Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Sharing from the One Dragon Clan

Wise Ones, Magi's of Old
only have one small request
that they have lived and died for,
protected, nurtured and caregiven
for countless generations

that humanity cease putting
their fears and demons, 
into the Darkness
of the crystalline stardust waters
of the sentient Dreaming
Wombsong of Creationing

for this is the source and home
from whence all Sentient
Lightning Stars Sparkdance
in balance and harmony
birthing tree's sacred dreamseeds
laden lush with lotus
blossoming of all that Is
seen and unseen
form no form

Simply said, this means 
just one small task is asked
come out of duality of light and dark
neither darkness nor light is "bad".
Name the predatory demons for what, who, where, when, why
 they are, and change the thought form
via the tonality and resonance we utter.

Heal them if they choose to heal,
transform and re-weave them
with spirit's responsibility, respect and amends...
if not willing? banish them to boogie tales.
For the dark nor darkness, 
of our womb of Creationing,
no longer chooses
to be a hiding place for humanity's
predators, skeletons and demons. 
So be forewarned, 
the Wise Ones and Magi's of Old
are house cleaning for Mother Earth's birth 
and Creationing's Spring weaving made of
Vision's Prayers upon the horizon.

Children, have you not heard of the Knight in Shining armor who would slay a dragon, or serpent, one of the oldest of feminine wisdom? While at the same time pretending to be a savior and protector of the People?

Demons and predators come in all shapes, colors and sizes, and now they walk as both light and dark charlatans because humans have forgotten to keep the dark still waters clean of demons, and instead used this place as a dumping ground just like humans treat Mother Earth's embryonic Oceans. This Ocean is within you. Poisoning Ocean will spawn deformities, and create charlatans in both light and dark names and form. It is time to renew and make our compost
and mending offerings.

Why do you think that Dragon's no longer will walk among us? 
Do you know what kind of relative they are at this time of renewal and birth of Mother Earth, the 8th Fire and 5th Sun?

Dragon's - the Rainbow Serpent - Quezalcoatl - Nagas were once known to be
the caregivers of right relationship with Fire, Earth, Air and Water                     …re-member…
...who you are….

Love's Truth and Beauty is a tapestry
nourished within the Dark Holy Cup 
of renewal and birth
of the sacred mysteries of Night within us
Sparking the Light, resonance and tonality
of forms living expression of 
Love and Truth
in sacred union

re- posted email to ~ ama
December 26th 2013

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