FB Meme posted by Melissa Silver
May the song of our spirits and life ways,
give rise to the ways of clearing and healing
from the systems of oppression
maintained by violence.
Am writing today, as we are experiencing a great wave of awareness of Earth's Nature, Human Nature, Sky Nature, All Life Nature responses responding to the the normalization of Domination that has been willingly adopted and unwillingly imposed on All Life.
“Ammu said that human beings were creatures of habit, and it was amazing the kind of things one could get used to.”
― Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things
We can be "aware" of "something", yet not know where this something came from or why violence keeps being re-lived, imposed and reinvented throughout American social, political, educational, environmental, media, systems of living. We can tell ourselves, "oh it is a learned behavior". Ok, well where was this behavior of violence learned, who taught it? and if this is unhealthy for us, why are we still doing it? And the most interesting belief is "we chose to experience domination and violence".
These "somethings" appear in even the most "environmentally conscious" organizations, institutions and movements in recent history. Is like an addiction to something harmful to us. Is so pervasive in it's "normalcy" that some cultures have created a nice safe place called the "unconscious" to store it in. Most will agree that masculine and white privilege, lateral violence, verbal abuse, domestic violence, rape culture, and molestation is about control and domination. How many times have we heard an abuser say, "don't tell", "is our secret", "you're special", "you're the chosen one", "is for your own good", "am spiritually guided to do so" and even..."god love's you" and "I will bestow on you blessings".
Many have had enough. Many choose to focus all attention on solutions, creating beauty, sharing with others, being in prayer, being of service, creating a different reality, being in another reality, and some are in the practice of seeing no evil, hearing no evil and speaking no evil.
“Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.
The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling – their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability.
Remember this: We be many and they be few.
They need us more than we need them.
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
― Arundhati Roy
"Domination" is a very powerful drug. In Relational Cultures, the concept of "domination" does not exist. How we relate to, and understand "power" and what and why we give our personal power/energy to or With something is effected by experiences of domination. People and systems of domination use multitude forms of violence to Subjugate others emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually (EMPS), this is the economic fuel for the engine of Domination. If a person can be convinced to give their EMPS power/energy away to the subjugation systems of Domination, then there is no cohesive and coherent change. For example: the word "No" has been spoken in english to first language english speakers for at least a thousand years, and has not diminished nor stopped another from doing acts of violent domination.
In 1493 the Holy See issued Papal Bulls that legitimized to themselves, the conquest of Abya Yala (the Americas) by deeming that the inhabitants of any lands and territories not of the Catholic religion, and persons not caucasian Catholic/Christian males, were of inferior intelligence, and not fully human beings. The Papal Bulls also sanctioned the conquest, domination, genocide and established territorial ownership rights over peoples and the lands for caucasian catholic/christian men (patriarchy). Following in the Vatican’s lead, other countries, (France, Spain, England, Netherlands = world domination) in complicity with the Catholic/Christian domination code and hefty war chests acquired from the pillaging of sacreds, the water, mineral and plant organs of Mother Earth, and enslaving human beings, began to divy up the world territories and claiming divine right of domination and ownership (economics of domination). For more on this subject see and listen to this documentary, at https://www.38plus2productions.com/.
To maintain this domination system of subjugation, a mass media dis-informational system was enacted through military and educational Missionary systems of violence (military, churches and schools) and has exponentially grown through out the "psychology of media" that is one of the integral Arms of Domination.
The aforementioned clearly establishes white male privilege, the culture of misogyny, racism and classism of empire, and "benefits" to all those who align with it and become "allies".
Today Domination has become internalized ideological indoctrinations that few can even recognize are at work in their thinking, feeling and behaviors. The ideologies of the Papal Bulls created positions of authority and implied or inferred assumptions of impeccable integrity for those that are practitioners and "allies" of that “religion” and the “rule of law” which are laws created to uphold the Doctrines and Bulls, in the Doctrines and Bulls Courts, governments, education, economics, and systems. This is a “Kangaroo” system… and i mean no disrespect to the Kangaroo, am only using the language that Americans recognize as meaning: “a court held by a legitimate judicial authority who intentionally disregards the court's legal or ethical obligations” in order to maintain the appearance that the Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny and the Papal Bulls and it's systems of subjugation are “legitimate” as well as the actions of “legalized” war, assault, rape and pillaging of Earth and her children.
So, if we report, and go to these courts, we can not expect truth, justice, and reconciliation. We can however, jam their courts with overwhelming numbers of cases, that their courts will implode under the weight of truth.
No Court of Domination, can change the Truth.
So think about who the Vatican subjugated first, their women.
The formula worked so well, it has been exported around the world.
