From a Bear's perspective, the United Corporations of Amerika continue to create more and more laws and regulations, that serve no purpose but to make more suffering. Please read Keith McHenry, co-founder of Food Not Bombs post below. Philly is not the first city to create criminally insane laws which have resulted in FNB volunteers being fined and jailed, or limited to being able to feed people one day a month. Any financially poor person will tell you that any subsidy that they may have received in the past from Social Services for food, for households with dependent children or the disabled, has been cut to about a dollar a day. Meanwhile the military industrial complex war machine fat cats roll around in pork bellies.
Please consider calling or writing Mr. Brooks of the NLC to express your outrage. And then make a donation or volunteer at your local Food Not Bombs chapter. ~ Bear
"…James Brooks, the National League of Cities' program director for community development and infrastructure, says he agrees with Philadelphia's approach to banning public feeding."
Religious Charity On Philadelphia Homeless Feeding Ban: 'We're Going To Break The Law"
Dear Mr Brooks,
We sure hope that the National League of Cities reconsiders it's support for laws banning the sharing of food in public. This policy could not be more misguided at this time when the U.S. Census is reporting that one in two Americans are struggling to survive. I meet people every week that have been unable to get food for their families from food banks or indoor soup kitchens and express huge relief that we are able to help. Food Not Bombs has been sharing food out door for over 30 years and provides meals outside in over 1,000 cities and not one person has reported that they were made ill eating our organic vegetarian food. Many people will not eat at indoor soup kitchens because they do not feel safe. We hear this all the time mostly from mothers with children. Even the experts claim we are heading for a Great Depression and food costs are rising. A war with Iran wont be much of a help either so we need groups like Food Not Bombs to build support for real solutions to poverty.
Our volunteers plan to resist this misguided policy in every city where a ban is proposed or implemented. As you may know efforts to stop our meals have cost cities tens of thousands of dollars which could have been better used to support efforts to end hunger. Nearly bankrupt cities should consider this fact when seeking to drive the poor out of sight. Silencing efforts to solve the economic and political crisis is counter productive. When we are able to spend billions to fight war it is clear we have the ability to make sure no one is forced to eat at a soup kitchen. Please join us in ending poverty and despair in our cities. Thanks for your consideration.
Keith McHenry
co-founder of the Food Not Bombs movement
Religious Charity On Philadelphia Homeless Feeding Ban: 'We're Going To Break The Law'
Huffington Post By Jessica Prois 07/17/2012
...James Brooks, the National League of Cities' program director for community development and infrastructure, says he agrees with Philadelphia's approach to banning public feeding.
Corn May Rally to Record $8.50 as Drought Deepens, Newedge Says
National League of Cities
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Water is Life: A Hopi Message ~ Together We Can Protect the Waters of the World
Water is Life.
The Hopi, and all First Nations of Turtle Island, are our Elders. The Hopi, rarely have come out publicly since Chief Dan Evehema brought the world the Hopi Prophecies.
When I was young, my Hopi relatives, shared with me that if the Hopi Way of Life were to become threatened, if it were to end; all Life on Mother Earth would be threatened and come to an end.
Now is the time to listen, and respond to our Elders request. We are to care and preserve our waters locally, regionally and globally. We are to come together as One Humanity in collective resistance to the desecration of the Holy Waters of Life.
Please stand in unity and solidarity with the Hopi, sign the petition to defeat SB2109, and share this with all of your contacts.
Waste, Asquali, Thank you
Stop SB 2109
Other Links:
The Traditional Hopi
Hopi Prophecy
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
ACTION ALERT: 10K Metric Tons of Nuclear Toxic Waste
Our Mother Earth, her Peoples, and All Life, everywhere is being assaulted and violated by the corporate-military-political industrial complex. Locally and regionally we are being targeted by the Fracking Oil boys, the XL Pipeline, the attempt through SB 2109 to steal treaty water rights from the Hopi and Navajo Nations, and now we are facing 10 metric tons of nuclear and chemical waste being dumped here. Time to wake up, get up and stand up, we are in a fight for our lives. Please sign this petition, keep sharing it, and show up where ever and whenever you can to stop the devastation to our beloved Mother Earth.
Thank you,
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Hopi and Navajo Petitions to Stop SB 2109
The Hopi and Navajo Nations are asking for our support in defeating SB2109
SB 2109 would take away their Water Rites to the Little Colorado River.
Water is Life.
