The following are my thoughts, feelings and am inviting contributions and edits from all Women and our Youth regardless of gender ~
Women Worldwide image found on pinterest
Women Worldwide
Declaration of Cultural-Spiritual Sovranty and Independence
from the Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny and the Papal Bulls
and the
Restoration of the Response Ability
of the Birthgift of Lifegivers
for the Return of the One Great Peace
This Declaration's intention is to give clarity, context and meaning to his-torical trauma, where we are today, where we are going, and the inner understanding
of the Prophecy:
" The change will be lead by women and protected by men" ~ TOM
Many Indigenous Cultures, individual People, and Women still know what Cultural Spiritual Sovranty is, personally and within their respective families, tribes, and nations. So why a Declaration of sovranty and independence? The idea that women were less than equal to man started thousands of years ago, with the idea that man birthed woman from his rib. In more recent His-story, Genocide of the women across the EU were the first to be subjugated under the auspices of being less than human being. This ideology of the Doctrines and Bulls then came to Turtle Island ....where genocide continues today to both women and all indigenous peoples, through the domination and control, quantification and qualification, of Her eggs, which led to the classifications of all inequalities.
50% of the human population are women, they birth the future generations, they are the caregivers of culture. No women, no man. When all women are able to walk anywhere, without fear of or actual harm, there will be Peace with Earth.
With the Birth of each New World, the Dreaming of Creationing created First Woman and First Man. We are now moving from the 4th World to the 5th World known by the human family. The last world ended with the Great Flood. Many Indigenous Peoples, still have the Living Memory, Lore and Original Instructions given to the human family for living in balance and harmony with earth, sky, and all life, through every prior world, and into the future worlds. This knowedge is known to us today as our collective "creation stories". Now is the Time that Women, who's Response Ability with the Dreaming of Creationing to awaken and give Voice, Song and Birth to the Creation Story of the 5th World. ~
More and more people worldwide recognize "earth changes", "climate change" as being the destruction mankind has brought upon Mother Earth and All Life ~
yet few Remember that this is a time of Movement of the Ollin Energy, the return of the Dance of the Butterfly and with each world there is a metamorphic evolution of All Life. The great "mystery" of the Egg- Seed of Women have the metamorphic imaginal cells.
The Ollin Movement from the 4th World to the 5th, is Birthing energy and women are intrinsically interconnected with the real and tangible Birth Cycle of Mother Earth, Moon, Solar Tribe, Galaxy and the Womb of the Cosmos. This is Why, Indigenous Elders have called upon All Women and supporters/allies to become actively involved in the Birth of the 5th World of Peace.
The realization of the One Great Peace will come through the healing and restoration of the dance of harmony between the First 2 Tribes of humanity: with Women and Men Dismantling the imprint of Colonization from mind, emotion, worldview, body, and spirit. With the dismantling of colonization we will heal the many ways that the ideo ill logical violence and oppression that the Doctrines and Bulls have contaminated mind, emotion, body, spirit and relationships within our Cultures and life ways of harmony with All Life.
Women and Men are conscious living energy ~ not as perceived as "opposites of attraction", rather like the harmonious dance of marriage between earth, moon, sun and sky who have loved each other unconditionally for billions of years ~ we are All made of Earth and Sky. We are all made of this beauty of electromagnetic living conscious energy we can say is feminine and masculine, yin and yang, heart and mind, inner and outer, etc. We are not separate from All that Is Creationing ~
Water is the only element that has all other Elements of Creation within.
When we pollute Water, we are polluting the Embryonic Ocean of body, mind, spirit, energy in motion (emotion-heart) and the Dreaming Dreaming of Creationing that gives Birth to form from the unseen to the seen.
There are Response Abilities of Lifegivers as there are for mankind.
The Colonial Patriarch does not exist without the Matriarch that supports it.
The results of the Best thinking, education, sciences, economics, religions, etc. the Colonial Patriarch via the Doctrines and Bulls, and the collusion of capitalism and conquest, has to offer, has gotten us to the brink of total pollution and extinction to land, water, air, mis-use of fire and omnicide to the web of life.
The Ill -logic and beliefs created by the Doctrines and Bulls are the foundation and cornerstones of the destruction to Mother Earth, and the creation of governmental laws, regulations, oppression to Peoples worldwide, and the military industrial complex that supports and defends the ideo ill logic beliefs that are contrary to the timeless Lore of Nature and the Original Instructions of living in harmony and peace.
Women as Lifegivers, are the daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers
that birth and give life to the present and future generations and cultural-spiritual sovereignty with Creationing.
“Since the time that human beings offered thanks for the first sunrise, sovereignty has been an integral part of indigenous peoples’ daily existence.
With the original instructions from the Creator, we realize our responsibilities. Those are the laws that lay the foundation of our society. These responsibilities manifest through our ceremonies... Sovereignty is that wafting thread securing the components of a society. Sovereignty runs through the vertical strands and secures the entire pattern. That is the fabric of Native Society”
Ingrid Washinawatok El-Issa born Menominee, WI July 31, 1957 (d. 1999). UN indigenous rights leader murdered in Colombia civil war. ~ Thank you papa, John Trudell for sharing this with us.
