One reason I like John Trudell is that he prefaces his presentations with, "call me crazy" … am going to give us that "out" here too… call me crazy in my Dance with the Law of Nature, some call Quantum… however consider that the we are made of All That Is. Visions and Dreams....what we think, feel, say and do, what or how we perceive, becomes our reality.
Elders have said that there will come a time when the old ceremonies will be put down, for we will be entering a New World….
We are made of All That Is, which has memory and consciousness. Our Galaxy was created 8 billion yrs ago ...and we are made of this. Our galaxy was birthed from the Cosmic Womb, and we are made of this. All Tribes, Cultures and Languages, came from this "place"of knowing, this relationship with All That Is. Therefore this notion that we are separated by degrees of genetics, language, religion ...whatever,.... becomes irrelevant. We are the living sentient energy made from All That Is. Some call this the Oneness, Mitakuye Oyasin, Enlightenment, the Sacred Dreaming of Creationing .... i don't know what this is, this is what this is.
The Ancestors shared this Vision/information of the Danza de la Mariposa last Fall with me and my ceremonial sister when we were in a prayer meditation together. As of august 2013 this information was nothing new, it already exists in one form or another, yet not collectively in a Dance/Ceremony, that i know of. In the next blog: Seeding the Vision of Danza de la Mariposa, August 2014 will share some experiences regarding what took place, and with whom.
Prior to this vision, we are collectively coming to innerstand that through ceremony 24/7, 365, somewhere all over mother earth - with every breath, thought, feeling and action, the resonance and tonality, and collective consciousness can be raised to the point that all harmful machines, can come to a screeching halt, - they just will not function…
The heartbeat of mother earth will even be able to be heard by people living in places like NYC, and they will stop, look, listen and realize we no longer have to live like slaves…
The Dance:
The message is balance, yin/yang, like Mother Earth's Marriage with Father Sun, Grandmother Moon and Cosmos. All of our Prophecy teachings worldwide have spoken of this time coming, when the feminine energy will rise. We already know that the extreme of one or the other leads to the same place, away from the Center. Balance within first - healing our inner feminine and masculine relationship and the Dance of Creation, in how we are all made whole and perfectly Beautiful. Leaving the realms of matrixes of hierarchies, religions and dogmatic realities.
For almost a year in the flow with Spirit to learn more about
what this Vision is showing:
Please notice the center lines of this Celtic symbol
For the Celts the Meaning of the Celtic Knots around the Tree of Life may vary according to family, region, bloodline, era, and family crest…a knot made with a continuous line evokes Eternity. Notice the Galactic Butterfly knot within the Four Direction Medicine Wheel shown below:
this symbol is also seen as
the Hunab - Ku ( Galactic Butterfly) as shown in how it was painted to show you, see dimensionally not flat-linear ( see above painting)
the Enchanted Flower of the Mayan woman's Moondance which was shared by Mayan Grandmother Magdala Ramirez this Spring, 2014 in AZ ... she refers to this as the "union of polarities", the portal to the 5th realm or Dimension of the Enchanted Flower,
the Tibetan Heart of the Lotus Sutra
this is the lotus blossom of enlightenment
i have seen this symbol in certain ways dancers dance the Medicine Wheel in the
Lakota Sun Dance, when Jon Fastwolf turned the wheel to each direction, during the dance of each day's dance rounds.
For the West Africans
“knot of pacification/reconciliation”
or the Hopi Polonghoya and Pokanghoya, gaurdians of the north and south poles of Mother Earth's energies ...and their relationship at the equatorial zone. When we have had pole shifts before, Mother Earth's center disc turns or rather it is the spiraling of the taurus. The Butterfly Dance although not done in a circle formation, is an integral part of the ceremonial Life Ways for all the Pueblos in the Southwest of Turtle Island.
Today, Sept. 4th, 2014 i found this image:
site Re: Feminine Peace Knowledge - Ring of Power
Sept 20th
Huichol Art
Indigo Art Gallery
knowledge quotes and image by Mayan Daykeeper
Mark Borcherding
We can see now that this "symbol" is ancestral, we are made of this relationship, we are this, and this is us.
What i experience when meditating with this vision, is at the center of Mother Earth, and Cosmos, like a disc ...egg...of dancing creation energy, like the Milk and Honey Galaxy.
