Friday, December 26, 2014

Danza de la Mariposa: DreamSeeding Visions

© ~ Abril Mondragon

Nana and Tata always said that "Nature will teach you everything",
this is why my parents raised
Wild Spiritually Sovran Women. 

A dreamvision came before i went to the global 
Waitaha Water of Life Gathering in Nov. 2014 …. 
Dreams and visions do not become reality unless we 
respect, and live them. 
This Dream Way of Being, is natural. 
The Dreaming Way is 
a Way of Being 
inner and interconnected 
with All Life. 


One evening i was up until the wee hours of the morning with the Eldest of the Waitaha Grandmothers and two of their Daughters. The next day i missed the bus that would take us to the next place for ceremony ~ as Great Mystery would have it, two Sistars took me in their car to go to meet the others. On the way
we passed a road sign that said "Spirit Bay"... and out of my mouth the words tumbled, without knowing why, without thought, without any preconceived agenda ..."Ohh, let's go there"!... and the SiStars Joyfully turned the car off the highway onto the dirt road. None of us needed to know Why we were going, only that we were following Spirit...and this is the Way of Life
 with the Dreaming.
We came to a beautiful pasture with Horses, and an inlet where the fresh water met the ocean. We walked down a well woven path where water birds played and medicines gave the beautiful Bay of Ancestral Spirits.

The Sistars told me this "place", was the "portal" by which Ancestors come and go, between this world and Great Mystery. This is like some of our sacred places that we know our Peoples birth from, or ceremonies we do that inner and interconnect us with the seen and unseen worlds. These places that are Wombs.
In my dream i had seen 2 caves, one dome island, clouds, lightning, and a cosmic portal from which poured orbs. ~ This was the place of Spirit Bay.
We Sistars naturally went into ceremony, song and dance,
for the greater good of all life.

During the gathering i learned that the cosmic configuration at that specific time, indeed is when the cosmic portal opens and bathes earth and all life with the cosmic Waters of Life. There were many times during the gathering that we saw the orbs of watery light beings with us, all around us, bathing us.

The following is my best description or innerstanding at the moment, of part of what was received during my time of Ceremonial Dreaming at Spirit Bay.

Women's natural moon-menus cycles 
are part of the Sun, Moon, Cloud, Rain, Lightning cycle. 
The Sun and Moon have approximately the same rotational cycles with
earth ...28 days and nights and stimulate the fertility cycle of women.
All of humanity was birthed from the Womb, which holds the void, stillness of night, the emptiness within, the place of birth, death, rebirth. Within this darkness becomes light, fertility, and the cosmic "Yes" to Life.

The electro-magnetic energy warms
building the red bloodwater nest within her
and then releases "rain" in the form 
of her Bloodwaters of Life. 

In modern science, we see the heat of sun's heat warms the water of life, and comes up making clouds (like woman's red-blood water nest),
which has particles of earth, air, and fire,  …… 
the magnetic energy builds until there are lighting from the clouds above …
still the magnetic energy builds...
when enough magnetic energy intensifies, 
lightning comes from Earth UP to the clouds …
clouds rain ~ electromagnetically charged -plasma-healing- pure-
crystalline water of life. 
The lightning that is observed coming from the Earth 
is always the thickest brightest …like the trunk of a tree, with branches. 
Tree of Life force energy in Motion, pregnancy.
The Rainbow Bridge then appears, bringing Joy and Blessings
for all Life. [Rainbow bridge as in the prophecies]

This electromagnetic energy, is also the energy ~ of Plasma ~ the living consciousness that spirals out from the center of our Milk and Honey Galaxy, that we call the Hunab-ku ~ the Butterfly ~ Ixpapalotle ~ the portal of the Enchanted Flower, Lotus, Quetzalcoatl Consciousness of form and non form of Creationing. This "plasma" - blood,  carries our DNA and the metamorphic encodings.
This Galaxy that Birthed our Mother Earth.
We are made of earth and sky ~ what we see, experience outside of ourselves,
is inside of ourselves.

The innerconnection here is that women's Moon time is inner and interconnected to, our moonwater-blood, rain, lightning ... and the plasma which is the life force of creationing energy of All Life.
If all Women on Earth, returned to honoring and respecting their Moon-time
the "old paradigm" would change. But to what?
Ancestrally women individually and collectively were honored and lived the dream-visions that are received during this sacred moontime, as guidance for family, clan, tribe, nation, world ~ .... as in Being Spiritual Navigators.
Lightning is the electromagnetic "life force" or the watery plasma blood- energy that we All are made of. ~ This plasma carries our genetic encoding and memory.
Deep deep deep down in the Oceans of Mother Earth, there is her water blood, that is the purest medicine and healer ~ ask the Whale and Dolphin People ~ they are the oldest memory People ~ and on land are the Elephants ~
They are tribal, have never created wars ~ if these People do not live ~ we will not live... human Beings are also Water babies.
There are also the Sky Water Peoples ~ as in Thunderbirds.
In New Zealand they too, know the Thunderbird.

This is why our Elders of Indigenous Nations also say, if we do not live ~
no one lives.

Some call this life force energy "love"...yet this energy is conscious,
living awareness...all life is made of this !

We are both electro and magnetic Beings ~ energy, Life Source, 
because we are made of both earth and sky.
there is heart-mind energy
and womb-heart energy
and eagle quetzal condor or
mind-heart-womb/hara energy 
 ~all are dancing with inner and interconnectedness.
These energies and consciousness meet together
in the heart of our Spirit Beings.

The 2 serpents that were seen, are Water and Fire dragons. 
These are related to the north and south pole - serpents or Kachinas.
Both Water and Fire are complimentary, they both have all the elements in them. Too much of either will extinguish the other. They need each other for Life.
Water-Blood having the living earth memory of All that IS
Fire- having the living sky memory of All that IS.

The "taurus" that modern scientists speak of is not a taurus, it is a Butterfly ~ which is the "portal" of the "enchanted flower", or Lotus ~ knowing your Self as Life Source, inner and interconnected with all that IS ~ this is a dance of the complimentary energies that we are made of.

