"Home" by Abril Mondragon
The Currency of Love
In my Dreamseed Life Ways, one way the Songlines of the Dreaming of Creationing are described is
E-Motion-All Intelligence.
E-motion: Energy in Motion - feelings and non-linear sensory alive living motion, the electro-magnetic pulse-sing throughout all Life
All: coming from and being made from Love Source, which is unconditionally abundant and nourishing All Life
Intelligence: alive Conscious, Aware, Intention
The Songlines flow through All Life, the Web of Life, The Net of Cosmos Light, the Universe. This flows in every plant, animal, swimmer, winged one, four leggeds, humans, small organisms, the Earth Mother, the Sun and Stars and Celestial bodies, the Clouds, Waters, Ocean, Air, Fire, Light, our bodies, cells, nervous system, our thoughts, feelings, breath and all the many senses we have. All Life is thriving, Alive, Conscious, Aware and Living in a sacred manner! Wow how wonderful is this !
Our personal Songline is who we are, made from Love Source, we are all an eternal alive unique thread in the vast huge garden of Love Source’s alive, living, intentional, conscious, awareness, of Creationing.
Some Peruvians call this our Song.
The Lakota call this Mitakuye Oyas’in, we are all related, inner and interconnected with All Life.
I am only limited by my lack of conscious awareness, and can not move with intention without
conscious awareness. To know who and what I am, I became a great Life explorer full of curiosity.
Recently a wonderful friend of mine invited me to delve deeper and vaster into my personal Songline to know more about my and this world’s present day relationship with money.
I was not taught alot about money growing up, so first I asked myself if and where there are any willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly adopted beliefs, lies and ideas hindering the flow of money in my life? and
What is money, really?
In todays world there were ideas and beliefs set in motion thousands of years ago.
Humans Naturally because they are part of Nature could commune with other Songlines so they could create things, experience being creators, create beauty. Long ago, and for some Peoples still today, it is to communicate with other Beings like the Cloud People to bring rain, or to ask for the knowledge within the Stone People, or by talking and communing with Plants to help heal and return one to Balance.
However to do this, the Worlds ( earth, sky, spiritual, material, multi-dimentional) were to be kept in Balance.
For example: To Wildcraft plants means that we look for a minimum of 7 gatherings of that plant representing 7 generations and beyond before we gather any. This insures that the plant’s future generations may continue to live. Before gathering the plant. Heart-thoughts are spoken and sung, and an offering is given to that plant nation for good health and thriving live, and then the plant is asked if is willing to help the human people. And then one listens for the plant’s answer.
This Life Way was inner stood to maintain Balance in the World through relational reciprocity with the Plant’s Songline.
For every thing that is received to live from the Earth Mother, we are to give something that is equal or more than what we have received. This is the Spiritual principle of Reciprocity and Generosity.
This is why so many peoples have the Give-Away, the Potlatch, Tithing, etc.
These acts of sharing, generosity and cooperation insure that the Whole of the Community families are equally healthy. If some one comes upon hardship, like their house burning down, then the community comes to replace it. The health of Whole is more important than one having more than another.
As we all can see, the World is Out of Balance because some take and hoard more than they need to Live in a healthy manner with All Life. Many many Peoples around the World are speaking warnings to the western industrialized nations about this. And many many peoples are finding ways to restore and live a World in Balance.
I remember asking my Hopi Mentor when I was his helper:
“ What do I say to people asking what they are to pay you for healing?”
He explained to me, “ We do not put a price on this, because the Power of healing comes from Creation, we do not own this. Half of healing is our ability to receive the healing Power of Love that comes from Creation. This healing Power is available to us unconditionally all the time.
However daughter, yes I need gas for the truck and clothes for the winter and to feed my family because I am not a farmer. What I do is help introduce another to the Source Love of Creation for what they need to return to Balance. So just ask the person what “healing” and being well is worth to them. That what ever they are giving is with the conscious aware intention of giving to Creation for the health they want to receive. Wellness is a precious gift of Life. You will see that some will bring money because that is all they have to give, some will bring food, some will bring a blanket, some may not have anything and it will all work out in a good way. We are in service to Creation’s Love Source Power, for the Greater Good of All Life and your Trust in this will grow too.”