The outer blue and red waves of the image i painted, are the Serpent, red and blue for mas/fem , above/below, positive ions/negative ions, red-road/blue/road
(where these 2 roads meet at the center of the medicine wheel is the Tree of Life, Home, Mitakuye Oyasin, Enlightenment, etc… and this is where we are Being within, with the Truth for All Life, for the future generations, for the One Great Peace to be Realized ...this Balance or marriage, or unity-union)
At the center is the Hunab-Ku, is that same as i stated above - energy - the marriage between Mother Earth and Father Sun/Sky, this is where the portal opens that we experience when we dance. When we dance from this within and in human form, we move what is within "the unseen" ...and birth it into physical form of "reality" the seen world of Ma- Matter. This is literally one of the formations that the dancers dance, as well as the red and blue Serpent. This womb portal, is within woman's womb, the mother earth, the milk and honey galaxy, it is the marriage of the energies to birth life… this energy is the cosmic womb. We are the seed, flower, fruit and Tree of Life.
There are 12 eggs or seeds, the 13th Egg is this alchemy of the Whole,
The 12 eggs also represent the "Altar offering" of what the Ancestors showed to put around the Tree of Life, at the center of where the Hunab-Ku is.
The 13 eggs also represent our 13 Moons, and the return of harmonious relationship with time/space.
The Ancestors showed an Altar around a living Tree, not one that had to give it's life, the time of "sacrificial suffering is over", "we plant the seed and tree of life, because we are this"
The Altar has water, flowers, incensor with burning medicines, and seeds...
Representing of the teachings of sacred geometry and All of the original instructions that lead to this same place, All Peoples, All Traditions.
I painted Strawberry plant to represent this, because this is
Mohawk Medicine of Love, medicine for the heart.
The Brown represents our Earth Mother, all peoples, Ma - matter, all life forms
the Light Blue water of both Earth and Sky, and the color of Spirit, the Spiritual Road we are walking and living now.
The Hummingbird, represents
our Ancestors (we are the ancestors, now, we are the future generations)
Hummingbird is the Day energy, of the Jaguar of the Night energy, it changes form by day or night … it is high magik
The hummingbird is the fastest bird helpers to carry prayers to Creationing.
Hummingbird is Joy/Bliss/Peace/Happiness - means your prayers have been answered.
The little infinity in the Hummingbird's Path….
The 3 pairs are , Feminine & Masculine Spirit Beings, Mother & Father,
Girl & Boy, they dance in the infinity, eternal life pattern.
When the portal or activation of this dance takes place, the ripple is flowering beauty all over Mother Earth as represented by the outer ring of flowers around the red and blue serpent and the plant vine, and the green color.
Who is the Butterfly?
the Butterfly is the only species i know of that changes genetically when it metamorphoses.
All aspects of the medicine wheel can be related to the cycles of the Butterfly,
for example:
egg- child, spring, Birth
caterpiller-youth summer
chrysalis-adult, fall…. humanity and mother earth is at the end of this stage
butterfly-elder, winter, - returns to seed/egg, to Birth
~ the New World ?
* Today even the children that are being born are ancient souls ...
DAYS of the Dance: are to be danced during both Night and Day.
By the mayan calendar and the Hopi we have lived 4 worlds, this is the time of the eagle/condor, hopi, 7th fire, end of the kaliyuga, the Law of the One Great Peace, the 5th Sun.
We know that in each prior world Mother Earth's eco-system has changed.
We have creation teachings and instructions for the end and entering into each prior world or cycle of life.
Our esteemed Elders, shared for decades to get everyone to agree that december 21, 2012 we would be in the 5th Sun, the feminine will rise…etc..
The New Sun is here …. We have yet to fully Realize the 5th World…why?
Maybe because it is the Feminine Principle of Creation, Feminine Energy, Consciousness and Wise that is necessary to BIRTH this World/culture/consciousness we all agree on….because we need the balance of Feminine and Masculine Energy to do so….
Mother Earth will Birth, as the women birth the Culture of the One Great Peace, and dreamseed the Creation teachings from the 4th world to the Fifth World…
Yes there will be a purification, because this is the way of Healing.