We are the Life Source (Chi) Motion of Living Conscious Ma-matter.
These 2 serpents are seen throughout the world
and are known as the "Twins"
who play the "Ball Game".
The Ball is Life Source energy (Chi) , the goal of the game is 
to get the Ball across the Rainbow Bridge to
 the "Hoop - Womb"  
and Know ~ Eternal Life.
Know where "home" is.

Isn't this the funniest thing ever, to listen to my Wilding Nature Muses?
Everything is dance of harmony, balance.... like yin -yang.

~ * ~
Woman's moon blood has been known as one of the most powerful healers-medicines, fertilizers of the garden and plants and trees of life, because it is super charged electromagnetic Water of Life. 
In our oral tradition we know of people's lives being saved 
by being given menses - moonblood. 
The Earth Mother, Grandmother Moon, are the Alpha females that regulate
time-space, Women naturally Cycle with them. Father Sun warms and activates
attraction, desire, and actionates the building of the nest,
and hormones of fertility.
All of our tribes Cycled with Cosmic Time, because women know when they are fertile, and they are Life Givers to the future generations.

During the time of futures past, the outward expression of building villages, temples, altars came about to give nests, the chrysalis, around the women who are the Life Givers of the children of the tribes. 
The Moon Lodges, are because women when Mooning, 
pregnant, giving Birth, and 
crones (one who now cycles within) 
are physically made as direct womb portals to knowledge, Life Source consciousness of the dreaming Dream of Creationing which is the conscious awareness of the "plasma". This is why their dreams and visions are considered Sacred, and guidance for humanity or the tribe. We have the personal dream, family dream, clan, tribe, nation, planetary, galactic, cosmological dreaming ...all interconnected ...which is what people call the lay lines or grids of creationing energetic consciousness. 

When she chooses, she as an open vessel magnetizes 
the electro - lightning ~ energy of Spirit into her womb
to fertilize her Egg of Creation
and she stays warmer during her whole pregnancy.

In oral tradition, women know when the spark of Spirit-song enters their wombs, and some even speak of not needing a sperm to "activate" the egg for creating the huBeing body, because of their innerstanding of Life Source ~ Lightning ~ Starlight, energy which can activate her egg.
Thus the art of "Tantric Love" personally and between partners
is innerstood as a Spiritual Path ~

We are made Whole and Beautiful
of Spirit-reality Energy, 
the Life Source of all that IS ~ Beauty
We are the Conscious Life Source (Chi) Motion 
of Living Conscious Ma-matter
Conscious Energy in Motion, in a Human form
Being human Being
We are made of earth and sky.

So we as huBeings are in a quandary about "What to Do" 
so as not to become extinct ~ the fear of the unknown most people
have when they realize the eco-terra-omnicidal behavior of humans, 
brings about questions of death, or their concepts of "death", some even call this the "dark goddess-gods" of un real religions. 

All of the destruction toward women has been about the desire to control and dominate Creationing, the ability to procreate and creating casts systems of quantification and qualification of woman's eggs, all life and Being Human, because mankind forgot there is no "death". 

this is just my journey of innerstanding 
at the moment.....

If we are to "evolve as a Mother Earth species" 
 remember how we are Naturally made, 
remembering the ancestral memory exists within our Spirit Consciousness
in every way we are made ...
Wombs:  ( Inner stillness)
and Eggs: Dreamseeds of Creationing or potentiality
and why our ancestors could know, see, have responsibility for
thinking in terms of the next 7 generations ~ 
Eggs are Seeds ~ 
and contain the microcosm of the macrocosm
of Creationing. 
Everything can be learned from Nature.

The Pollen (Golden) People are 
the Hummingbirds, Bees, and Butterflies ~
by day ~ 

What fabric of creation will you become 
in the wilding nature of Being you?
Thank you for listening to my Muses ~
transcribed by Alis Itlatol ~
© A.M. December 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Messages from Owl Woman: Fear of the Unknown

Red Owl Woman by Raven Redfox

A Message from Owl Woman 
from the archives of first healers, midwives and nurses.

Owl Woman in the dark of night
that can See with this sacred 
 Spirit knowing Sight

This Sight is not the only gift she gives
yet for today, we shall only speak of this
which she prays you can listen
with open mind and ears.
For in the realms of beauty
there are no
uns and subs
no dark and light
that is better and lesser,
no duality that is seen
in night nor day
for both too much light
and too much dark
blinds mankind.

With this Sight
she gleens, heals and reveals
that which harms, frightens and was hidden
in the realms of illusion.
White-Owl1 by galleyhip

His-story's created illusion 
put all that is "un sacred"
in a great sleep of forgetting
of indoctrinated ignorance
and labeled it the "dark"
and associated the "dark" with
the Sacred Womb of Creationing
and all that is feminine.

So in your flight through
the dark of night
may the Obsidian Blade of Truth
made and woven by dark Ma-matter
honed by Natural Lore
imbued with Great Mystery's majikal
eternal companion's
known by the names of
Love, Truth and Compassion 

With them see 
that we are made whole, beautiful
strong and resilient
in the quest to free and heal our children
from the pain and destruction
of limited his-torical 
ideological perspectives
that use  language
man-made laws called 
doctrines, papals and bulls
as weapons against the
Sacred Nature of Creationing

Who, what, when, how and why is this 
"dark and darkness" you speak of ?
What is it we fear by allowing the unholy to be 
called the "dark and darkness" and keep it
hidden in the un-nameable?

In Spirit's time, we have no say nor control 
of how Great Mystery works with others
willingness and unwillingness to step out
of the matrixes of what believe wants to believe
into the Unknown …
 This unknowable, being the greatest fear 
mankind called the "darkness"
and relegated the mind of mankind in
a never ending dualistic thinkquest
disconnected from the heart
and access to only half
of brain and sacred Senses.