From what you have read thus far, you may have gathered that I have lived outside of the world of commerce most of my life. I have been watching as many people receive hundreds and even thousands of dollars for what I have just shared here with you. I have been watching as more and more people come from far away lands out of the forests to help teach the western industrial peoples how to live in Balance with All Life. None of this that i mentioned is either good or bad, it just is, while we observe Creation's Love flowing to nourish a return to Balance.
I wondered about where the ideas and beliefs of self-worth being tied to money came from.
First of all we are made from the unconditional Love of Creationing, so being "worthy" to receive abundance is a given.
So I began to research Admiralty Law or Maritime Law. These monetary “Laws” came from western civilization and have been exported around the world. In essence these are about the commodification of the “currency” of Earth, All Life (plant, animal, mineral, water, etc) and humans.
However If I look at “currency” Spiritually rather than from a monetary perspective, “currency” is Love Source’s Songlines that we and All Life come from, are made of.
Admiralty Law changed our relationship with the “currency” of Songlines because during that same time, the Holy See’s Papal Bulls deemed any woman, animal, plant, mineral, the earth herself as not having or not of the same alive living intelligent aware consciousness, and being less than, and inferior to the Church and man.
In practice the Holy See is about spiritual and material governance.
Thus with Admiralty Law the Holy See appointed positions of “owner-ships”, which are military, priests, lawyers, doctors, etc (that swear to, commit to, and are obligated to uphold Admiralty Law)
to maintain the collection of “currency” by any means possible: slavery, indentured servitude, genocide, war, conquest, false claims of “discovery” of lands already inhabited, mining, etc.
The Holy See said that these laws, doctrines, papal bulls, and owner-ships were from God.
Under the captain of admiralty law’s owner-ships, contracts and agreements happen in the berth/birth canal when “entering” the Waters of the Motherland, “docking”, and “coming ashore” onto the “Motherland”.
Admiralty Law may have been created because long ago one needed to approach, with reverence, ask for consent, and give reciprocity to the Mother to come into or through Her “lands”.
What are her Lands?
The Ocean Water Womb, Birthing Watershed, navigable Water Veins , the Earth and her Natural World’s eco-system, and all of her children, all of which have alive living Songlines of “currency” which are both material and spiritual “Abundance” from Love Source Creationing.
Admiralty Law berthing, comes from the “Loin - to lend, or Rib of man”, Rib meaning the man’s bounty/food he has acquired from Source-God to share or not as he deems fit.
The berth canal is “feminine” because the Mother(lands) has a 3D physical water “canal” - to dock or berth a ship.
From a Spiritual perspective, the Songline and memory enters the Mother’s awareness before conception. Her Egg has both spiritual and physical DNA. The child grows in the Mother's Womb Waters and is birthed through the physical and Spiritual channel of the vagina.
The umbilical cord nourishes the child's Songline physically and Spiritually though the Mother's Songline which is inner connectedness with the Love Source of Creationing.
The Earth is our Space “ship”, our bodies are our Waka (canoes), and the Mother and Fathers and some Elders are the “Seers” who know the navigational Songlines in the Spiritual world and they hear the Spirit Names of the Songline of the child. This “spiritual navigation and physical navigation” and ability to "name" the Spirit of the child is very very ancient and sacred.
In Natural or Spiritual Lore the Feminine is the "Lore of the Land, Waters and Sea (See)".
In Natural or Spiritual Lore the Feminine is the "Lore of the Land, Waters and Sea (See)".
However, the Mother under Admiralty Law is required to report any berth/birth to the “Owner-ship”
who then issues a name ( not spiritual name) of record which is attached to the “commerce” of that “canal”.
The “commerce” is the property, booty and bounty from the Motherlands Songlines.