Humanity are specks of sand, Mother Earth is Great, and the Galaxy greater, and the Womb of Creationing from whence all came Vast and infinite…..
we like spectrums of consciousness of Mitakuye Oyasin.
My perspective on "climate change" is different. The western idea is that we are creating this change by our pollution. No, our pollution is effecting healthy eco-system for birth. Mother Earth and Father Sun will purify, in the same way we purify in the sweat lodge…and this is why she needs all of her waters to become her embryonic fluid….
We are at an end and beginning of the next cycle, Mother has had four prior worlds, she will birth the 5th world. We are are also of this "change", Birth.
The New Sun is here, we have yet to fully birth with the New World.
Form, Ma, Matter is birthed from the Sacred Dreamseed from the Womb of Creationing.
We are made like this.
So do we want to sing, dance, pray, create Tribes of One humanity, and Dreamseed into Reality the 5th World…like midwives?
Anything is possible….
Thank you for your sacred time to listen.
A.M. ~ 2014
Hunab Ku: One Giver of Movement and Measure"
J.M.Jenkins finally settled the matter, when he found the rectangular design in the Codex
Magliabecchiano, published in 1903, with a commentary by Zelia Nuttall, which is an Aztec document
and dates from some time before 1601.Hoopes went on to find that the codex shows variations of the
rectangular design, and says they are "mantas" - mantles or ritual cloaks that were used in festivals - in
particular, the festival of lip plugs. The word for lip plug was originally mistranslated as spider water,
which is given in the caption. This is how the symbol {GB} appeared in the 16th century Codex
I was recently told that the focus needs to be ONLY on the women to heal, so that they no longer acquiesce their "power" to the masculine/men.
- that all women should cease supporting or participating in men's ceremonies, and in particular the Sun Dance, and should ONLY do Moon Dance
-that if we cease all support and participation on any level with men, the men will follow the women
-that anything that the women/feminine share with the men, will be stolen, controlled and dominated by the men
- men told me they are afraid the women will take over "their" Sundance
As for my Self, the me, you and i not in this for regime change. Our children, we - us, find Peace within ourselves. We dance the dance of balance and harmony with these energies of Creationing.
When we heal ~ we heal, past, present and future. Whatever we ask/pray for we will receive. This is a natural Law of Creationing. It is time now for us to Be with Peace, Love and Truth. We are now re-membering, learning to dance in balance and harmony again.
If you speak with Sundance Grandmothers of which some of the Dance bundles are caregiven, the Sundance came from the Women, through the feminine, they were the first dancers, it is the Grandmothers who choose who are the men leaders of some of the Sundances ... not all Sundances are like this. These Sundances are very balanced, and whatever fear, ostracization or wounding women have received from the imbalanced ones, needs to be healed, within us. The Sundance is not for "men only". Men nor anyone, do not own the living life and medicine of the Sundance, nor women the Moondance - We are in Service, to live and walk the Sacred Teachings and Life Ways to the best of our ability. For the Lakota, the Ghost Dance or Moon/Night Dance is for all genders. And will note here that the Lakota have a reverence and role for Two Spirit People during ceremony and within their cultural Life Ways.
When women choose to re-member and learn through our ancestral teachings of the Moondance, Moonlodge, Rites of Passage into Womanhood and the Wise ways of our Mother years, and participate in sequestration from the men,...we re-member how to live in collaboration and cooperation with our sisters, and let go of colonially masculinized competitiveness, jealousy, depression, apathy, fear and rage, that are symptoms of the grief and pain longing to be healed. With deeper innerstanding we then are able to raise our sons with the knowledge that comes from the feminine and masculine, so that the future generations are living harmoniously together.
The Danza de la Mariposa is
neither the Moon, nor the Sun is parts of both, and more ~ am only a messenger ... maybe this dance will be seen in the 5th world that will be born, or when women and men, and two-spirited ( the first 3 tribes) decide they want to dance together for the birth of the 5th world. Regardless of what humans do, there will be a Mother Earth Spring, she will birth,
her skin will move, as Jacob Waiwatie explains this movement here :
and the water and air will be clean again.
What are we Dreamseeding? Stay true to Mother Earth, we are all her children.
Should anyone choose to join in meditating with this symbol, and sees more information... please share.
Woplia Tanka,