for the 2016 launch of the national inquiry of missing and murdered women
Women RISE Up ~
May the movement of our personal and collective political actions be strengthened, guided and informed by our inherent Spirituality and Indigenous Cultures ~
May we realize the fulfillment of our collective cultural promises and “prophecies” at this time ~
and May we nourish the wise ways and life ways of feminine power, embodied by Grandmothers, Women, Daughters and 2-Spirits worldwide.
This is a spiritual-cultural, emotional-intelligent movement, a journey, that we have been living and have been prepared for, for many many generations.
We are not here for replacing the current regime with another regime of oppression, nor for the pendulum of swinging from one extreme to the other, though some would like to believe that this will continue to happen like the in and out breath of the cosmos, and will happen again ….as if in creations conscious, aware, intelligent energy in motion of infinite potentiality …there are not other possibilities besides a linear swing. So, my intention here, is to share with you something that am observing, about the RISE of feminine power...that nourishs the health of Earth and her Peoples.
Be it this side of the REZ or the other, this side of the US-Mex and US-Can imaginary yet militarily enforced borders, or internationally, the health of Earth, the health of the Elements, the health of Nature, effects the health of the human family, and vis versa. What we do to Earth and each other, we do to ourselves. The health of the village down the road, effects the health of neighboring villages. The health of parents, effect the health of the children and vis versa.
We are looking beyond the systemic corrupt political system that peddles the same kinds of corrupted “solutions”. We remember how we lived and thrived before it’s system. For example, instead of "universal health care" that could include traditional natural cultural practices and medicines…we are offered to pay for and buy health care coverage from Medicaid…which does not even include massage therapy! ….meanwhile Billions are spent on nuclear bombs, military and prisons ~
we are being thrown a crumbs,
which is similar to Gov. Martinez -NM, who signed very quickly a bill to give the least paid teachers a raise ~ yes she got wind of Virginia state wide teacher strike, moving to Oklahoma, and knows NM is right "at the bottom" with them. However this is not only about "wages" and feeding our hungry children, the "curriculum" within the colonial schools is also corrupt. See we would like to be left alone and go about our self-determination, in fact we would like the colonial government to stop imposing their laws and criteria on our schools ... however, we know that the corruption has continued to encroach more and more on our spiritual-cultural-lands and sovereignty as human beings.
We have been told, “that it takes time” to make changes, it takes time to include our indigenous knowledge and sciences, well “taking time” from whom and what? “Taking time” conceptually, is meant to mindfu you. We give and receive in the infinite moments of now and now, is all we really have in this moment, this now of simultaneous past, present and future ~ and we have been seeding, nourishing and growing this "time of change" for generations.
There is a Call to “Clean House”, meaning that we need to clean out the corruption of colonial capitalist governments locally, regionally and internationally, as well as the imposed colonial puppet governments within Indigenous Nations. This includes, the People's thinking about leadership and the structure of government, education, economics, etc.
So let us, begin to support and place women and men in these “houses” who will clean them out as well as act on this opportunity to replace- change-heal the very structure of the corrupt colonial- capitalist -political- educational-systems that have oppressed our Peoples worldwide, for generations.
May this be one more step in embodying relational responsibility, balance and harmony in the movement of Peace with Grandmother Earth, All Life and the unity of the human family, as well as for our cultural regeneration.
Please give a read of this information I have collected for you as well as about the 4 candidates that are very important to support, imo.
What is also important is that the cultural leadership, knowledge, and coherent vision of these Women need to be heard for the cultural landscape of leadership to change. We can no longer afford to give more "time" to the same corporate female or male voices.
“There are 500 women that have stepped up to run for office in 2018”
However this is not nearly all of what is going on ~
So i took a look at the current stats for US seats, by gender, race, religion and age:
34,000 women have contacted Emily’s List
to be trained and run for office. Emily’s List only supports “Pro Choice” Democrat candidates.
She Should Run
has a goal of getting 250,000 women to run by 2030
Run for Something supports both female and male progressive candidates and they have a search engine to see who they are supporting in your state.
When I think about 250,000 candidates, with the potential to be put in leadership positions, some of my questions are:
Are they corporate-capitalist status quo? Do they think outside the box of colonial systemic thinking? What is their cultural knowledge? Do they see all children as children of the human family equally ? Do they respect and have reverence for Earth? Will they put a Turtle Island Department of Peace in place with authority to end wars? yeah I know the UN has not done it yet... however the International Treaty that outlaws the use, proliferation and threat to use nuclear weapons is a start of something good. And will they put indigenous people and organizations in place, for example in the EPA, that already have been and are protecting water, sacred sites, land, air , and will uphold UNDRIP ? Will they support the rescinding of the Doctrines and Bulls ? And in my wildest dreams they would at the very least know what the "Great Law of Peace" is....
Now the 4 Candidates ~
Eve Reyes-Aguirre for Arizona Senator
Deb Haaland
New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District
this district by the way has historically been very right wing ~
May she bring a breath of fresh air to the district ~
Paulette Jordan, for Governor in Idaho
Maria de Jesus Patricio for President of Mexico
* Update
Now is the time ~
* Update
Now is the time ~
if you like these women, please consider letting your relatives know about them.
Now some say, everything will change when i heal myself, or am spiritual and not political, or the Empire is falling so my time and energy is better given to XYZ.
All of these statements are valid, true …we need everyone to heal, and participate in positive ways for Peace to be realized ~
And, how did our local Town of Taos Elections go? The same old colonial- capitalist-economics was re-elected. I live in the county, so could not vote for the town government. However, i feel a rumbling ...
Thank you for listening ~
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