Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Measuring Masquerading Rip Tides

Mask n Mirror Carnival on pinterest

Measuring Masquerading Rip Tides

love knows love when
doesn’t want to contain, dominate, tame 
or rearrange her wilding nature
and there aren’t any more excuses
for truth 

love knows the way feelings feel 
when hearthinking
is a way to protect 
that way she gives life giving, life
to the feelings love 

the fragrance of the way seeing
tastes every motion 
of oceans eternal seasons
speaking in the tongue of copal breath winds
smoking from stones

and she knows the way
those feelings feel 
to make some sort of peace
with the pieces

knowing the look 
across the faces 
of memories and todays
that come in shades 
of pieces 
buying selling and trading 
the color of her flesh

bleeding terms of denominations
that can’t contain
the resilience of her wilding nature
birthing sleeping giants 

feeling the way hearthinking feels 
when publicly private
is a way to protect 
that way she gives life giving, life

to fertile rivers 
of thundering rain
when love has no terms
that can define her

Haven't written on Bear's Muses in a while ~
Alis-Itlatol has been out Dancing to the heart Drum with Cho Cho Fire and Starwalker ~ https://youtu.be/itrs_4-Ymi8 , https://youtu.be/eU0fS0GA6Ek
so i decided to slip in, with a morning cup of atole, and muse about ~  

These days of apologetic predators, hunters hunting for something, because 
woke up one day sleeping in the individuality of the Oneness movement.
Sure, sure, yeah, we can agree that there is universal indigenous knowledge that all children need to learn to create a future of Peace with Mother Earth, All Life and the human family....

While trusting that the individualist culture will behave exactly as the individualist culture does....

There is no doubt, that there are many good individualists with good intensions, and that

the privilege of a colonial individualist means that individualists can remain oblivious of the language and customs of persons of collectivist relational cultures who are the world’s majority, 
are the world's majority, 
without feeling in the individualist's culture any consequence for such oblivion,
for such oblivion. 

The colonial individualist has not been forced, tortured, killed or put into circumstances of survival, that would necessitate the need to understand collectivist relational cultures ~
until recently ~ 
by way of "climate change", and the consequences of their owner ship individualist culture that has polluted the air, water, land and life ...
which threatens their own lives ~ as well as All Life ~
I could say oh, pobracitos ~ 

about the grand canyons, like broken treaties between speaking and understanding the same words in english that mean something totally different to the individualist and the collectivist culturally. 
There is no cultural context for the individualist in the individualist culture to relate to what a collectivist relational culture 
lives and knows ...
it's is like reading the words on a flat map... lacking contextual living comprehension ~
it's like the reverse of tutoring for "english as a second language" (ESL) students:
culture as a second kulture ~ and thus with the "teach everyone oneness movement ", comes the individualist sense of privilege and entitlement to be taught.

Please understand this ~ there is no "un and sub" consciousness in the relativity of relational consciousnesses cultures.

Yours Truely, 
Bear Sence, 
Broadcasting from the Land of Enchantment, Home of the Atomic Bomb

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