This Love for earth and sky, 
Great Mystery, all children, and the wilding nature
 is far greater than the abuse seen, felt and
intuitively known 
despite thousands of years 
and maybe even eons of time
of the "dark" being
 subjugated, objectified, defined,
quantified and qualified 
by violence
toward the Feminine Nature 
of All that Is
and the fully unknowable 
aspect of Great Mystery
Freely Wilding 
making you and me
from Creationing

Yet with mankind's pursuit of becoming
or remembering or desiring 
the power of eternal life
that is dreamed in the dreaming
of Creationing's Dreaming

forgot to do no harm, nor try to 
silence Creationings Nature
and so
created religious god-goddess doms 
all matrixes and story's of war's
and irrational perceptions

 ~ the Kogi and aboriginal Dreaming Peoples
ask this western mind to wake up
from this pattern of dis-respect 

African Goddess by photographer

mankind can either continue toward total annihilation
or make the intent to dream differently
wholey allowing the Joy and Love
of creative cosmic beauty 
to unfurl from the dark mysterious 
Womb of Creationing
for this is the unknown Nature 
women are made of

So delete this post if you dare
for this will show the "Unity" you profess
to be false ~ 
where any woman's voice
is silenced because of what is not 
"chosen" to be "worthy" of your ears.

get over your guilt and shame mankind
we do not hold you with blame nor shame
we are fully aware of the wounds 
you have sustained 
by desire to protect her, 
or greed to covet and control her 
for your gain
and where you failed
now Nature will have her say
either listen and change your behavior
lest you bring more lies and destruction 
to our children

we are beyond the 13th hour
this truth must be told
and try as we might to cushion
what will come ~ 
with deeds of care,
and words of well intended inspiration ….

Now is the time to push off from the shore 
and enter the riverflow 
of Spirit

~ * ~
Mankind did you not get the memo?
 that it is time to support the
the works and voice of women,
for the decisions that are vital at this time
for the One Great Peace 
to be realized.

~* ~
"The War is Over, 
learn how to Love 
and Give offerings 
to the Mother Earth and 
women of All Children
And let all the wars and destruction
 be returned to 
stardust to be remade
as has been done four times
in the worlds gone bye, 
by the 
Dreaming Ways of Creationing. "

Owl Woman's Message transcribed 
by Alis ~ Itlatol
Dec 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

Eagle Quetzal Condor 2015 ~ Feminine Leadership Notes

Being the Prayer in Motion for the One Great Peace

When we Live 
Our Ancestral Natural Lore, 
Prophecies, Dreams and Visions, 
Knowledge and Ceremonial Sciences ...
this becomes Our reality.

As a caregiver of the Waters of Life in my northern homelands, 
and my recent acceptance of request from the
High Priestess Grandmothers of the Waitaha Nation 
to Share, Protect and educate others for the health and well Being
of our Sacred Starseed Waters of Life....

and in answer to the call of our Peoples, Caregivers and Protectors 

my local sharing at the ceremonial gathering and conference 
took place with the Eagle Quetzal Condor Confederations Unite, 
One People Nation, the Earth Wisdom Foundation, and Oneness Center
in Santa Fe New Mexico, December 7th, 2014

Full Moon of December: Whol-ee Trinity Moon
This Moon is when our Evening Star Sister
returns to dance with Grandmother Moon, and Mother Earth 
in divine ancestral illumination with night's love with stars.

The following is in part my notes regarding the outcome
of this ceremonial gathering and conference.

1. Grandmothers called for women to step forth as caregivers, educators and protectors of harmonious relationship with Mother Earth, 
the Elements of Creation, All Life and All humanity….
and come together in the spirit of collaboration, for networking and 
strengthening Feminine Leadership, worldwide.

They also called for All People to protect and support our Elder Nations
who are at the front lines protecting water, earth, air and right relationship with fire.

2. Grandfathers called on all Men to step forward to provide for and protect
the work of women, families, feminine leadership, and the inclusion of 
feminine cultural cosmovision.
Also for men to step up and work with Elder Nations front line actions
for the protection of lands, water, and rights.

3. All People are invited to attend any and all of the many global 
indigenous educational gatherings, for the protection and health
of Mother Earth, and Support these forums and their media. 
These gatherings bring together Peoples from all 
Cultures and Nations to share knowledge and solutions 
for the One Great Peace to be realized.

Outline of information shared:

* Eagle Quetzal Condor gathering 2015

* Sharing information about local, regional and global Ceremonies, Protection and care of Sacred Sites, and 
Experiential Educational Knowledge and Science Conferences for 
2015, 2016 and beyond

* Waitaha Starseed Water Caregiver ceremony and teachings
in relation to Mother Earth and the Birth of the 5th World,
the Wilding Nature and Cultural CosmoVision of the Feminine 
in relation to Feminine Leadership and the caregiving of the
Water of Life and Mother Earth.

* Sacred Site Medicine Wheel teachings for the healing of 
earth environmental imbalance, communication and 
Trade lines personally, locally, regionally and globally
for harmonizing with earth's metamorphosis ...

* The need for Feminine Leadership to call forth
Clans, groups and communities to return to Tribal Culture
and Social structure in the wake of a dissolving corrupt empire.

* On-going healing and education for the dissolving of harmful ideological 
constructs no longer relevant to Life Ways of Peace, such as 'wetico' and
the Doctrines and Bulls

In Joy, 

Grandmother Abril Mondragon

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Standing Ones ~ A Tale of Trees and Children

Standing Ones ~
a Tale of Trees and Children

In the great forgetting
a realm in the clouds
was believed to exist
that would replace
root and branch
and separate 
seed from chaff

where one would find
sweet holy bliss
all memory of deeds
done and undone
would be wiped clean
from living memory

and the great cutting
of Standing Ones began
to build a way to this 
holy cloud land
with each tree that fell
so too were the songs
of Earth's breath and lungs

so the old Standing Ones
sent messages written 
in the tone and tongue
of moonlight mists 
that disappear with the rising sun

few remembered how messages 
like this were made 
let alone the knowledge 
hidden within
the scent of flowers 
from unfurling seeds 
of mysterious gardens
that no one could see

waking from the sands of time 
when all that was done and un done
gathering children 
heard a mysterious sound

that flowed to the rhythm
of their heart stretched drums
and the mysterious gardens
all around them bloomed

these children 
are now known
as the People of the 
Standing Ones 


Amos Lee ~ Arms of a Woman

Redwood Children by themamabus
redwood loggers, image from pinterest
Misty Mountians by mist wallpaper
Tree of Life found on elvin198198pixnet

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Allegiance and Pledges

November 8th, 2009 is the date of my daddy's passing over.

