The High Road to Taos:
Water, Earth, Life and Kleptomania
(Kleptomania: The word was much-derided in 19c. as a fancy term for old-fashioned thievery and an opportunity for the privileged to claim a psychological motive
for criminal misbehavior.)
Dear Earthlings,
By now everyone who has come to live here within the Taos Pueblo World, this Taos Mountain Watershed, understands "water is life", "agua es vida", the "Milagro Beanfield War" ... and maybe not ....about what this means to be a "earthling", child of earth, sun and innerstand that we are made from water, earth, breathwinds and light... and we can not live as healthy human beings with out this relational responsibility to, with, and for the Elementals, Mother Earth and All Life...
Maybe everyone knows about the TVAA, Abeyta and Adamont settlement's proposed 13 mega wells in the name of illusionary "progress", which is gaining more and more underground whispers from la gente, that Now is the time for a moratorium on the growth of Taos, Santa Fe and Albuquerque !

Oh my ! "a moratorium" ! how could this be even mentioned in the presence of economic growth as the story of the mega motel unfolds along with the proposed OHV ordinance, the ongoing corrupt deal between KCE and Tri County which hinders us from generating our own solar energy, and behind closed door town and county government deals, and of course the expanded airport to bring wealthy tourism flocking in herds to pave the way for another mountain casino .....
[ More information can be read in the archival posts by La Jicarita's Kay Mathews, Taos Friction's Bill Whaley, and the previous Bear Muse's post may shed some light on local doings......]
Or how about the pipelines through Chaco or the methane fumes that can been seen by Nasa in the 4 corners?
So the "moratorium", is simply voicing the reality that humans are destroying nature by taking more than what is naturally given by Mother Earth.
In any dealings with government officials one must become a shadow boxer,
a ghost buster, or soothsayer in the realms where the government will or won't acknowledge, see, or act with transparency and relational responsibility for interconnecting causes and effects. (see below correspondence from a county commissioner, and game n fish)
Which certainly ....could make us look like fools, or rather the
being fooled the context of :
"only addressing the Bill Gov. Martinez passed in the NM legislature".
How many times will we allow the fool and the fooled
"only addressing the Bill Gov. Martinez passed in the NM legislature".
How many times will we allow the fool and the fooled
to run amuck ?
While I may appear to be voicing concerns about a fictitious ghost...
Fact is that there is much mis-understanding and lack of clarity
regarding what OHV ers can and can not well as the confusing
information that law enforcement tells people, and does and does not do...regarding OHV riders on and off county and non county maintained paved and un-paved roads ~ as well as a total lack of acknowledgement to the destruction of nature (see petition).
I think this is an opportunity to have an OHV Ordinance that
does address Water, Nature and Culture .... all of which are necessary
for healthy communities now and for future generations to come....
To understand what I am meaning by "Culture" of originary human beings,
being Earthlings ~ please listen to:
Tupak Huehuecoyotl, Interview by Naomi Klein
please stand, innerstand, understand...however you stand with the love for Earth, Water, and All Life ~ and sign n share this petition....the voice of Taosenas and nos needs to be heard.... is time to rise up ~ the "commissioners" are here to serve for the protection and health of water, land, nature, life and all Peoples ...
FYI. Also, a county ordinance is on the desk of legal. I have not seen it, but we both agree to add language prohibiting off-road vehicle use on private roads. We will have to see if we get buy-in from the commission when it comes for a vote. I do not know when that will be.
Taos County Commissioner - District V
From: New Mexico Department of Game & Fish []
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 4:19 PM
To: Candyce O'Donnell
Subject: Public comment sought on proposed changes to off-highway vehicle rules
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866
Media contact: Karl Moffatt: (505) 476-8007
Public comment sought on proposed changes
to off-highway vehicle rules
SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is seeking public comment on proposed changes to off-highway vehicle rules. The proposed rule changes follow changes in state law governing off-highway vehicles made during the recent legislative session.
The current rule requires all operators and occupants riding an off-highway vehicle on permitted streets and highways to wear an approved safety helmet. The proposed rule change will require only those operators younger than age 18 to wear an approved safety helmet and to have a state issued license plate attached to any off-highway vehicle operating on approved streets and highways.
The proposed rule changes can be found on the department website, Comments can be sent to<> and must be received by June 14.
Printed copies of the proposed rule changes can be obtained by writing to the Off-Highway Vehicle Program Manager, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, 3841 Midway Place N.E., Albuquerque, N.M. 87109. For more information, please call (505) 222-4728.
Dear ....,
I am sorry to tell you that we are not receiving public comments on ordinances for those communities or counties that wish to pass an ordinance to allow OHV’s on the paved roads they control. The public comment we are looking for is what Senate Bill 51, that was signed into law by the Governor, has changed within the OHV ACT. Primarily two things: (1) changed the helmet requirement; when an operator is riding an OHV on paved roads as per an ordinance from all operators must wear a helmet to only those operators under 18 years old must wear one, (2) if using an OHV on paved roads as per an ordinance then that OHV user must purchase and affix the now required license plate for such activity in addition to the registration sticker they may already have purchased that allows that OHV to be used on public lands.
I hope this help clarify the public comment we are seeking.
Matt Seidel
Off Highway Vehicle Program Manager
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish