Wumyn around the world
who fully innerstand their power
as daughterseed,
mother moonflows,
and innerflowers (crones) …
when they cycle together
in their respective communities and cultures
during their Wumyn's ceremonies
they are mid-wives
of the Birth,
of Mother Earth's New Creation Story,
woven from the tapestry
of collective ancestral wisdom (prophecies)
and cultural cosmo-visions,
of Peace.
Every culture worldwide has the knowledge of
how and where they are birthed from.
how and where they are birthed from.
These locations around the Earth Mother are real and tangible. Some are older than old, and have been cared for by the original peoples of those birth places. Some birth places no longer birth, they have become ancestral "crone" libraries of wisdom. Yes, Mother Earth has her own libraries and she has given birth to each new world, and each new world has had different eco-systems and shape of her skin.
This wisdom is also in the Cosmos.
The Cosmos also has a Womb of Creation.
This is why we are made of Earth and Sky.
Mother Earth comes from the womb of the"Milk and Honey Galaxy",
which came from the Great Womb of this Cosmos.
Wumyn are made as the feminine principle of Creationing. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are made with direct inner and interconnection to the Womb of Creation and the tapestry of seed, birth, life, and renewal - this Great Mystery is not just a "biological" definition. We naturally give life from the non-form into form, from the un-seen to the seen. Because of this ability we are considered sacred.
We cycle cosmologically with Mother Earth and her Nature in relation with Grandmother Moon, our Solar Tribe, the Milk and Honey Galaxy and the Cosmos - within the great spiral womb-hoop with seed, birth, life and renewal from the Womb of Creationing. The mayan calendars are a most powerful example with this cosmological relationship. We have come to know our lives in form as having the life stages of seed, baby, youth, adult, elder and renewal. We have ceremonies for all of these stages, and from this relationship comes our cultural cosmo-visions in balance and harmony with all Life.
The masculine resonance and energy is the spark and energizing, protective, nourishing, loving, activating principle of this cycle. We can learn everything from Nature or Natural Law. What is the most healthy environment for a Wumyn to mid-wife and caregive, seed, birth, life and renewal in harmony and rhythm with the Womb of Creation?
An environment that is nourished, beautiful, peaceful and loving. When she is healthy, her family is healthy. Healthy families create healthy peaceful nations.
In the traditions of the Dreamseed culture which we come from, wumyn are the caregivers of the Dreaming. The Dreaming is the dialogue with the Sentient Creationing Source of All Life. Dialogue meaning: listening-receiving, and response - which may be to give voice to the dreamseeds, dream-visions, create from them as in direct action or non action. These Wumyn are loved and cherished by their People's because their 13 senses, and nine physical "chakras" are highly attuned to Creationing and they are attuned to the dreaming life flow always in all ways.
The dreaming is inner-relational with the element of water. This is why in many matrilineal cultures around the world wumyn are also the caregivers of the Water of Life, which is our embryonic fluid, our tears, and our bodies are made of mostly water and we are birthed from water. Water is the most powerful energizer of inner and inter communication. One day modern scientists will "prove", that the dark between the "light" in the cosmos, is mostly water.
Wumyn of the Dreamseed Traditions are the caregivers of the personal, family, land, region, planetary and cosmological relationship with the Dreaming through their Life Ways and Ceremonies that are inner and interconnected with, the natural cycles of Wumyn, Mother Earth, Moon, Sun and Cosmos.
Elder, Ilarion Merculief explains this from his People's innerstanding
knowing: http://theforcesofnature.com/movies/larry-merculieff/ 6minutes
The dreaming is inner-relational with the element of water. This is why in many matrilineal cultures around the world wumyn are also the caregivers of the Water of Life, which is our embryonic fluid, our tears, and our bodies are made of mostly water and we are birthed from water. Water is the most powerful energizer of inner and inter communication. One day modern scientists will "prove", that the dark between the "light" in the cosmos, is mostly water.
Wumyn of the Dreamseed Traditions are the caregivers of the personal, family, land, region, planetary and cosmological relationship with the Dreaming through their Life Ways and Ceremonies that are inner and interconnected with, the natural cycles of Wumyn, Mother Earth, Moon, Sun and Cosmos.
