Monday, April 16, 2012

2 Batz | Monday, April 16, 2012

Resonance of the Day by Jose Barreiro. Jose is one of the best Day keepers I know. In shifting from the Gregorian Calendar to the Mayan Day count, he gives easy access via his blog to the resonances and other information to understand what the Calendar is about.

Corresponding with this day in the Gregorian calendar is 2 Batz. Batz is Monkey; 2 is duality. Monkey braid, monkey fingers, monkey tail, Batz is the grasp of the monkey's hand so tight and braided the fist will not let go, even in death. Batz is a good day for beginnings, and for some Maya daykeepers, Batz begins the 20-day calendar. Batz is unity, a good day to tie things together, a good day for a marriage or to start a construction, a good day for initiation into the ways. Batz is the thread of Time that rolls out from under the earth, weaving life until cut, weaving Time into History. People born on Batz are calm and self-confident; they make good spiritual guides and leaders, good-hearted architects. —Jose Barreiro

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