Saturday, December 15, 2012

Secretary Salazar visits Taos: Rio Grande del Norte Proposal to Become a Historical Preservation Site

I look out upon the fresh new snow, grateful for what moisture in any form tungashila blesses us with. I am contemplating what I heard or read about today. A morning prayer ceremony for our youth who are troubled and/or have taken their lives at the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge... and then the Sec. of Interior Ken Salazar, Congressman Ben Lujan, et. all presentation, which included hearing from Taos Pueblo Governor Laureano Romero and Lt. Governor Gilbert Suazo Sr. and all our villages about the proposal to make the Rio Grande del Norte a historical preservation site....Secretary Salazar began the presentation with a comment about how proud he is about gas and oil development in New Mexico. He ended the presentation with a statement "Let me make this understood, this designation will in no way infringe upon or take away grazing rights, right to fire wood, plants or fish and game. It will not take away your right to live as you have been." Hmmm, I should be happy right? I should put my skepticism away right? Was everyone in favor of the designation? Yes. Have I read the designation? No. Do I trust Roberta Salazar of Rivers and Birds when she says this is a good thing? Yes.
Yet I still muse....

I asked Ben Ray Lujan how this would help protect our Rights, when Harper is in the process of breaking Indigenous Treaty Rights, and the US Government has no better record...he said he did not know what was happening in Canada, but would certainly look into it, and was in support of Indigenous Rights.

The questions that went un-answered that many of us had:

"Will this designation help us heal our youth, preserve our language, Life Ways, and Cultures...our Right to Live with our Mother as we have for thousands of years? Our Right to clean Water, Earth and Air?...Our Right to have the heavy metal contaminated Red River (that flows into the Rio Grande) super fund site in Questa cleaned up? Our Right NOT to have our skies taken over by the military for tactical war training & re-fueling by air contamination? Our Right to have the nuclear waste at area G at LANL cleaned up, that for decades has been contaminating the Rio Grande and the Pueblo waters south of us? Our Right to have all Uranium mines closed? Will it protect us from the Oil boys fracking on the other side of the mountain, or stop the XL-Pipeline crossing the Oglala aquifer which are waters of life that interconnect the Comanche, Cheyenne, Lakota, Indio-Hispanic and all Peoples of this region?....Will this designation insure that the Cycle of Water is protected in the way it feeds our aquifers, and springs?" 

No, this is just a proposed "designation" is, and will continue to be, UP TO US, to protect our Waters of Life. Regardless if we get the designation of the Rio Grande del Norte as a historical preservation site...we la gente, have been and will continue to protect her. History and current events tell us, that despite treaties, "designations", laws, etc...our politicians have NOT protected our Life Ways, our Earth, Water and Air...and in fact abused the element of Fire.

So, I am thinking about the call to the One Humanity that has agreed to this 2012 galactic party, even though my Elders told me 15-18 years ago that the date was irrelevant..."you are aware and conscious or you are not"...

So if you have agreed to show up for this global-galactic prayer...remember there are many that have been doing their best each day to maintain their Life Ways, the Ceremonies and Prayers for generations...and that we will retreat no more...the Prayer IS IN MOTION....we are Idle No More.....and it will take all of us, everyday, in whatever Ways we are called,  to do something for the greater good of All Life, for the generations to come.

I think that the most concerning thing I see is that our People's are not able to produce enough food, gather enough herbs, berries and nuts, ask for fish, deer, or elk, to sustain all the people who now live here locally. This is a fact, not fiction. Ultimately this 2012 "shift" is not only about "Being Love and Living Love and Light" it is about lifestyle changes. Food, Way of Life (language and culture) and mental health are also at the foundation of a healthy culture... Is it time for you to become dedicated to learning how to live with Mother Earth and Father Sky? Grandmother is building a Seed-Sanctuary for the preservation of our seed, organizations are implementing urban gardens, a local school built a green house, local and regional Curanderas are teaching as many as possible about good diet and healing herbs....yet there is much, much, more to be done. Please do not ever leave the preservation of the Water of Life to politics. And, if we do get this designation, let us use it to strengthen and unify about the aforementioned concerns in our region. ~ April Mondragon

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Heart Song to All My Relations

A Heart Song
All my Relations
 of the 
Heart of the West  
Heart of the East
Heart of the North
Heart of the South
All Around the Sacred Hoop of Life
 to the Beloved Heart of All Beings,
 to the Heart of Beloved Pachamama
to the Heart of 
Beloved Luna and Beloved Taawa
to the Beloved Heart of Cosmos
to Beloved Heart Within

In 2009
Rainbow Arborealis, Spirit Fire
was Born
to melt the Hearts of Masculine
In 2012
The Rainbow Borealis Serpent Fire 
was Born
to restore 
the Creative Life Source
of the Feminine
Both now merged as

Long Ride Home
healing generational trauma
in the Heart of the West
Clarity of Mind
in the Heart of the East
ushering new beginnings
for generations to come

