Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pony Up

Are you listening? Can you hear it?

Heart stretched Drum rhythms 
weaving Life's tapestries
pulse sing within 
the Womb of Creationing
Mother Earth's heartbeat  
Butterfly Midwifes and Protectors
all in synchronization
birthing the new Sun
of balance and harmony  
woven with Love
and the Original Instructions

 Jay Says, "i am not the one who is sick"… 

yes… once we are strong and have healed…the predator comes again to tell us "we are still sick" or to go after another one of our wumyn or children… because, the psychopathic predator in it's sickest form also says:
"it's all love", "raping you is love", and  " genocide and ecocide is love" and is all dressed up in the poetry and stories of religion's matrix that the predator created to objectify and subjugate us. 

People tell us we need "healthy boundaries" … they want us to believe that if we had healthy boundaries, we would not be "victims"...
"build them" they say, "build them because if you had them, the predator could not get in…build them until you have created your own inner prison"….

or that these experiences are "only life lessons that we need until WE change
and really come to know 'enlightenment' "... well enlighten this:
The predator thinks that predatory behavior is a natural state of Being … 
IT IS NOT ... 

Our Elders said: Recognize who comes in a Good Way, to listen, learn and live in good relation with All Life and each other.

The predator has morphed and become more adept in it's cunning…
Some have learned enough of our Natural Ways, to "appear as if they are friend"…and they continue to go after our wumyn and children, 
because they fear: 

* that we know that we do not acquiesce our spiritual-cultural sovranty as Beings, that we have natural direct connection to Creationing, because this is the truth in how we are made of earth and sky... 

* that All wumyn have direct connection to the Cosmic Womb of Creation that has birthed everything… no, we did not come from a man's rib... and this may be the most frightening to their made up matrix of illusions

* that wumyn and their families have direct connection to Mother Earth's Heart and life birthing cycles with Grandmother Moon, Sun Father and the Cosmos…

*and fear the wumyn and men who live by these natural laws and original instructions…and are the Protectors and Warriors of this Wisdom

It is Joy to caregive the dreamseeds of original instructions, wisdom and beauty ways now and for the future generations...
it is Joy to provide the means to heal as our ancestors and Elders 
caregave and passed to us, 
it is Joy because we do not die ... 
we are alive and will live again... 

it is Joy when we all walk side by side 
as caregivers, protectors and warriors and Live Love with the 
the Staff of Authority called the Obsidian Blade of Truth ... 

The predator's burden is no longer ours to carry. 
Forgiveness does not relieve them of responsibility for reparations, 
their healing and changing their behavior, PAST and CURRENTLY DUE. 

We do not die...
we are the Living consciousness of past, present and future
we are the Living Mystery of Creation's expression

and one day the sound of the Cosmic Heartbeat
will be heard by all Peoples everywhere 

With gratitude for the Elders who helped us heal and remember
the Original Instructions, and how we are made, 

for the wumyn and men who walk side by side in balance and harmony
as life's caregivers, and protectors 

for those who have heard the heart beat of All that Is from the stillness 

for the Beauty Way we live with all Relatives, 

for the blood, flesh and bone that has been given 
will Now nourish the Tree of Life's dreamseeds 

for being able to live a simple and good life with Mother Earth, 
Sun Father and Cosmos, 

for being here at this time-space to feel the birthing pains and joys of 
a New Sun woven of the living prayers, wisdom and Life Ways of our Peoples for thousands of years... 

for Love's Truth ...

So care give your Ponies ...
we are riding

Picture by: Horse, Eagle Rivers in the Ocean FB

ama ~ 01*11*2014

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