Love you daddy, your great sense of humor, your strength and courage, your activism, your love for Mother Earth, and know you're laughing at this video:

Received a letter today from a person who has decided to live here and call these lands her "home". Ohhh it was the kind of letter from someone who believes in Amerika.   Go listen to John Trudell, and learn the difference between "believe and think and know".

So the gift gleened from her racially, religiously, politically, wetico letter is that am writing about my dad. Cool.

First let me give you the definitions of 2 words in the language of the sender of the letter:

which means to subjugate your self
"loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause."
"those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic" 

1. a solemn promise or undertaking                                                                    "the conference ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution"            
2. LAW a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to forfeiture in the event of failure to pay 

So, this woman's letter says that she wants to know if a particular RACE of people are willing to show and prove their "allegiance" to amerika, so that she can "feel safe"... and it goes on to "rah rah rah piss on the boom bah" as me daddy would say, about "amerika protecting us from terrorists". Am a human Being what race are you?

I asked my daddy about allegiances and pledges when i got into 3rd grade, which is when we were told we had to start learning how to say the Pledge. All my teachers were women before the 6th grade and they never made us children say that pledge.  Then there was Mr. Ernie Erdell that treated us like his little subservient soldiers, marching us in an out of class.  

am remembering getting punished in school
teacher dragged me by the ear
to the principals office
in the 6th grade,
for not saying the pledge
to the amerkan flag
teacher recommended "detention"
which usually included writing some stupid sentence 
on the black board 
however many 100's of times
that the teacher decided it would take to 
try and brainwash you 

my daddy taught me
never "pledge" your "allegiance"
to a flag
especially if you don't know 
exactly what it represents

daddy said: 
when you are older, 
please remember this my daughter
your first loyalty is to who you are
and caring for how you are made beautiful.

your second loyalty is with your family and people.

your third is to your cultural spiritual sovranty
with that which created you, and 
Mother Earth and Father Sun.

i would rather you kiss our Earth Mother
and sing to our Sun
then pledge to a flag that 
represents so much genocidal harm

When my momma and daddy came to the principal's office, where i was being detained from being part of those ever so educational "lessons"...
The principal asked my parents if they knew that i was not saying the "pledge".
My daddy replied with one of his cheshire eating grins, "yes of course, i taught her about allegiance and pledges".
I said, "Daddy, Mr Erdell drug me down here by the ear, and hurt me."
My Mom frowned at the principal with one of those "am going to have you for supper" kind of frowns,  and put her arm around me.

My Daddy looked at the principal with a cool breeze and said, "Do you have a problem with my daughter not saying the pledge? Because i think you have a problem when you allowed Mr. Erdell to hurt my daughter." 

Dear letter writer, am hoping you get the drift of this heart-think, cuz will not say this again. You have a problem when you continue to allow yourself to believe in the terricidal, genocidal, omnicidal Manifest Destiny of amerika, 
of which it's laws intentions are to and continue to be, 
to subjugate people into believing in it's Doctrines, Papals and Bulls.

 thank you for listening ~
Alis Itlatol

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

the Re-wilding of human Nature

New Zealand Waterfall, photo by Abril Mondragon

Nearly ALL of Turtle Island, was forested before colonization, 
and abundant with food .... Today, there is "drought and flooding" ... The Hubeing is inner and interconnected, and Is Nature. We are Earth and Sky. Forests magnetize and energize Our WATER Cycle with the Breath of Life and are the Lungs of Mother Earth. Forests are abundant nourishing gardens that provide us with food and nourishment.
Is there any wonder why we are all the Tree of Life?

There are "prophecies" around the world..."prophecy" meaning that our ancestors had the ability to see over their own and humanity's horizon, to share thier knowing about the law of cause and effect, and offer solutions, warnings and guidance about where we would be today.

Is it enough to Be spirit awakening, without Being, Spirit in Motion?
The english language is a static object based language, most indigenous languages are motion based... why? Because all of Creationing is in motion, Dancing Life. We all seem to agree that thought, words, dreams, visions, language are the root of all cultures and the sound and resonances of our spiritsongs,  to shift reality, heal , and metamorph. Our languages come from our Relationship within the still, dark, moist, fertile, Womb of Creationing, that births all Nature. Most meditators have accessed this wordless place, yet being wordless does not mean that there are not frequencies alive there. All life is alive and has resonance frequencies or lifesong.

Relationship is when we Live, the dreams, visions, song, words, etc... that these frequencies become our reality. 
Some 20+ yrs ago i was talking to a Toltec family friend about the date 2012, we agreed that to be born and raised within indigenous villages that still have the living memory, language, teachings of our prophecies and live With Mother Earth's Nature...have been preparing for this time for generations... and are vital for our transition during this time. They are vital because, many have living memories, sciences, and knowledge of 100, 000 yrs or more and live by natural law with Nature. It is for this reason that many have made themselves available to share with All of our youth, who are inheriting the current condition of terracide that "civilization" has created.

However, we also can see that it is our indigenous Peoples that are on the Front lines, protecting the last of our natural eco-systems and water of life. Today there is a great Rewilding movement, to plant gardens, reforest, and protect the last of our beloved relatives,  microscopic and large. With rewilding, comes the rewilding of humanity, and a deeper appreciation for the arts, creativity, simpler lifestyles, and a deepening of our relationships with inner love and peace. Yet to become truly Wild, indigenous Peoples worldwide also know, that it is our resilience to resist the indoctrination of colonialism and all that colonialism stands for and has imposed... that like a plant that can break through concrete, or a birds ability to migrate, this resilience deep roots within our dna is also part of our worldview and ability to see and know what the mind's eye can not.