For example: The appointment of a Arpaio Maricopa County prosecutor to question Dr. Ford, was not lost on us. Nor the "old boyz club" that grooms successors, through alliances with Kozinski.
Furthermore: rape and sexual assault is a common part of the Papal culture of War and Military training for "God and Country". See documentary “The Invisible War”.
Some glorify “freedom”: "the suffix of “dom” on free"dom" means to dominate, thus, freedom means, the domination over free", oh how cleaver we be, in the crazy matrix of illusion of the english language. ( Steve Newcomb, 38+2 productions).
While “ American democracy” is dressed up as the poster child for "land of the free", and glorified and commodified all over the the world, there has never been an American “democracy”,…if there had been or is, we would not be resisting the oppression, and “fighting for rights” today, now. America was created by a group of white men. Call them “white” and be clear on what “white” means, because the Irish and Sami are still resisting this abomination. “White” today means to me, “anyone who is willing to uphold and live by the Doctrines and Bulls indoctrinations and all the systems of oppression that the Doctrines and Bulls have created to enslave Earth, the human family and all life. There are many educational pathways to heal and come into our wholeness as human beings, restoring our ability to mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, untangle ourselves from the matrix of Doctrines and Bulls’ ideo-ill-logical violence and systems that is the internalized dominating presence in American Culture.
My personal statistics, from personal experience: There are many forms of violence and domination, and we have named them sexism, racism, classism, etc etc etc. So am way over the top on the 1 in 4 women statistics. Real statistics are that women, PoC, LGBTQ, and all genders and ages will experience violence multiple times, and in multiple forms, in their lifetime. Violence toward Everyone, and All Life is a worldwide phenomenal crisis. The majority of perpetrators are White males, because they are the majority who maintain the beliefs, privileges and systems of the Doctrines and Bulls, that are acquired and maintained through the many forms of domination. Be that domination the funding of wars, the extraction of oil, corporate welfare, dolling out slave wages, etc. All the women who fall in lock step stockholm syndrome with them, are no different than queens of the middle ages, that attained position, property and $ through marriage and alliance with the Kings aligned with the Vatican’s Doctrines and Bulls.
So how does everyone else fall prey to being indoctrinated in the systemic systems of the Doctrines and Bulls?
Very simple, the system provides ways to gain money, property and prestige/position. These ways are marketed to you every day, in every way, in every flavor, color, and size. Is not easy to live outside the system. We have families to feed, cloth, and shelter. Yup, we still be in a 3-D world of form, we eat, sleep, poo, need healthy water, we get cold and hot..... get a job, need a job, and if we loose the job, don't have $ for health care, etc....well...like Johnny said, "you pay to be born, pay to live and pay to die" in this system of domination.
Ever wonder why in the 60’s when there was a big movement to “change the system from within the system”, and we saw the corner "food" stores replaced by liquor stores, and an increase in drugs on the streets?
We can not change the systems of domination from within the same constructs, language, thinking, and behaviors of those systems. These "systems" have been and are designed and created in such a way to maintain Domination. For Example, let's decode:, "Creating life long appointments/positions to America's Supreme Court, to uphold, set precedence, and determine the "law of the land". The word "supreme" defining the hierarchy of man made law over Earth and all who are children of Earth. When the present "justices" die, another one made in the image of the Holy See's Doctrines and Bulls, is appointed to take the seat until they die. This is just one aspect of Domination's idea of eternal life.
We are seeing a Rise in human awareness and activity giving their power and energy to gatherings, on-line educational seminars, with or without knowing, if they are recreating another hierarchal structure of domination or truly undoing the internalized systems of domination and violence within their own thinking, feeling and way of Being a human being. Domination teaches us not to trust in our Natural knowing, Natural senses. Domination teaches us to give our inherent power and intelligence away and to follow in the shadows of the perceived religion, political party, leader, guru, who's voice is loudest, who's on TV, standing at the podium, is dressed in a uniform, has acquired a degree, got the most FB likes....whatever.
May we give care to innerstanding that liberation starts from within and liberation from domination is relational.
One "something" for sure is that domination also falls like dominoes.
Meanwhile enough will never be enough in the great debate over she said he said, innocent until proven guilty, and corroborating evidence in "Kangaroo" courts.
So will leave you with this:
she is daughter of earth, light, water and wind
she is grand daughter of cosmos
she is the eye of hurricanes
and pulse of ocean waves,
rippling springs and river rains
dancing, living and weaving
with the rhythm of
creation creationing
life giving nature
The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. -Black Elk
thank you for listening to my thoughts and innerstanding about
#MeToo and the Doctrines and Bulls ~
thank you for being
~ Alis-Itlatol