With gratitude for all those who stand beside us ~
ok here's my thoughts at the moment
about all the violence toward women
Mother Earth and our cultures
we have lived through or lost our lives
from the physical violence
yet the violence toward the aspects of woman's
knowledge, sciences, and ways she is naturally made
has far more impacts on the way she thinks, feels,
knows and innerstands her natural way of Being,
when i was about 15 i didn't innerstand
why when i went from our village to town with
my auntie and uncle,
boys - men
would say sexist racist things at me while
driving by in their cars jeering ….
i remember, telling my relatives that i
was going to wear burlap sack and jeans for a year
whenever we went to town,
to see if this behavior would change
it was my experiment
what i found out was that how am made
can't be hidden by a burlap sack
and their behavior has nothing to do with me
half of healing is the willingness to receive
can we remember when ?
man did not need to protect woman
and she did not need to
lead his soul to unite him with Source ?
did this come about before or after human beings
became so sick,
that our people asked for visions
and so were given rites, ceremonies, teachings, etc
to help us live in harmony with earth, sky and each other again?
we were born Hozho'ji
wholey beautiful
why would anyone want to
live someone else's story?
~ as in putting on fake cheap copies of
chief's regalia,
or need to go to another tribe to help revitalize their own culture,
when remember can't remember
because of the holocaust of colonization?
or remember who they are?
or a man wanting what her birth right's are?
or people revering being single?
~ wot happened?
a war began
thousands of years ago
control and dominance
over creationing
yet the fact still remains
she is life giver,
daughter of Mother Earth and Sky
and the colonial patriarch
is still trying to create the
perfect "race" …don't ya know
GMO's are just experiments to crack the
"DNA" mitochondrial wilding nature codes
the ones that metamorph …
yeah it's about our blood, waters and eggs of life
medicines, and woman's life ways
~ her creationing energy
it's about looking into an atom and trying to find out
how the micro and macro of creationing works
and in splitting the atom…
to try to find out how her egg metamorphic-ally grows etc…
colonial patriarch created a bomb instead ~
Elder said we never touch the medicines
on another person's altar
besides what kind of mind trap is that
when it's easier to just look inside yourself
learn from nature
and learn how to dance
with Her
so in her wounding
she can bargain
with forgetting her nature
how she is made ~
by what she thinks
will get
the colonial patriarch
to pay up
give her a step up
she taking on roles and ideas
that are mankind's
unwillingly imposed
or she willingly adopting
papal bulls
who she is
of a profit or loss statement
of an economic ideology
especially when the economic model
means that it is cheaper to kill her
than keep her alive
of a profit or loss statement
of an economic ideology
especially when the economic model
means that it is cheaper to kill her
than keep her alive
and even that its her responsibility to clean up his
colonial patriarchal baggage of
violence and destruction ~
there is a spirit dis-connect somewhere here with this ~
look around you ~
most places where there is healing going on
women out number men
mankind needs to start showing up
to heal how maintaining
colonial patriarchal behavior, and ideologies
hurts themselves ~
so with all the violence
that continues on….
and mankind digs and digs
bigger and bigger holes in earth
trying to own Her ~ energy
and makes up ways to buy
and enslave, control and dominate
Her ~ energy
mankind is digging graves
hanging on to the missionary
pinche position
of the one trick pony
and the papal priests
tried to hide her knowledge and sciences
Her ~ creationing ways
tried and hide her from her
and this goes on
as long as believe wants to believe
that someone outside of herself can tell her
how who what where when why
woman is ~
she is not mono-tone
so there is his relationship
with her and Mother Earth
and her with her ~
and her relationship with Sun
and her and him with earth, sun, moon and cosmos~
and the tapestry of all these relationships
in any given moment in how she is whole
and beautifully made ~
and so the cosmovision of the
dance of creationing
goes on and on…. the wilding nature
of a harmonious energy in motion
so while there are many beautiful men
and 2-spirit people ~ there are far too few
healthy one's to go around …
think about this:
women were and are still
the first healers
and have had to continually heal
because of the thousands
of years of violence
so our teachings have told us
that it is now time for women to "lead"
yet few women trust each other
or are able to
choose well men
let alone "chiefs" ~
or able to raise daughters and sons
with the rites of passages
that they themselves never received ~
"can't get to 6 yrs old without living 5"
said Faith Spotted Eagle ~
our children are the future generations
who will live
through Mother Earth's birth
of the 5th world
Please listen to Faith Spotted Eagle:
this is how the Lakota are healing
each community has their
Tribal Culture and Cosmology
are we ready to put another movie on?
dream-visions become our reality
when we live them ~
non-gmo popcorn anyone?
"Taku Wakan Skan Skan"
Tunkasila Basil
Thank you for listening ~