When the hard rains fall, and Mother's skin moves, this being a natural healing and metamorphosing of herself, Her Birth,  and is part of Our New Creation Story. People are actively transforming the inner along with the outer state of Being meaning their lifestyles and ideas about ownership and generosity, and are coming together in New tribes, or integrating within existing ones they are related to.

The New Tribes exist in both urban and rural areas. In urban areas the Peoples are planting permaculture food forests, solarizing, etc.   In rural areas outside of indigenous villages, well, there are lots of ol' back woods tribal Peoples. Now back to the beginning of this comment about forests and water.

May we continue to help, care and love each other. Support the visionary Bedoings of the messengers among us. As many of our Elders are crossing over, it is important that we protect, tangibly nourish, and help the Magi's who still are walking among us, most unseen ...yet they are here, Bedoing the healings for water, earth, air, and harmonious relationship with fire/energy, and have much to share with youngers who will take their place when they cross over. Adopt an elder,  family or make relatives with others if you can because we need as many healthy people as possible.

Water is Life, we are Water babies, our relationship with our Mother Earth is also the relationship we have with our transcendance and the evolving of our Beings.

Love, Abril

Friday, September 26, 2014

When Then is Now and Now is Riding Home

 a few relatives 
 have a way of truthspeak 
to let the poison out
and set us free

lost track if it is their wound or mine
or if it really makes any difference
since everyone has it in one form or another
cuz we're all made from Her
and all life has memory
guessing depends
on wot One does
with this

When Then is Now and Now is Riding Home 

grandson gathered 
1961's mixed blood babies 
within the secret lodge
gramma poured water 
with the way she knew
how to heal

do you know? do you know?

being born
with ancestral memories
within families dieing to forget 

do you feel? do you feel?

no apologies 
for running down genetic memory
of blood soaked earth's grief
cuz it's our own way of healing
and resilience of re-membering

do you see? do you see?

outside imaginary boarders
grateful some are still together
cuz our ghost
is on the outside looking in

do you see? do you see?

inside looking out 
of eggs that got shattered
see shells scattered
in colonial horrorcanes

do you see, do you feel ?

hydroplaning on skin 
or within the deep and vast
dispelling the castes 
of shadows lies 

do you know, do you know ?

being the living life ways
our ancestors gave
weaving resilience beauty ways
come riding 
on prayer waves tapestries 
thundering love
calling us home

will you come, will you come?

mother earth's  calling
us home
ride and spark with me
within the heart of storm's calm
Spirit Tree
setting us free
dancing us home

Detail of Woody Crumbo’s oil on canvas mural for the Fort Sill Indian School, in “Crumbo Spirit Talk” at the Oklahoma History Center 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mother Earth's Birthing

there was a night 
when her thundersong
became light sing across the sky
awakening every seen and unseen ancestor
from whence those present came 

her peace so deep and potent
for the sorrows of her children

she called upon all caregivers and spiritual midwives
to ride and carry the message 
to live in harmonious relation 
by the natural laws of creation

her love joy so vast and infinite
for her children and future generations

that thundering prayerwaves heart beat rhythms 
rained within Life's waters 
dancing with the elements of creation
giving healing now, and for future generations

north, south, east, west, above and below
riding with thundering heartsongs

pulse sing with Sun's firelight sparking 
within all Life's Children
for Mother Earth's butterfly birthing  
of compassionate metamorphing
~ * ~

There will come a time when illusions will try to lure 
Mother Earth ~ Father Sun's children 
away from our Earth Mother home. 
Stay with Her, she loves us, she is our starship butterfly, 
and the mystery egg of our creation. 

 A. M. 2014
Alis Itlatol 

Image of a Mural in Berkeley

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Triple Aspects of the Egyptian Goddess Isis


I am not a scholar, Egyptian, nor expert in any way regarding Egyptian knowledge. I am however a woman, and in this form am inner and interconnected with feminine innerstanding. My interest here is to muse about this moment in time when the call for feminine energy and wisdom to rise, and the patriarchal war mongering profiteers waging war in the middle east, have chosen the name ISIS for the "terrorists" in this continuing drama of suffering. 

Since 9/11 there has been intentional looting and destruction to the ancient Egyptian knowledge, artifacts and wisdom. Is "oil" really what all this is about? I say nay. The following are some of my musings about Her, in the aspects of the Holy Trinity of the Egyptian Feminine Isis. All women know who she Is, for humanity and all life forms are born from the feminine Ma, Holy Mother. We all have names for Her.

In the beginning there was Isis, Oldest of the Old, who gave birth to the Sun, and from whence all Life arose. Her title was "Giver of Life".
Roman Lucius's Hymn says " Oh Thou Holy and savior of the human race".

It is said that she responds and speaks to those who recognize her as Holy Mother, Ma, Matter.  Isis is Nature, natural law, the parent of All aspects of Life, the sovereign of elements, the progeny of the cycles of time, the most exalted of deities.... the goddess of the dead, the nourisher of all life, manifested alone and in One form.....

Mut or Maat

* In her first aspect she is, Isis, Virgin, wearing the plumbs of Truth ~ innocence.
* In her second aspect she is Mother and wears the red and white crowns of two lands ~ as above so below ~ Life giver. Some say that Maat birthed Isis.
* In her third aspect she wears vulture feathers, and is the Crone of Death.

She has been depicted walking with a staff of the evergreen Sycamore Fig Tree and is associated with the Lotus. The Sycamore exudes a milky nectar and honied fruit. The wood of the Sycamore is used for caskets.


Nekhbet is the Vulture goddess, who eats the dead and crosses them over. She is the mother of both life and death. Vultures conceive Eggs that are fertilized by the Spirits of the Winds. Winds as in the song of the Spirit, the resonance and tonality of Life's energetic vibration. Nekhbet is also Goddess of the Moon.

The Three aspects of the Feminine are innerstood as Eternal Life, thus Isis is often shown with the Ankh.

The Ankh is the Cross of Life or simply Life, representing the union of the feminine and masculine principles, and is also called the Key of Life. The Christians later kept the cross and omitted the circle, oval, ovum.