With the original instructions from the Creator, we realize our responsibilities. Those are the laws that lay the foundation of our society. These responsibilities manifest through our ceremonies... Sovereignty is that wafting thread securing the components of a society. Sovereignty runs through the vertical strands and secures the entire pattern. That is the fabric of Native Society”
Ingrid Washinawatok El-Issa born Menominee, WI July 31, 1957 (d. 1999). UN indigenous rights leader murdered in Colombia civil war. ~ Thank you papa, John Trudell for sharing this with us.
Violence to Mother Earth who is lifegiver of All Life, is violence toward Women. Violence toward Women is violence toward Man ( himself).
Women are the ancestral caregivers of culture, language, knowledge and healing sciences that are passed from generation to generation for living in harmony and peace with earth and sky, all life and human family relationships.
Now is the time to return to living in harmony with Mother Earth. To do this will mean that the human family heals their wounds, and become spiritually awakened to living in peace with all life. Be these relationships with human beings and non human forms, be these relationships of any "gendered configuration", for truth and love walk together and does not discriminate.
All Life is Sacred ~ everything is Alive ~
We stand in unity for the rescinding of the
Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny and the Papal Bulls ~
And with the Rescinding we declare
the Restoration of the Response Ability of
the Birthgift (right) of Lifegivers Worldwide
1. Women having the final say about Peace and War.
~ These Women are those that have nourished, lived and caregiven the Wise Ways and Life Ways of Feminine knowledge and sciences resiliently despite all that has happened through Colonization.
~ They see and know All children as whole and beautiful Beings of the human family giving love and nourishment equally.
~ They call on All military, police, and armed forces to lay their weapons down, and go home to care for and create sacred place and relationship with family, land and life. Men to walk side by side with women to defend and protect the health of water, earth, air and right relationship with fire (energy).
~ They call for the ceasing of building and manufacturing of all weapons, and environmental technologies that harm earth, water, air and abuse to the element of fire ~ and nourish the living activities that bring harmony with Earth, create Beauty Joy and healthy families, culture, language and life ways.
~ They are supporting or teaching Restorative Justice and Peacemaker practices as a Way of Life.
~ They are calling for the availability to all Peoples ~ healing modalities for trauma, generational trauma, and injuries to the human being's mind, body, emotion and spirit.
2. No woman who supports the continuation of colonization via economic, class, race, gender, political, and environmental resource wars will have this authority.
~ The colonial patriarch does not exist without the matriarch that supports it
~ Women will circle together to identify and heal from colonial imprints that foster competition, lateral violence rather than collaboration and cooperation.
3. No man can participate in the Circle of decision making process regarding War because he can not give birth, with the exception of 2-spirit men who have the ancestral knowledge of the 2 spirit, and Peacemaker Grandfathers. All Peoples regardless of age, or gender can participate in Peacemaking.
4. Regardless of the age of woman, child or childless, or relationship preference, She has this authority as lifegiver.
5. We stand in unity for complete Debt Forgiveness for every woman, man and child, and the implementation of barter, trade, and gifting economies that restore the ancestral trade routes of Turtle Island and the World.
~ these 'environmental-cultural' exchanges will include but are not limited to:
* the creation of earth sanctuaries
* cultural preservation and exchange of education with those new and old peoples, tribes and nations whom have lost Natural Lore due to colonization
6. We stand for All forms of time and expertise, to be of equal value to the health and well being of family, clan, tribe and nation or any initiative that nourishes Peace.
Time ~ this includes the restoration of living with moon, mayan, astrological and other calendars that are in harmony with the cultural-spiritual life ways interconnected to the nature of earth and sky.
Time ~ this includes the restoration of living with moon, mayan, astrological and other calendars that are in harmony with the cultural-spiritual life ways interconnected to the nature of earth and sky.
7. Men will live with the Response Ability for Sacred Protection of Sacred Place and Sacred Service to Mother Earth, and her women-daughters with the understanding of how we care and provide for Women who are Receiving, Pregnant With and Giving Life (birthing) from Creationing,
and uphold and live by All Life is Sacred.
~ The designation of "sacred sites" is a colonial construct
All Life is Sacred
Mother Earth is Sacred
the designation of 'sacred sites'
puts sacred in a box
and tries to lock her up
put her in a trap
like saying that some part of me
is not part of every
breath, stone, sunrise, river, mountain, tree
and earth and sky that made you an me
We are Earth and She is We
8. Women worldwide stand to live by and teach the respects and harmonious life ways of UNDRIP, and the Rights of Mother Earth.
9. All women have the express right and dignity of say and definition about feminine culture, education, knowledge, healing and life way arts, sciences, ceremonies, language, body, womb, eggs, mind, emotion and spirit.
10. The return of lands taken by colonial wars, bought and sold with the exclusion of women, and hindered their ability to nourish, provide for and care for their children, cultures and life ways will be returned to the care and protection of their families, tribes and nations.
11. Where harm has been done, or is in continuation, will stop.
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ~Arundhati Roy
"We are Mother Earth's heartbeat, the life-givers, it is our responsibility to bring peace, harmony and balance back to the world. This will not happen if we continue to find fault with ourselves and perpetuate it on our sisters. Remember sisters, as the Cheyenne say , when the hearts of the women are on the ground, all the weaponry in the world will not save the earth. Wilwilaaysk, All my Relations"
(Shannon Thunderbird, Coast Tsimshian Elder)
"Before the men could go to war, it was customary for the women to make the moccasins. If the women did not want war, they did not make moccasins. "
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