Please sign these petitions and share, share, share, facebook, Twitter, email.
Thank you for your support and solidarity.
SB 2109 would take away their Water Rites to the Little Colorado River.
Water is Life.
Please sign these petitions and share, share, share, facebook, Twitter, email.
Thank you for your support and solidarity.
Ancestral Archives
Out here on the Mestizo Reservation
sandwiched between the Original Village
Blue lake waters
nourishing aquifer
Thunder Being Dances,
and the ultimate
corporate death dust mind bombs
of what money can buy
Both accessible to money, and the big
boy toys...
Out here on the Mestizo Reservation
You might never hear a sound
or ever be found
Voices of our Ancestors, made
of water, fire, and stone
life's fabric laid over bone
whispering songs of time space
only to those who
know the path to travel home
Out here on the Mestizo Reservation
there is a womb, an umbilical tunnel
guardians are her lips
between north and south
of the Eagle Condor -
half sides married,
above and below
the sand worlds painted
for any who choose to know
from whence we came and where we go
~ BearSense 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Conversations between a Hawk and a Bear
Hawk scried with Vision
something greater than television
Heart-Mind connection and reflections
Ancestor Stones showing the way Home
Like Moths to Flame,
They came
Contemplating from Tree's roots and reach
The Dance of Peace and Harmony
Love, Compassion, Discernment, Clarity
Truth by it's nature, rises to the surface
The Kachina's Stone, Staff, Cup and Obsidian Blade
Chrysalis sang, revealing how each are made.
something greater than television
Heart-Mind connection and reflections
Ancestor Stones showing the way Home
Like Moths to Flame,
They came
Contemplating from Tree's roots and reach
The Dance of Peace and Harmony
Love, Compassion, Discernment, Clarity
Truth by it's nature, rises to the surface
The Kachina's Stone, Staff, Cup and Obsidian Blade
Chrysalis sang, revealing how each are made.
From a Bear's perspective, the two leggeds practicing infinite compassion, want to bring as many along as they can into the New Sun. There will be many wanting to come that helped build and maintain the old world, having the capacity to do so may be a different matter. Some will come still dragging the skull and cross bones and their gods with them. The Science God, the Economic God, the War God, the Addiction God, only to name a few. They will tell you that all that needs to happen is to re-tool the gods a bit to fit your Vision. They will come like missionaries having seen the light, and do their best to "teach you" their culture. Remember that language is the foundation of every culture. They know that their old world is crumbling, and they fear, because they know not yet, from whence they came, nor how to get home. Some may not even know that there will come a time when their world will no longer be a reality. Mother Earth, the Cosmos and Wakan Tanka will take care. The time is short, and the dimensional doorway is open. The ones that are 1/2 way across the Rainbow bridge will be able to cross with what Wakan Tanka and Wakan Ina Maka provide. Those that have not done their homework for the last 4 decades will be moths, not Butterflies.
This old Bear, has a bit of concern over how you have been "taxed", as of late. So a prayer for you has been made. It is in Ceremony at the moment. It may come via an epiphany , or the tuff luv of compassion, we shall have to see.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
White Buffalo Tatanka Ska born
When Lightning Medicine Cloud and his mother were killed, I said in my May 4th post that, killing them would not stop the ushering in of the Lakota Prophecies of the White Buffalo Calf, or the Divine Feminine.
Today we receive the June 30th news the of the birth of Tatanka Ska.
Today we receive the June 30th news the of the birth of Tatanka Ska.
"Human Resources" : A New Definition
"Human Resources": A New Definition
I have talked often in this Blog about language being the foundation
of every culture and that the language of beauty is the language of
I recently was invited to become a participant with a group of people
who's collective Vision of a human culture living more harmoniously
with All Life, is possible. We all come from various tribes and
cultures. As with any group of people collaborating together from
differing cultures, communication is vital to being able to
understand one-another's differences and commonalities.
What is common among all humans is the need for water, food,
clothing, shelter, healthy inter-personal relationships, and love.
Going about providing for these needs is different between Earth or
Natural Way cultures and Industrialized cultures. Without these
elements, the Spirit having a human experience suffers.