We as humans have expressed innerstanding and relationship with the feminine and masculine aspects of Creation, through the cultural matrixes we created. Therefore, there is one more Goddess am going to mention here:

Anuket the Goddess of the Nile River, water, and fertility is represented as having four arms, two arms that care for the masculine elements and two arms that care for the feminine elements, thus she is known as "the One", or balance and union. Her 'arms' were also in reference to the tributaries of the Nile River.
While she has had a variety of consorts throughout time, most notable is
Amun-Ra, the God Amun - of the Winds, and Ra - the Sun. Interestingly will note here that there are no images of Anuket, that i could find, of her image with four arms. I could ask "why" Anuket is a little known goddess, or spoken of as a "footnote" .... the why is that she is spoken of as "the One", and Amun referred to as "the hidden". Thousands of years ago our ancestors agreed to "hide" or keep hidden certain knowledge because they knew that nearly everything would be destroyed by the colonial patriarch and it's ideological matrix...thus all that was held sacred became the hidden, or the Mysteries, the Great Mystery.


 Mother Earth, the feminine "goddess" and her many forms, and names is within all of our many cultures worldwide. She is Changing Woman, change is the only constant of time, space, and form. Mother Earth will Birth, and in that Change, everything will change, we will change, and it is our choice to experience this as an opportunity to birth with Her.

We are within the Change of the Key of Life. We are in the last gasp of what was the old matrix of colonial violence. The Vulture is eating away at the old paradigm of "reality". The Crone brings everything to the simplest form of Seed or Egg. All worlds within worlds are in the Egg of Creation.

Where love's waters flow, 
the fire of love dances, 
the breath of life sings, 
and the forms of earth blossom. 

My musings come to an end, without knowing how to end the age of wars, without peace within ourselves. While we emerge with peace, I think of my son's college film graduate thesis...."Touching the Unknown", which was a potential comedy series about what people fear, i.e. death, the mysteries, etc. The first episode, included an interview with a transcendent man who was trying to explain how he could transform himself into pure energy. He said, "i'm just a tool, i'm just a tool...." might we be heartful about what we are "tools" of.

"Behind every pain is a doorway to healing, behind every loss is a lesson of deeper love, behind every light is a shadow.  Balance is knowing we all have these deep issues and making a choice to relearn the simple love of life starts with the "you" inside. There is a tiny part of the Creator inside all life - that is the "inner" voice we all have and the place we go to talk to Creator and renew our commitment to RESPECT ALL LIFE and Do NO HARM." 
Please check out other writings and solutions At:

Blessings, Alis-Itlatol

P.S. When the blues get you down remember that there is always
a smile on a stick, they come in rainbow colors and shades of grey
depending on how you print them out:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

EDIT THIS: Healing within the Rise of the Feminine

One of Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements is:
Don't take anything personally ....

I came across this article written in 1976 : Trashing: The Dark Side of Sisterhood ...

.... while am not a feminist, Joreen gets to the nitty gritty of the sabotaging that women do to each other, in particular attacking the character of a person rather than being able to engage in whatever the disagreement is, with the message ...

or as i say it, the inability to follow the Spirit/prayer, not the person.

We have ideological fantasies about what the "ideal" is of what the "face of compassion and love" "should" be.  We are trained to look at the most visible in media for these images of ourselves. Nor do we really innerstand the great preciousness of what privacy is when becoming "visible" meets the energetic onslaught of who and what people Think you are. 

There are two sides of compassion, the soft smooth side, and the one that smacks you in the ass. My grandmas have a look, that say a thousand words, to let me know that i need to take responsibility for my healing, and to ask for help, instead of blaming everyone else. 

Nez Pierce - google search

There is a lot that is coming to the surface to heal during these times of the Rise of the Feminine. Sometimes i see the feminine like Wolf Medicine, on the one hand loyal fierce love maintaining the tapestry of the cultural cura of self, family and tribe... on the other, instinctually stalking the roots of that which hinders healthy growth. 

"But what if you, being a swan, had to pretend you were a mouse? What if you had to pretend to be gray and furry and tiny? What you had no long snaky tail to carry in the air on tail-carrying day? What if wherever you went you tried to walk like a mouse, but you waddled instead? What if you tried to talk like a mouse, but instead out came a honk every time? Wouldn't you be the most miserable creature in the world?"― Clarissa Pinkola EstésWomen Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

“Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing. That is creative life. It is made up of divine paradox. To create one must be willing to be stone stupid, to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass and spill rubies from one’s mouth. Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down.” 
― Clarissa Pinkola EstésWomen Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman

With gratitude for our grandmothers and sisters, who do not have words for "give up", who have given us both the Gramma look, and always said, "keep on going, don't stop talking and sharing, we need all the help we can get, stand up, you do not have to carry someone else's bag, nor transmute their stuff anymore". 
With gratitude that they are always seeing, feeling and thinking of us in positive beautiful ways, even when we are in the beautiful and sometimes painful process of re-wilding ourselves.

photo by

Have good day...
Alis- All Life is Sacred
Itlatol- Life's Voice, Song and Wise story

Friday, August 1, 2014

Danza de la Mariposa

One reason I like John Trudell is that he prefaces his presentations with, "call me crazy" … am going to give us that "out" here too… call me crazy in my Dance with the Law of Nature, some call Quantum… however consider that the we are made of All That Is. Visions and Dreams....what we think, feel, say and do, what or how we perceive, becomes our reality.

Elders have said that there will come a time when the old ceremonies will be put down, for we will be entering a New World….

We are made of All That Is, which has memory and consciousness. Our Galaxy was created 8 billion yrs ago ...and we are made of this. Our galaxy was birthed from the Cosmic Womb, and we are made of this. All Tribes, Cultures and Languages, came from this "place"of knowing, this relationship with All That Is. Therefore this notion that we are separated by degrees of genetics, language, religion ...whatever,.... becomes irrelevant. We are the living sentient energy made from All That Is. Some call this the Oneness, Mitakuye Oyasin, Enlightenment, the Sacred Dreaming of Creationing .... i don't know what this is, this is what this is.

