Hau mare waka, Greetings relatives ~
I hope this post finds you well, and if not, that you receive what you may need for your health and well being.
My ongoing healing and recovery for the last two years while seemingly slow is giving me many blessings and opportunity to nourish deep listening and peacefulness within. In returning my gaze to quiet reflection and contemplation, nourishes my feelings of so much love and gratitude for home, land and life here in the sacred Blue Lake mountains and Sky world of Taos Pueblo territory.
Seedlings are beginning to adorn my window sills and fill the small greenhouse.
Last Fall I was still unable to tend and care for land n life, I needed
to be gentling with my grief for physical losses, and become comfortable again
with not knowing what the shape and form my life would be or if I would recover at all.
I wondered if I would feel inspired and if there was anything I wanted to do and experience.
Some call this death, giving birth, and living life cycles or processes of the surrendering and regenerative journey.
Meanwhile ~ my son moved home and the most important responsibility my home can embody,
is a loving, nurturing, sanctuary for everyone's potential to blossom and grow strong life, fruits and seeds.
These qualities are like soil, light, breath winds and water,
the Earth, Nature, humanity and I need right now -
It is a comfort for me to live with my son again who embodies much heart and wisdom,
clarity and coherency, kindness and generosity.
Tsalagi Grandmother Nechie said to me ~ "Grandmothers return everything into Seed"
and mi Abuela Marguerita showed me in our Zapotec Creation Knowledge
that All Life comes from Seed.
When we are nourishing Seeds of Life, the Life of Seeds are nourishing us.
There are so very, very, many kinds of Seeds.
There are language, culture, knowledge and wise lifeway Seeds that are passed
from generation to generation.
How we choose to live and care for these become our spiritual, emotional, intelligent, and physical gardens.
Dawahongva taught me that it is a human responsibility to do our best each day to remember everything and everyone in our heart thought prayers.
There are Earth Seeds, Sky Seeds, Star Seeds, Cosmos Seeds, Human Seeds,
Plant Seeds, Mineral Seeds, Animal Seeds, Wind Seeds, Fire Seeds, Insect Seeds
Water Seeds, Dream Seeds, Thought Seeds, Beauty Seeds, and so many more kinds of seeds,
with the same electromagnetic alive living conscious intentional intelligent Life Giving Nature.
There are some 100 Trillion Atom-seeds in one human Cell and
different kinds of mycelium type networks weaving the web of life
in the inner connecting below, middle and sky worlds.
The breaking of Atom-seeds breaks the Great Law of Peace with Mother Earth who is a
Planetary Seed birthed from the Milk and Honey Galaxy.
"Today let us remember that we are part of a whole in which what we wish for others we also create for ourselves.
That when we send energy of light and love to someone who has hurt us, we also harmonize the energy within us.
That we cannot hurt anyone without hurting ourselves in the process, but in the same way, the kindness that we gift others with, is also experienced by us." ~ Denise Barrios
May the Seeds of Life find fertile spirit soil within you and grow into strong and healthy
Life Giving gardens that will bear many seeds ~
Much Love and Reverence,
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