I find it interesting that Buddhism recognizes the the same aspects
in interpersonal relationships the Mayans call yail (pronounced
ya-eel), a simplified meaning: love/pain. I have contemplated this
relationship yail, every time I feel the twinge of pain in my heart,
from some form of language spoken to me, that I still experience as
being connected to generational trauma as a result of the rape, and
genocide to our Mother Earth and her Peoples. The human behavior of
inflicting genocidal homicide and suicide can be traced to its
language, which is the mind construct of it's beliefs. A language
used in a dominant culture, to propagate beliefs of subjugation and
oppression, is maintained through willing adoption and unwillingly
imposed circumstances. Once indoctrinated, humans, consciously or
unconsciously, recreate this cycle of abuse amongst themselves, and
in other inter-personal relationships.
I have been becoming more acutely aware of my experiences to yail
since a Mayan friend introduced it to me. In fact, I have found any
word can be contemplated, to take one deeper and deeper into one's
Self knowing. I have also found the practice of going to the root
origins of words interesting; in how the meanings of words change
depending on context, the evolution of the culture, and how it
reflects a culture's self awareness of it's inter-relationship with
All Life.
Now let us take for example at the word “resource”. This word
means different things to a human being and a capitalist business
person. I thought about this word so commonly used by the US
Government and corporate businesses and began to read articles from a
variety of sources (see references below). The word “resource”
and “human resource” to a modern capitalist economist, put in the
context of “using, utilizing, and profiting”, has been
disconnected from its inter-personal relationship with life and
language of Nature, and our Earth Mother. It is necessary to
disconnect relationally from nature, to subjugate the “resources”
to lesser non entities so as not to face the atrocities of greed
created by this economic-based culture and to "use" humans as fodder to gain profits for the war/nuclear industry. Today the Economic and War
Gods' language and beliefs systems have become so prevalent,
intertwined, and common, that even well meaning do gooders,
environmentalists, and commoners, all speak their language, thinking
nothing of the current and historical, cultural influences this
language has in shaping our worldviews and interpersonal
relationships with each other - as one species, our Natural World,
and All Life.
Now as a human being who is aware that well meaning people,
particularly those with corporate patriarchal backgrounds, use the
language of the economic and war gods with lack of awareness about
how their language would be perceived by other cultures (or that they
know no other culture's language), do not take their language to
seriously nor personally anymore. For in fact, you see, these 2 gods
have been in power for a few thousand years, and we know that a
dominant culture does not have to look at themselves, for they do the
defining of others. The dominant culture in “power” does not have
to listen to those they have historically subjugated and oppressed by
their way of life. They will even come as do gooders, going to teach
the “poor” natives their language and beliefs, so that they too,
can revere the economic and war gods,who will promise to give them
great wealth, fame and prestige, under the same corporate models,
but now for environmental “sustainability”. This is like saying
“clean coal” or “clean nuclear energy”. Am I being too harsh
here? Really I do not mean to sound harsh, it's just that it is an
old movie, and the script is getting old, and I am rather content, to
see the beautiful sunset, of these gods' days. Know that the New Sun
generation of youth that are here, they will transform the “industries”
built by these gods, if not simply by their lack of interest and
participation, but by their love for our Mother Earth and her
language and culture.
So let me move on here,because if I go back to historical roots of
the word “resource”...we will find that “re” has an old
french meaning in the resonance of music, as in, “do re mi fa so la
ti do”, as in ray of sun? And in latin to “rise up”.
Source: the point of origin. Therefore, let us re-learn, re-member
the language of beauty. When referring to another as a resource, know
the meaning to be “a ray from the original Source of All Life.”
and you will find your way back to the Natural Way of
interconnectedness with All Life; or you can just refer to these
“human resources” as People of the New Sun. As mi Abuela Rosa
Marguerita taught me, it is truly holy and sacred to become Human
Now if we have changed the meaning of just one word in the language
of the economic and war gods culture, this does not mean that a
transformation of their culture will miraculously change for the
greater good of all life, rather, it is one word, a beginning, and as
the Buddha said, He could not enlighten anyone, or make them practice
Buddhism...a human has to desire it for themselves. So too, it is
with the Way of Peace. If you have never heard the language of
beauty, believe me when I tell you, that when you do, you will
recognize it because once the sweet nectar of it flows from your
heart to your mind and through your lips, it is so powerful that you
will not be able to live without it.
~ BearSense
Culture at Work is everything and everything is culture
Too Insignificant for the Majority to See, Alice Walker, Shambhala
Sun, May 2007.
Japan's nuclear cleanup, is human life cheaper than machines?
Occupy Harvard: Take a Break, Think
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