The Ancestors shared this Vision/information of the Danza de la Mariposa last Fall with me and my ceremonial sister when we were in a prayer meditation together. As of august 2013 this information was nothing new, it already exists in one form or another, yet not collectively in a Dance/Ceremony, that i know of. In the next blog: Seeding the Vision of Danza de la Mariposa,  August 2014 will share some experiences regarding what took place, and with whom.

Prior to this vision, we are collectively coming to innerstand that through ceremony 24/7, 365, somewhere all over mother earth - with every breath, thought, feeling and action, the resonance and tonality, and collective consciousness can be raised to the point that all harmful machines, can come to a screeching halt, - they just will not function… 
The heartbeat of mother earth will even be able to be heard by people living in places like NYC, and they will stop, look, listen and realize we no longer have to live like slaves… 

The Dance:
The message is balance, yin/yang, like Mother Earth's Marriage with Father Sun, Grandmother Moon and Cosmos. All of our Prophecy teachings worldwide have spoken of this time coming, when the feminine energy will rise. We already know that the extreme of one or the other leads to the same place, away from the Center. Balance within first - healing our inner feminine and masculine relationship and the Dance of Creation, in how we are all made whole and perfectly Beautiful. Leaving the realms of matrixes of hierarchies, religions and dogmatic realities.

For almost a year in the flow with Spirit to learn more about 
what this Vision is showing:
Please notice the center lines of this Celtic symbol 

For the Celts the Meaning of the Celtic Knots around the Tree of Life may vary according to family, region, bloodline, era, and family crest…a knot made with a continuous line evokes Eternity. Notice the Galactic Butterfly knot within the Four Direction Medicine Wheel shown below:

this symbol is also seen as
the Hunab - Ku ( Galactic Butterfly) as shown in how it was painted to show you, see dimensionally not flat-linear ( see above painting)

the Enchanted Flower of the Mayan woman's Moondance which was shared by Mayan Grandmother Magdala Ramirez this Spring, 2014 in AZ ... she refers to this as the "union of polarities", the portal to the 5th realm or Dimension of the Enchanted Flower,

the Tibetan Heart of the Lotus Sutra
this is the lotus blossom of enlightenment

i have seen this symbol in certain ways dancers dance the Medicine Wheel in the Lakota Sun Dance, when Jon Fastwolf turned the wheel to each direction, during the dance of each day's dance rounds.

For the West Africans

“knot of pacification/reconciliation”

symbol of reconciliation, peacemaking and pacification Mpatapo represents the bond or knot that binds
parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a symbol
of peacemaking after strife.

and,  the "discovery" of golden "orbs" or eggs within the underground chambers the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, Teotihuacan, which is located near the Butterfly Plaza, indicates the reverence and innerstanding of the Butterfly.

or the Hopi Polonghoya and Pokanghoya, gaurdians of the north and south poles of Mother Earth's energies ...and their relationship at the equatorial zone. When we have had pole shifts before, Mother Earth's center disc turns or rather it is the spiraling of the taurus. The Butterfly Dance although not done in a circle formation, is an integral part of the ceremonial Life Ways for all the Pueblos in the Southwest of Turtle Island.

Today, Sept. 4th, 2014 i found this image:
site Re: Feminine Peace Knowledge - Ring of Power 

Sept 20th
Huichol Art
Indigo Art Gallery

knowledge quotes and image by Mayan Daykeeper
Mark Borcherding

We can see now that this "symbol" is ancestral, we are made of this relationship, we are this, and this is us.

What i experience when meditating with this vision, is at the center of Mother Earth, and Cosmos, like a disc ...egg...of dancing creation energy, like the Milk and Honey Galaxy.

The outer blue and red waves of the image i painted, are the Serpent, red and blue for mas/fem , above/below, positive ions/negative ions, red-road/blue/road 
(where these 2 roads meet at the center of the medicine wheel is the Tree of Life, Home, Mitakuye Oyasin, Enlightenment, etc… and this is where we are Being within, with the Truth for All Life, for the future generations, for the One Great Peace to be Realized ...this Balance or marriage, or unity-union)

At the center is the Hunab-Ku, is that same as i stated above - energy - the marriage between Mother Earth and Father Sun/Sky, this is where the portal opens that we experience when we dance. When we dance from this within and in human form, we move what is within "the unseen" ...and birth it into physical form of "reality" the seen world of Ma- Matter. This is literally one of the formations that the dancers dance, as well as the red and blue Serpent. This womb portal, is within woman's womb, the mother earth, the milk and honey galaxy, it is the marriage of the energies to birth life… this energy is the cosmic womb. We are the seed, flower, fruit and Tree of Life.

There are 12 eggs or seeds, the 13th Egg is this alchemy of the Whole, 
The 12 eggs also represent the "Altar offering" of what the Ancestors showed to put around the Tree of Life, at the center of where the Hunab-Ku is.
The 13 eggs also represent our 13 Moons, and the return of harmonious relationship with time/space.
The Ancestors showed an Altar around a living Tree, not one that had to give it's life, the time of "sacrificial suffering is over", "we plant the seed and tree of life, because we are this"
The Altar has water, flowers, incensor with burning medicines, and seeds...
Representing of the teachings of sacred geometry and All of the original instructions that lead to this same place, All Peoples, All Traditions.
I painted Strawberry plant to represent this, because this is 
Mohawk Medicine of Love, medicine for the heart.

The Brown represents our Earth Mother, all peoples, Ma - matter, all life forms
the Light Blue water of both Earth and Sky, and the color of Spirit, the Spiritual Road we are walking and living now.

The Hummingbird, represents 
our Ancestors (we are the ancestors, now, we are the future generations)
Hummingbird is the Day energy, of the Jaguar of the Night energy, it changes form by day or night … it is high magik
The hummingbird is the fastest bird helpers to carry prayers to Creationing.
Hummingbird is Joy/Bliss/Peace/Happiness  - means your prayers have been answered.

