Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Earth Changes", Worldviews, and Relationship

About 20 yrs ago I went on a job interview at a 'healing center'. The director of the program, a psychiatrist, asked me if i am native  (uh oh i thought, why should being native or not be criteria for employment, I have my pieces of paper and a resume).
"yes", I replied.

The Director then asked me if I believed in 'earth changes'..., (i thought,  what an interesting way to start a job interview).
"Well that depends on what you think 'earth changes' are" I replied.
" You know, where the earth will change and lots of people may die," he said.

"Yes she is already changing due to human behavior that is out of balance with living with Mother Earth." I replied.
The director then said, " Well you're native can you talk to her? Can you tell her not to change?" .... (at this point I'm thinking ...oh oh this guy is worried about maintaining his own worldview).

So I said "Why would I ask Mother Earth not to do wot she is going to do? She and the cosmos have their natural cycles as well. She is our mother and the western civilization is not living in good relation with her. I think it is humans that need to change their way of living, rather than her."

The director became angry and yelled at me " You can talk to her, people may die!!!!! You don't have the kind of compassion necessary to work here!"
What did he think? - that just because a person is native they have a magic wand? On the other hand, maybe we do...hahaha. I thanked him for his time, and left, contemplating what kinds of compassion there are in the world.

These notions of "entitlement to compassion and lifestyle" that colonial privileged mind-think has, to separate and only take what suits it from any teaching and try to adapt it to maintain it's worldview along with privilege brought on by colonial patriarch has bred lack of responsibility in how one walks in life with Mother Earth and with each other.

Bear muses about:
* Environmental disasters brought about by hu-man's colonial suicidal terracidal behavior. 
* Mayan count marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. 
* Every world we have lived prior to this one has had a different eco-system.
* The return of balance with "feminine and masculine" wisdom. 
Wumyn are made just like Mother Earth and Cosmic Womb. 
All Life is made of Earth and Sky.
* In the same way wumyn have their cycle of birth, life, seed, return, so too does Mother Earth and the Cosmos. 
* Our health, the health of pregnant wumyn, and our children, are in fact - inner and inter-dependant upon our relationship with Mother Earth and all life. In other words all dis-ease has been created by life out of balance with Mother Earth, Father Sun and Sky. So, why would we think that Mother Earth's "changes" would not be effected by the violence being waged upon her and her children?
* The Original Instructions and Natural Laws in living with Mother Earth and Sky have been maintained, lived and died for by our Elder Nations and their springs who re-member who they are.
* There are collective up-risings led by our Elder Nations and springs, to protect water, earth, air and to live in right relationship with fire (energy).

We are going through a return and birth, of which is being effected by two-legged behavior. It is for this reason, that Mother Earth's health is so important. So when I think about the violence being waged upon our Mother, the violence that we have come to know as wumyn passed from generation to generation through our wombs and is within our genetic memories, and eggs we caregive... why it is so important for us to nourish Life Ways of Beauty, Ceremony, Truth, Peace, Gardens, Creativity, Clarity, Compassion, Generosity, Courage, Healing, Honesty, Humor, Protection, Forgiveness, Education, Love, and
life ways with roots in natural law and the original instructions....
 +  wumyn also need the protection and support from our men to walk side by side with us in this way.

* while I know that there are many who teach that "we are not our bodies, and the body/reality is an illusion"... I admit, i may not there yet, i still eat, sleep, need warmth in the winter, and like any bear - crap in the woods. There is however, a balance of reciprocity's dance with the seen and unseen world of all that Is Creationing.

In feeling forgiveness today,
- for our feminine and masculine who sometimes feel rage and shame about being the offspring of genocide, murder, rape, the buying and selling, forced marriages, adoptions, subjugation and objectification of Mother Earth and all feeling powerless to protect their children... from the worldview and lifestyles that created this ...

- for the ism's that creep up from this that say we are not the right color, shape, form, quantum, can't speak our languages fluently or at all, can't remember who our mothers were, and where they came from...these broken tapestries of colonialism's wound's "privileged worldviews", that shatter our hearts and tell us we are not worthy of living and being love ... otherwise called internalized oppression, that has effected our relationships with each other AND ourselves.

The question here is: Is this what we want to allow to define our relationships with ourselves and each other? What else is possible? We are not culturally and spiritually poor...We are far more beautiful than this !

This is our opportunity, right now, today, to let go, heal this and come together.
We need each other to be healthy, strong and caring for each other.

dance with me
tenderly in the hearthfires
of our naked vulnerability
bearing offerings for life's
spirit blossom
caressed open
by the resonance of your
heartdrum song's beautyway
lightning the spark
of creationings creation
of form no form

ama ~ 12.05.2013

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