Deep Water Wells, Airplanes and Asphalt
“They tell us that we can’t go back to the old way, to be realistic.
But there is no old way, no new way, there is a way of life.
We must live in balance with the Earth. We must do it. We have no choice. "
John Trudell
John Trudell
Due to the lack of representation for my neighborhood, am writing you all directly. I am concerned about how Town and County "major development" projects will impact my health, the health of my neighbors and this Sacred Taos Valley that gives us Life.
I am a resident of Lower Las Colonias, east and slightly south of the EPWSD Midway Well, the proposed new asphalt plant by Perovich Properties, AND am in the sacrifice zone of the Town of Taos Airport.
I am very concerned about what the Midway Well, the proposed asphalt plant and increasing Jet Flights and Jet Fuel emissions will do to the health of water, air, land and quality of life here.
As you may know, historically implementing NEPA-EIS protocols is no guarantee that the Town Council and County Commissioners will protect our water, air, land and quality of life no matter what the results of such a process documents.
There are other aspects of this to consider as well.
1. The Town/County "major development" rules and regs state that NEPA-EIS is "discretionary", not mandatory. A NEPA - EIS for the proposed asphalt plant should be mandatory, not at the "discretion" of Planning and Zoning and the County Commissioners. Any "major development" project, that will impact our domestic wells, surface water, ag and garden lands we depend on for food, and quality of life should comply at the minimum with NEPA, because as we have unfortunately seen this minimum has not always protected Taos Valley from the adverse impacts and pollution caused by past approvals of major developments (with or without NEPA-EIS) that are harming us today.
2. EPA, Federal Agencies and Courts, do not always rule in favor of the health of Earth, all life and humans.
3. "Quality of Life" (QoL) may mean a variety of things to different people. For example: to Perovich, and the Town and County, the asphalt plant may mean more personal $, locally made road repair products at competitive prices, and a few jobs despite the health risks.
"QoL" may mean domestic wells running dry as a result of Mega Wells so that every home can be hooked up to pay for water that is treated and sanitized.
"QoL" may mean that Taos becomes like any resort USA, where everything is trucked in and locals can not afford to live there.
For myself and many others "QoL" means healthy clean Air, Water, Earth and Seeds. QoL means living in balance and harmony with Earth, healthy locally grown heirloom food, glowing Night Skies and the song of Nature.
* The proposed asphalt plant running 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 50 weeks a year will use lots of water, contaminate our water supply, by creating noxious fumes, dust and noise. It will contaminate our Air, Water and Land. Asphalt plants use and release some of the most toxic substances.
Other communities research and reports on the impact of Asphalt Plants:
* The proposed increase of Taos Jet flights into summer and fall also poses Noise, Air, Water, Earth, Food and Quality of Life health risks:
CDC report on Hazards
consumption of components of " Jet A fuels, were reported as suffering harmful effects on the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. The observed effects included cough and difficulty breathing, abdominal pain and vomiting, drowsiness, restlessness, and convulsions."
As you may know the Air Force, with all their $, expertise and safety measures, spilled and leaked Fuel into the aquifer in Albuquerque and to date, 20 years later, the contamination has not been cleaned up.
As you may know all things mechanical break. It is not if but when this real and imminent threat of a fuel spill into this northern watershed occurs, while ever increasing fuel emissions fall from the Air onto our eco-system, watershed and food.
Moreover, since approximately, July of 2018, the Town of Taos does not have an Airport Manager that meets the Town's own criteria of expertise.
The Town, County, Taos Airport Committee and Neighborhood Associations have not provided a means for adequate representation and participation by the residents who are the most impacted by the Airport, to determine safer Airport management operations. As per a recent call to the FAA, "Taos Airport's 'regional' designation is now like a public federal HWY, ... a regional airport has to be open for flights 24 hours per day, same as a public HWY and the military can use the airport... the no flight zone over Taos Pueblo is voluntary and would need a congressional act to make this an actual no flight zone" and in reference to the advertising of no TSA by Taos Air, "true, you do not know if contraband or drugs are being flown in or out of your community".
We also briefly discussed ways to mitigate and solve these current issues, which we local residents were assured would be mitigated in the original MOA and Resolution, and are currently being disregarded.
While my Commissioner and Neighborhood Association does not return phone calls nor answer emails about any concern I or my neighbors may have, they therefore can not say that the residents of my area are being represented, or that we agree with how they may or may not vote on any issue or "major development".
Therefore: Now in the time of Climate Change, the Town and County must focus on economic development that decreases CO2 emissions and pollution, increases healthy food and energy sustainability, protects the health of our watershed and quality of life.
Moreover, while there are claims of increased revenues by the Town ( and County?) who have not yet provided an Independent Retail Impact Survey to the public, and the County chose to give 200K (?) to the Town for more marketing of the Airport, my retail statistics at a Plaza business show not one person who came into the business came by plane, nor were there any sales from skiers. Skiers come for the Snow. Nor has the business experienced any sales from Plaza or Park Concert participants.
There are other ways the County could benefit from 200K of marketing and economic development that preserves our quality of life and improves the economy for more local residents, not just the Town, Taos Ski Valley, realtors, restaurants, hotels and a few ski shops.
Since many of us use wells and water catchment, increased Jet Flights, emissions and the proposed asphalt plant will jeopardize our clean Water, Air, Lands and quality of Life. Our recent drought has impacted both plant and animal life, such that any additional pollution on the ecosystem will have negative consequences that we will be passing onto future generations.
We depend on the Quality of our Air, Water, and Earth that give us Life, now, and for future generations to come.
The proposed increased Air Flight Traffic and proposed asphalt plant will jeopardize my life and enjoyment of my home, decrease property values, and jeopardize all of Taos residents health.
Residents have solutions to these matters and are available to work with the Town, County and others in shared and responsible ways.
I give gratitude to the Indigenous Youth Council for their Run for Water on Sunday April 13th, 2019.
There are no borders on water, air and land. What happens on this or that side of the imaginary borders, will effect all life and everyone.
Thank you for listening, thank you for caring, thank you for who you are and all you do for the health of this sacred Mother Earth and the life she gives us.
Abril Mondragon