The little infinity in the Hummingbird's Path…. 
The 3 pairs are , Feminine & Masculine Spirit Beings, Mother & Father,
Girl & Boy, they dance in the infinity, eternal life pattern. 

When the portal or activation of this dance takes place, the ripple is flowering beauty all over Mother Earth as represented by the outer ring of flowers around the red and blue serpent and the plant vine, and the green color.

Who is the Butterfly?
the Butterfly is the only species i know of that changes genetically when it metamorphoses.
All aspects of the medicine wheel can be related to the cycles of the Butterfly, 
for example:
egg- child, spring, Birth
caterpiller-youth summer
chrysalis-adult, fall…. humanity and mother earth is at the end of this stage
butterfly-elder, winter, - returns to seed/egg, to Birth 
 ~ the New World ?
* Today even the children that are being born are ancient souls ...

DAYS of the Dance: are to be danced during both Night and Day.
By the mayan calendar and the Hopi we have lived 4 worlds, this is the time of the eagle/condor, hopi, 7th fire, end of the kaliyuga, the Law of the One Great Peace, the 5th Sun.

We know that in each prior world Mother Earth's eco-system has changed. 
We have creation teachings and instructions for the end and entering into each prior world or cycle of life. 

Our esteemed Elders, shared for decades to get everyone to agree that december 21, 2012 we would be in the 5th Sun, the feminine will rise…etc..

The New Sun is here …. We have yet to fully Realize the 5th World…why? 
Maybe because it is the Feminine Principle of Creation, Feminine Energy, Consciousness and Wise that is necessary to  BIRTH this World/culture/consciousness we all agree on….because we need the balance of  Feminine and Masculine Energy to do so….

Mother Earth will Birth, as the women birth the Culture of the One Great Peace, and dreamseed the Creation teachings from the 4th world to the Fifth World…

Yes there will be a purification, because this is the way of Healing.

Humanity are specks of sand, Mother Earth is Great, and the Galaxy greater, and the Womb of Creationing from whence all came Vast and infinite…..
we like spectrums of consciousness of Mitakuye Oyasin.

My perspective on "climate change" is different. The western idea is that we are creating this change by our pollution. No, our pollution is effecting healthy eco-system for birth. Mother Earth and Father Sun will purify, in the same way we purify in the sweat lodge…and this is why she needs all of her waters to become her embryonic fluid….
We are at an end and beginning of the next cycle, Mother has had four prior worlds, she will birth the 5th world. We are are also of this "change", Birth.
The New Sun is here, we have yet to fully birth with the New World.

Form, Ma, Matter is birthed from the Sacred Dreamseed from the Womb of Creationing.

We are made like this.

So do we want to sing, dance, pray, create Tribes of One humanity,  and Dreamseed into Reality the 5th World…like midwives?

Anything is possible….

Thank you for your sacred time to listen.
A.M. ~ 2014


Hunab Ku: One Giver of Movement and Measure"
J.M.Jenkins finally settled the matter, when he found the rectangular design in the Codex 
Magliabecchiano, published in 1903, with a commentary by Zelia Nuttall, which is an Aztec document 
and dates from some time before 1601.Hoopes went on to find that the codex shows variations of the 
rectangular design, and says they are "mantas" - mantles or ritual cloaks that were used in festivals - in 
particular, the festival of lip plugs. The word for lip plug was originally mistranslated as spider water, 
which is given in the caption. This is how the symbol {GB} appeared in the 16th century Codex 


I was recently told that the focus needs to be ONLY on the women to heal, so that they no longer acquiesce their "power" to the masculine/men.
- that all women should cease supporting or participating in men's ceremonies, and in particular the Sun Dance, and should ONLY do Moon Dance
-that if we cease all support and participation on any level with men, the men will follow the women
-that anything that the women/feminine share with the men, will be stolen, controlled and dominated by the men
- men told me they are afraid the women will take over "their" Sundance

As for my Self, the me, you and i not in this for regime change. Our children, we - us, find Peace within ourselves. We dance the dance of balance and harmony with these energies of Creationing.
When we heal ~ we heal, past, present and future. Whatever we ask/pray for we will receive. This is a natural Law of Creationing. It is time now for us to Be with Peace, Love and Truth. We are now re-membering, learning to dance in balance and harmony again. 

If you speak with Sundance Grandmothers of which some of the Dance bundles are caregiven, the Sundance came from the Women, through the feminine, they were the first dancers, it is the Grandmothers who choose who are the men leaders of some of the Sundances ... not all Sundances are like this. These Sundances are very balanced, and whatever fear, ostracization or wounding women have received from the imbalanced ones, needs to be healed, within us. The Sundance is not for "men only".  Men nor anyone, do not own the living life and medicine of the Sundance, nor women the Moondance - We are in Service, to live and walk the Sacred Teachings and Life Ways to the best of our ability. For the Lakota, the Ghost Dance or Moon/Night Dance is for all genders. And will note here that the Lakota have a reverence and role for Two Spirit People during ceremony and within their cultural Life Ways.

When women choose to re-member and learn through our ancestral teachings of the Moondance, Moonlodge, Rites of Passage into Womanhood and the Wise ways of our Mother years, and participate in sequestration from the men,...we re-member how to live in collaboration and cooperation with our sisters, and let go of colonially masculinized competitiveness, jealousy, depression, apathy, fear and rage, that are symptoms of the grief and pain longing to be healed. With deeper innerstanding we then are able to raise our sons with the knowledge that comes from the feminine and masculine, so that the future generations are living harmoniously together. 

The Danza de la Mariposa is neither the Moon, nor the Sun is parts of both, and more ~ am only a messenger ... maybe this dance will be seen in the 5th world that will be born, or when women and men, and two-spirited ( the first 3 tribes) decide they want to dance together for the birth of the 5th world. Regardless of what humans do, there will be a Mother Earth Spring, she will birth,
her skin will move, as Jacob Waiwatie explains this movement here :
and the water and air will be clean again.
What are we Dreamseeding? Stay true to Mother Earth, we are all her children.

Should anyone choose to join in meditating with this symbol, and sees more information... please share.
Woplia Tanka, 