Mind, Heart, Body and Spirit
a world in balance
wanowa ka ta se
Spiritual Wisdom and Knowledge
Eternal Cosmic Law

A Heart Song
All my relations
you are the Messengers
the Midwives 
Wisdom Keepers
Dream Keepers
Mother Earth and Father Sky's

Now is our Time
the Dreamtime restored
Listen to the Living
Heart Song
Seed Our Traditions

Speak Truth and Wisdom
Re-teach the Language of Beauty
to Every Being

Now is our Time
this Brings
Good Health and Strength
Prophecies fullfilling 
Answered by
Living them

© ~ April Mondragon
Winyon Woniya

My musings today only reflect that which has been taking place in the very recent past or at this moment. In writing, which becomes the past as soon as it is written, I can only convey and draw upon that which I am living.  It is for this reason that all Indigenous Peoples have Oral Traditions of which are shared while living them. This is why we consider the Oral Traditions as being living and the written, dead. This is not to say that one is better than the other. Both Life and Death have their purpose in Being. 

Being, is only accessible in the now. All matters of healing are accessible in any given moment, depending on the capacity one has to receive it. What each of us choose to do, think, feel, attach or detach from, heal, sing, be,  in the present moment is a choice one makes. This morning I chose to write this song, as my dreaming heart song wanted to speak to you with love. ~ BearSense

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What do you think of Our Lady of Guadalupe?

Dear BearSense, 

hmmm, can't answer your inquiry with a short answer....but if I did
I would ask why are they hanging onto a paradigm shaped by the last world?

Long answer:
in the Temezcal, even today we sing to Tonantzin, and we did this at a recent Gathering as well...another thoughtful comment * with a short
exception that Quezalcoatl is not a "he"

In considering how the "Church's worldview" has greatly influenced interpretations
of the wisdom and knowledge of Indigenous mind-heart and history, I would agree
that Our Lady indeed made a bridge between the Indigenous and Colonizers, 
in that she pledged that they would survive the genocide if they understood her role. 

I have said that the feminine went to great lengths to insure the survival of her
children, including but not limited to willingly adopting the dominant culture's religions, language, life ways ( patriarchal mind), and marrying or being sold into families with power and to lighten their skin. This in fact was in part what my mothers did in the attempt to insure the survival of our linage after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo. 

Larry M. said that "our ancestors knew that much would be smashed in the feminine and so kept hidden much knowledge and wisdom". If I were to write today about the appearance of Coatlaxopeuh I might suggest that she was giving the message about the destruction to Coatl (feminine/serpent/earth) that has come to pass and is being healed in at this very moment. I would also add the message that Hohongwitutiwa shared from Hopi
"no matter what happens or how much destruction you see or experience stay true to our Mother Earth (Tonantzin). Do not be afraid to die, she loves you, you are her children."...

We are children of the marriage between Earth and Sky.

There are many faces of the Feminine, yet each play a distinctive role in the life, death, rebirth process, healing arts, the art of dialogue (language) and the sciences. It is for this reason that the masculine goes to great lengths to protect, nourish and revere her. When he could not do so the loss was great for him in so many ways during the last world...and for many has left them still struggling
to understand their relationship with the feminine.

However the masculine I have recently come to know in the Condor half of the world are incredibly beautiful in their shift and open process
from patriarchal imprinted behavior/mind to one of balance with the feminine as they embody the depth of love, courage, gentle strength, willing generosity and necessary providing for her at this time. I think that some never really left their roots with Mother Earth. For others I found their willingness and relationship with the feminine within themselves, swift in shifting their fears, insecurities, anger, ego, and mis-placed blame to coming into balance with the haven of feminine love, compassion, and forgiveness. Many are also working tirelessly to
provide for women, and make venues available for them to do their work.

As in all things as the Grandmother's ask us to be the love that we are. If you go to my FB page there is a post by a woman who asked them (when she saw them in Nepal) : "what are we to do right now?"

So what are you willing to let go of to stand in the light and love of who you are?
Much Love and Peace, 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Earth Mother's Message to Her Children: Preparing for the Coming Fifth World

I shared a Hopi message: "Earth Mother's Message to Her Children: Preparing for the Coming Fifth World" at the Yarrabah elder's gathering in Australia. There was much discussion and questions due to it's nature. The instructions that came to me with the message as it was placed in my care were as follows: 
"Listen with your heart. There will be things they hear that will be contrary to anything they have heard or learned before. Therefore, if you share this message, please make yourself available for counsel to those that need help to process the information." 
Also, "This is to be shared freely only by those who are willing to take responsibility in it's care-taking, others should refer others to you to let you know who it is shared with. The Elder's who gave and taught this message do not want this to turn into money making schemes or to create fear by those without enough cultural knowledge to understand the message." 

I am now posting this blog, so that you, may contact me with a brief sentence stating your spiritual & cultural background and awareness and relationship with feminine knowledge. 
~ Woniya Winyan