and Live it
Be with the Ones you Love ...

if there is anything here that inspires you....live it
if there is anyway we can help each other ...live it
we are here for each other 
if we  are out an about ...please know that 
we are dreamseeding creationing
the Mariposa Dance

~ ama
Kawok 11, 11.05.2013


  1. i wrote a book called the purple rose oracle and its about exactly what is written here. the spirits gave it to me so it is free to whoever wishes to read it.. email me and i will send you the book.... ccrazyfeet44@hotmail.com

  2. Ama; I know thee by Heart. Miigwetch. I ask to print this for my personal use in our journey? Blessings. Aho.

    1. Crystal, yes, Pilamaya, please share.
      If anything is there that will inspire wumyn to re-member that our true power comes through being aligned with womb, heart, mind...to cosmic womb of creation, heart of earth, heart of sun. Mother Earth has birthed our worlds before...let us again, be conscious participants with Her. May Wakan Tanka guide us all. Mitakuye Oyas'in

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