Elder, Ilarion Merculief explains this from his People's innerstanding
knowing: http://theforcesofnature.com/movies/larry-merculieff/ 6minutes
At one time our roles were to share the dream messages that come from our ceremonies with the People's, via a Sacred Trust we had with our Men, who as protectors of our sanctuaries, would go out into the community to communicate and give the activating energy to those dream messages.
Later when the patriarch came, our voices were considered beautiful, however we were harmed because these messages would dissolve the colonial patriarchal construct of ill-usions and the many religions and ideologies of god worship. So we became a threat to the patriarch's coveting of our power to life give, which it replaced with idolization of the gods of money, property and prestige. Many of our Men and Peoples have died for this Sacred Trust of carrying our messages of balance, harmony, love and truth. Now there are fewer peoples who re-member or know what the original Trust, or relationship was between man and wumyn and the Dreaming.
Today women are speaking and sharing because too few men can speak for us anymore. Prana - breath, and sound being the first form of creation, can now be heard in our rhythmical prayer breathsongs in many forms, of giving birth to a new world.
We are grateful and blessed by the men that walk side by side with us,
help protect the sanctuaries of our nests, Mother Earth, All Life
and nourish the blossoming of feminine wisdom in balance with the masculine.
Part 2:
For many the colonial construct is understood Her-storically, in that wumyn were the first to be subjugated and murdered. For the survival of her children, some chose to align themselves with the colonial patriarch, which changed their alignment to competition with their sisters vs cooperation, and agreed to become objects of power vs sovereign caregivers of the wisdom that comes through the relationship of cycling together. From this separation she separated herself from the power of collective mooncycling with her sisters and the wisdom of Being the guiding life source of right relationship with each other, Mother Earth and All Life. Wumyn also learned to create hierarchies, that are no better than patriarchs. Wumyn as the foundation of cultural health and well being, educate our children with Mother Earth and Cosmos as Being first teacher and we are interrelated in the same knowing as Mother Earth. All children, of all forms, are Her children, and have the same birthrights.
The devastating effects of this has wounded our men of the colonial world because their mothers did not and could not protect them (because of their willingly adopted and unwillingly imposed beliefs and violence) from being birthed into a culture that demanded men's and humanity's slavery and servitude to creating oppression within themselves and a cycle of defending a patriarchal position and cycle of non-renewal. Look around at the lifestyles that have been created by colonial patriarchal thinking, these are life ways that are non-sustaining and non-renewing. This is the meaning of patriarchal "death" and is not the same meaning of wumyn's innerstanding wisdom of renewals part of the cycle of life.
Part 3
As wumyn are being asked to step into our roles and authority as leaders, lifegivers, provide solutions…etc. When we return to Our natural cycles, nourish, birth, anew, rejuvenate our women's councils and ceremonies, caregive healthy self and families, re-member cooperation and let go of hierarchal thinking and behaving, we will become the midwives of cultures of Peace. We will reweave the ancestral Dreaming of Creationing with each other.
Beautiful Wumyn and Beautiful Man
with joy in sacred union
for you are the caregivers of
harmonious relationship with each other
and Creationing
With all the amassed "perceived wealth"
that the colonial construct has man- u-fractured life with,
remember that we have lived long before this was created
and we will continue to live when it no longer exists.
Wumyn re-member when we return to our original cycles and honor the sacred Days and Ways…the colonial construct will change because
it can not survive with out our participation.
This is one of the ways forward without violence, and
our men will support this.
Feel this…potentially a minimum of four days a month for the New and 4 days for Full moons, of Bliss... and our men in total and complete non compliance and non cooperation with the colonial construct. No shopping, no driving, no work jobs, only creating beauty, health and well-being for our families and communities - worldwide. This is a good start for all of humanity.
We are also on the front lines of protecting and nourishing water, land, life and Life Ways, because without a healthy Mother Earth and wumyn… how can we have healthy births? Mother Earth will heal herself, and we will heal with Her, when we live in balance and harmony with her and each other.
Prayers and blessings, for all life and everyone,
thank you for listening.
thank you for listening.
ama, February 6th 2014 Huichol Artist ~ Unknown to me.