Mother Earth's Children: Splitting the Sky, Walking Strong
This morning I found myself during morning prayers, standing once again in the stillness between the seen and unseen, the shadow and the balance of the dark and light of the Cosmos…a tapestry laid before me of all that Is vibrantly alive. At this time of year the Ceremonies of our respective Life Ways begin, once again to bring everyone together. I remembered my brother telling me that when the Prayer is strong, the Ancestors and Helpers gather all around,…yet just beyond a juxtaposing of life force exists and will try to test one's devotion, mind-heart, faith, commitment, to realize the Prayer into reality.
In 2012, I blogged about Obama's criminal order of insanity, and asked that other well connected journalists bring the "executive order" to the attention of our Elders, our best Indian Lawyers, to our best Environmental Organizations, and to our Medicine Societies. Why? Because it is the blueprint that is being acted upon by the Mordor's Beast: Corporatocracy of Insanity.
I now ask you again to read it:
I ask you to listen to Democracy Now March 17th 2013, where the Military declared war on everyone and everything the Beast decides are "terrorists".
Who's sons and daughters will they use as fodder for their wars, and at what price to their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies?
And who are these terrorists? If you read the Executive order, it goes as far to define a terrorist as someone who has more that 7 days of food in their home. I have been gathering, growing and preserving food my whole life.
It says that the Military can take anything, water, food, shelter, land, anything, to serve it's purposes to maintain "homeland security".
The military can take over any and all contracts for what it needs to run it's operations: oil, uranium, WATER…anything. We see the same being implemented in Canada.
Meanwhile in the Land of Enchantment, Home of the Atomic Bomb, which has our own flavor of schizophrenia or is it Stockholm Syndrome: Pueblos make $ deals with the Beast that is poisoning all of us for miles around and military tactical training goes on in our skies. To name a few goings on here, to the east, Mora Country is preparing for legal battle with the fracking oil boyz, to the south Cannon Airforce base is being stocked with drones that are already being unleashed in Arizona, to the west Rio Tinto and the Bureau of Interior is making way to open yet another uranium mine, and the Little Colorado is to be siphoned off for the likes of Las Vegas's bright city lights, and to the north along the Colorado and NM boarder the BLM is making negotiations, and environmental studies to drill oil in the watershed because they have "ownership?" All this is going on around what has been designated as a "world heritage site and water preservation area"…..I think about the Revolt of Po'Pay.
Now I was taught in school that I was "crazy", because I was taught to love Mother Earth, that I am a daughter of the land, that we as human's are to live simple lives and not to take more than you need, nor without offering. I am ok with the label of crazy, because I know, those that label me are pathologically criminally insane predators. They know no healthy boundaries, respect no one.
Yet we have good works, Idle No More, Owe Aku - Moccasins on the Ground, Tarsands Blocade ….we are gathering as Nations to Dismantle the lies of the Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny, and the Papal Bulls, we are making Earth Sanctuaries…we are gathering as families, Clans, Bands and Nations, around the world and so much more. Here we are still planting the Three Sisters, and living the Prophecies for the One Great Peace as best we know how each day.
It is time now to call upon our deepest strength of love for one another. To make friends and relatives wherever we go and in whatever we do. To nourish clear minds and pure hearts. Follow where Spirit guides us to do good works. Practice generosity, for where you hoard, withhold your love, tools, funds, voice, actions, will only support the suffering. It is only in our unity, that we will make things better for our children and the future generations to come.
I think Ceremonies are going to be really strong this year.
Other links:
Pueblo revolt: Po'Pay