Elders have talked about the “SleepWalkers”. These “birth/berth’s” are not “live births”, they are asleep births so that the “currency” (songlines) of the human being , and the currency songlines of “material goods and services” can be indentured through Admiralty Law to pay for those debts, obligations and contracts created by a variety of mining processes, to extract “currency” from All Life and the Motherlands.
Is for this reason the patriarchy created queens, servants and slaves of the “motherlands” that would willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly agree to uphold and be subservient “canals” to berth/birth under Admiralty Law. These Laws also govern international monetary funds today. In some cases the Mother(lands) then receives money, property and prestige in the eyes of the Holy See and Admiralty Law for doing this, IF she was from an important male line of heritage or in modern times becomes a political and participating ally of the Admiralty monetary system.
On the surface it may be that these debts, liens, taxes, contracts, obligations are the “reciprocity”
with Love Source. After all, this pays for roads and gas and government agencies that help us manage and protect the motherlands. Yes ? So, why is there so much control over who gets what and how much? Why are the rain forests burning and hurricanes blowing? Why is there pollution in Grandmother Oceans and Mother Rivers ? This is all about humans being disconnected from their own currency - Songlines.
Because Admiralty Law includes the little known 1160 AD Roles of Oleron “obligation to cure” and because the Spiritual Lore of Love Source is healing and Life Giving, there is no doubt that all will be set aright.
Are you still following my curiosity? I hope I have made some sense here.
Can we forgive ourselves for upholding and even needing still to participate in Admiralty Law?
Believe me when I say the unhealthiness of the Admiralty Law is changing out of necessity, and by creativity, and being intentional for the what and why we share our “currency” for. For currency to return to land of the living it must flow like Water flows, like freely flowing Love ~
Am I ready to release all that no longer serves the Greater Good of All Life with love and forgiveness?
Am I ready now for what else is possible?
Yes! and So this Is.
We are being shown and guided to be relationally response able for our Songlines and our Songlines inner and interconnection with the Love Source of Creationing and All Life. This “relational responsibility” are our heart-thoughts, our feelings, our actions, our voice for sharing Love, Truth, Reverence, Gratitude, and Forgiveness. We are being shown that is humans who have created a World out of Balance, and we are learning to set the World in Balance again within ourselves, and with Earth and the Love Source of All Life. This is a beautiful journey.
May any tears we cry from the grief for the loss of our Beloved Natural Songlines of Earth, Sky and Waters, be the waters that nourish DreamSeeds to bloom. All Life is conceived in the Spiritual and then comes into 3D form. That which we think we have lost, can not be lost because it returns to Creationing's infinite potentiality, or becomes an Ancestar or ...
"Hey-a-a-hay! Lean to hear my feeble voice. At the center of the sacred hoop, you have said that I should make the tree to bloom. With tears running O Great Spirit, my Grandfather, with running eyes I must say.... The tree has never bloomed. Here I stand, and the tree is withered. Again I recall the great vision you gave me. It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives.... Nourish it then, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds! Hear me, that the people may once again go back to the sacred hoop, find the good road, and the shielding tree...." Hehaka Sapa (Black Elk) - Oglala Lakota
This Love is the natural Power of Creation. This Power is not the “authority” of man made-laws. Creation did not make any mis-takes when Creationing created All Life and the human family.
We are at an epic time to ask and keep asking ourselves: What else is possible? without defining the “possible”, by staying aware and awake and alive and flowing in the sovereignty and healthy free will choices we make in alignment with our Songlines and Love Source Creationing’s infinite potentiality. Maybe how we live and give our "currency" is one of the greatest potentialities we have to share. No matter how small a word and act of loving kindness and generosity may seem makes a difference.
Now in the infinite Love Source of Creationing that is always and eternally free flowing
am in total receptivity and receiving the Abundance and Blessings of this Love
through my Songline for the Greater Good of All Life.
When we live life in a manner of reverence, this makes it so.
Thank you for being on the Journey with me, thank you for your sacred time given to reading this story. Thank you for being you, and am thankful for being me.
Abril Mondragon ~
For Personal consultations - by appointment,
For Limited Edition Archival Prints of "Home"
write to: liveolakhota@gmail.com
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